>it's fucking nothing
It's fucking nothing
What exactly where you expecting?
Something on par with Generations.
Something more than Sonic 1.5 featuring the same levels but slightly different
>The new game is a romhack
I bet someone can recreate the game for free.
Not a fan hack.
This is like when Capcom officially announced Megaman vs Streetfighter during his anniversary, a fan made game that was already created before hand and they just wanted to take credit for it.
But this isn't a hack.
And they're almost certainly going to announce another game later anyway.
>"retro" game
>rotating sprites
>But this isn't a hack.
Shame, fans do a better job than Sega.
Knuckles Chaotix had rotation and scaling and shit on sprites, I'm pretty sure.
It wasn't perfect rotation ignoring the pixel orientation like they showed in Sonic Mania
Many SNES/Genesis games had rotating sprites.
They were slow as hell as a result though
Games like Adventures of Batman & Robin and Mega Turrican had rotating sprites on the Genesis and ran just fine.
The lead programmer was a fan who did a better job than sega and they gave him a job because of it
>it's a fan game basically
>reused assets from as far back as game 1
>first half of the "trailer" is playing up nostalgia they wish they hadn't killed with a decade of trash
even if it IS good too fucking little too fucking late, i'll die before i pay money for another sonic game
It's not over yet you cuck.
>We want more 2D sonic
>it's a fan game basically
Anymore so than any other Sonic game not made by the original creator of Sonic?
How exactly?
>reused assets from as far back as game 1
Nah, even looking at the trailer in a mediocre quality stream I can see that Sonic is far more smoothly animated than he ever was in any Genesis game, and his shading looks very different.
Whether they are modified old sprites and drew additional frames, or they are totally new, it's clear that they aren't JUST reusing old assets.
>making a romhack
I'm fine with this
it's fucking nothing for us Adventurefags who don't want good games*
Fix'd for you m8
they took what was shaping up to be another in a long line of fangames better than anything they could make and either bought it out or threatened with CND if they didn't let sega in on that
Sonic 3 and Knuckles had rotating sprites.
Hell Mega Man 5 on the NES had rotating sprites.
If they cannot make a new sonic game using the tools and assists of the classic that made the series so good, there is no hope for sonic. It can go wrong if the level design is incorrect.
I'm pretty sure we're getting another game. That's what I heard, at least.
>Sonic 3 and Knuckles had rotating sprites.
Do you have even a single example?
Jump on any cloud in Sky Sanctuary
>We'll make another 2D game
>hey! Just to show that this is a "true" return to 2D, lets use the classic sprites!
How's it a fangame?
The movie
Post yfw SEGA finally hit it's roots
Sonic 4 and Generations got most of us over that. Doesn't help that Generation's modern gameplay was so much better than the classic gameplay.
The rotating platforms in Hydrocity.
Is he right Sup Forums
new overwatch hero confirmed knuckles
Sonic adventure 3
Sonic 4 was pure shit and generations was merely acceptable, Taxman can at least get the gameplay right with 2D sonic.
Who is this unverified loser
He's an Adventure fanboy. Started with Adventure 2 and Adventure 2 is his favorite Sonic game.
I blame nostalgiafags
To a degree, but if the game turns out being really fun then I don't care.
literally who
Why are people actually having a fit over this? It's not like you have to get every sonic game made. I sure don't.
because it's literally a romhack
There's two games you trigger happy homo.
Because this shit's been hyped for months, and the payoff was mediocre.
How? because it's 2D?
looks like the sonic 4 we always wanted
I cant wait
a fangame as in: not started in house, they caught onto a fan making a game and jumped it because it looked good and they can't into good
are you dense?
Am I the only one who thinks this looks fun as fuck? I'm not even big on classic Sonic, I always preferred the SA games.
That's not rotation. They just display separate premade sprites for 0, 45, 90, 135, etc. degrees.
Those sprites show rotation, but do not themselves rotate, so that's not the sort of thing I'm talking about.
This will be better than Generations. It will have better level design, art, and physics.
Even if it's basically a direct sequel to S3K it'll be better than any Sonic game they've made since, maybe excluding the Sonic Advance series. Every 3D Sonic game has been shit.
