Is Sonic saved?
Is Sonic saved?
>2D Romhack shit
on ps4 pc and xbox one. Not on 3ds.
are people actually excited about this? it seems like its a giant step backwards
Nintendrones BTFO
No. If anything they proved they have no idea how to keep the series alive.
rom hack tier
So this is ALL the genesis games, right?
Nothing wrong with a well-executed throwback. People loved Megaman 9.
Let me rephrase that. not on 3ds or psvita.
>not Pii Poo
>not 3ds
Looks comfy desu.
It's sad how much better Freedom Planet looks than this.
That's why they're going back to the physics.
It's Sonic 4 again.
It's literally their best option. Sega can't handle making modern games.
What I mean is why couldn't they put a 2D sonic game on one of the handhelds?
So are they "remaking" every genesis game, or is this just gonna cherry pick levels like Generations???
I can't wait to buy it for my Nintendo NX.
Your shit taste just does not end.
The quality of the execution, we'll see.
New game entirely, with a Genesis remake.
>That logo animation with Sonic spinning briefly at the end
Fuck me this is hype
looks fun
It's SO odd to see a new Sonic 2D retro game again that is made by partly at SEGA to be released now as a new Main Sonic game that isn't 3D.
Also I want to know why did it take 3 YEARS for this game to be made.
It's funny because Pac-man's XBLA output is fucking amazing and fun. Dig Dug DLC too.
>people complain that they want a good game
>Sega decides to throw it back after seeing the positive reviews for Classic Sonic in Generations
People are never fucking satisfied. They're never revisting SA or SA2 because of how shit they are now. They aren't revisiting Unleashed because of the backlash from Werehog. They aren't revisiting Lost World because of the backlash.
Damn we've had more solid 2D games than 3D ones. I can understand if you wanted Modern Boost Sonic but I don't mind this since Sega is at least starting to realize that the people want this.
It's not 3D shit at least.
>mfw this ig going to be a Sonic Maker.
>No Wii U
>no NX
Anyone else really digging the musical direction? Shit is simultaneously chill and hype.
No Shadow no buy
Outside of the ugly sprite rotations it looks great. The Genesis games are pretty much as good as Sonic will ever be and its great to finally see an official new title with Christian Whitehead involved.
Holy shit this actually looks amazing
I'm simply okay with this.
Well at least it isn't Sonic 4, which was basically just a flash game.
>Millennialfags mad that it's not some 3D casual shit
>no Sonic Adventure 3
>no most of Sonic's friends
>no new characters
>no actual story
Dropped. Hard.
It's got an install base of 60 million, why on earth would they not put it on the 3DS?
fucking kek
Who the fuck owns a wiiu/3ds and not also a pc?
they'll still announce SA3 faggot
>they finally realized 3D Sonic is shit and they've been fucking up for years
So, this is literally Sonic 4?
Holy fuck I'm hype
They listened to you faggots for years, now it's our turn
I really hope this post is ironic.
Who doesn't own a PC period?
>No shitty adventure gameplay
>No more shitty unneeded characters
>IMPLYING there needs to be MORE characters
>Caring about story, even though it isnt even confirmed to have no story
Shit taste.
Sega does what Nintendon't
>Pokemon did it and they got money
>let's do it too
Why should they? Have you not seen any Sonic game released for the 3DS? They're all stripped-down, shittier versions of the proper versions.
>all those comments wanting a 3D sonic game
was there even a good 3D sonic game?
I am glad they are licensing fan games but does this need to be our big reveal?
So... NO downgrade?
There already is a Sonic the Hedgehog 4
Have you seen the game? It could literally run on a Genesis
Because this game looks like it can run on a toaster. It's a fucking romhack
Legitimately happy about this one. The comments make me wanna kill myself, with all these kids wanting more 3D Sonic autism.
This is actually nice for a fucking change.
I wish it actually looked like a big company like Sega made it and less like a Kickstarter retro indie game. If you're going to do nostalgia pandering and make it look like a Genesis game, then do it right like in Megaman 9/10. Those rixels just don't look right
>no one is singing along
>not posting on Sup Forums on your tablet/smartphone
get with the times grandpa
Just remember how the actual Sonic 4 turned out.
>Hot pockets keep deleting sanic threads
It's Sonic 4 as you truly imagined it
nipples the enchalada
fucking dropped
>People are actually upset we aren't getting a throwback game to when Sonic failed to do 3D
>that sprite rotation
>that color depth
>that animation
team valor
Go third party
wew, this guy again
Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed
>No 3DS/NX version
Confirmed bomb.
Freedom Planet was already a vast improvement over every Sonic game ever made. This is just icing on the cake.
Do you not know what Freedom Planet is? It's great. It's like what Sonic would be if it was actually good.
MM9 and 10 had certain things in them that weren't possible on an NES though.
Sonic Mania actually does seem like the MM9 of Sonic.
no, its a new 2d game with it's own stages and remixed changed original stages
sonic adventure 1 was alright just for the novelty of 3D still being fresh
it had high fps for a fast game at that time (1999) compared to most of the games out there, but nowadays they haven't aged well
sonic was better as a 2d cause you could emphasize the level design
So how is it?
Its one New 3D game and one new 2D game?
It could run on a 32x.
>no unneeded extra characters
>classic-style gameplay
>whitehead leading the project
>that fucking amazing art
This is going to be at least good-tier, if not great-tier.
They'll screw it up.
I don't get it, does it include remakes of the Genesis games or are levels from Sonic 1 included for no particular reason?
>Freedom Planet
I don't get the hype. I tried playing it and it's not that great.
Looks like one of those romhacks.
its an entirely new game
Potentially, there's still further announcements later on the stream
>Have you seen the game? It could literally run on a Genesis
You have no idea what the Genesis is capable of. Protip: this isn't something it's capable of.
No it isn't. It's more in line with a standalone fan-game.
I bet it gets an iOS/Android port but they didn't want to announce it due to negative stigma
>2d gameplay is fast-paced
>stages seem interesting
>only sonic, tails and knuckles
>seems to be focused on gameplay rather than cringy shit
I don't get it, isn't this what everyone always wanted? Why are people bitching?
>not instinct
Probably to wait for the right time to release it. What better time, than the 25th anniversary?