>A band new genesis-quality game
>Classic Amy
Modern Amy is better in every way. I want her to play more like she did in Advance 1, it made her really unique compared to everyone else.
For fuck's sake do these faggots know there's a very obvious ????? towards the end? And this was NOT the Sonic Team game.
SEGA's pulling a "why not both" , it's not fuckin rocket science
nigger did you look at any of the trailer?
right down to the flowers green hill zone is ripped in what looks like pixel for pixel don't sit there and try to pick apart how it ISN'T a direct rip of ancient assets
One of the guys working on it reverse-engineered and added stuff to the first two games and Sonic CD. Why would you need someone like that unless you're trying to insert code into an existing game?
Those are pretty common nowadays, we call them romhacks. Or Freedom Planet
>A new official sonic game
>They just display separate premade sprites for 0, 45, 90, 135, etc. degrees.
And how do you know if that's what's actually happening?
Adventure was never good I have no idea you fucks want one
>bu...but muh chao
They can be a standalone phone game we don't need an adventure 3 for chao trash
If you're lying to me I will find you.
The lead programmer has worked for SEGA since 2009.
Because he actually knows how the physics work unlike the incompetent fucks behind all the new 2D games.
They confirmed that Sonic Team is working on a new game months ago. Sonic Mania isn't Sonic Teams projec
freedom planet is the definition of mediocre
>Make History
holy fuck
So what if it's a romhack? The 2D Sonic engine got it right the first time, don't try to reinvent the wheel.
>announced incredibly early on in the stream
>being made by everyone but sonic team themselves
>implying it takes years to make a fucking pixel game
Seriously guys.
He is a hired contractor not a sega employee
>hiring competent people makes new games fangames
Literally who is this nigger
Adventure fanboy here.
Another classic Sonic rehash, now with Amiga colors.
Produce a screenshot of sprites at any other angle.
He has remade three Sonic games while working with SEGA since 2009?
What difference does it make? This seems like an artificial distinction that doesn't really have any bearing on the quality of the game.
Was Retro's Donkey Kong Country Returns a fan game?
Anyway, if you want your big budget boost game, I'm sure it's still coming. Stop crying and just watch the rest of the show.
Sonic 3D Blast 2
Sounds much more complicated than just executing some code.
There is a modern amy mod for Sonic 3 and knux that has her play similar to her adventure self. Going with no spindashing is interesting
I'm confused.
Is this a remake or a completely new game?
I can only hope
I think its awesome. I was hoping for a 2D game. I had no idea it would actually feature classic sonic. I expected something along the lines of Sonic 4.
A going to replay some of the sonic games that got shited on including the olympic games. The sega shill should kill himself for defending this 2d indie looking cash in. 3 years of current gen comsoles and this is what we get from sega. What the fuck is team sonic even doing.
Kind of, but to say Sonic 4 already fills that kind of niche is a lie.
We still need a 3D sonic, and I doubt this 2D game took all of Sonic Team's resources for this long.
Remake with new elements, it seems.
It looks great but fans already had got the 2d formula down for a while with fangames and romhacks. It looks like something whipped up in the sonic world engine. I know it will be great the programmers behind the project are legit but im really hoping for a big 3d reveal.
Nobody got 3d perfect yet I really want to see sega's next shot at it.
Yeah if the hardware supports rotating and scaling like the SNES, but the Genesis had to do it in-software.
It looks like a 32X/Saturn 2D Sonic game. Looks orgasmic and I am hyped as fuck.
Sonic 1, 2, and CD were remade from cratch (graphics and music aside) in an engine the guy made.
There is no original code or things being inserted into original games.
They are not hacks.
Sonic Mania is not a hack.
Stop being retarded.
They're on the fucking sprite sheet
This, I can't believe 3D Sonic fans are so selfish and autistic that they're pissing themselves just because Sega announced a 2D Sonic game.
>with fangames and romhacks.
You mean things most people have never heard of or played
>whipped up in the sonic world engine.
Its using the S3K taxmann engine.
He is a free contractor they just hired him when doing those phone ports. That's it. He is not a sega employee in japans sonic studio. Only reason he is at this show was because 1 they have a fan who knows classic physics and 2 to have fans not worry that it's going to be shit like every sonic game released since adventure