>Sup Forums unironically hates AAA games
>Sup Forums unironically loves GTAV
>Sup Forums unironically hates AAA games
>Sup Forums unironically loves GTAV
i unironically hate everything but memes
>Sup Forums is one person
>caring what Sup Forums thinks
Same. Except I hate memes too.
What is the deal with this meme, though? Why has it ever been acceptable to ironically do anything?
fuck off kys cuck meme fag
Sup Forums is hypocrite, what else is new.
>unironically hating memes
i hope you're being insincere in your unironic hatred
since the dawn of time
Sup Forums (and other boards) are filled with cancer faggots who try to control a narrative and make their opinion a majority consensus.
It sucks being a Gary Johnson supporter in Sup Forums these days.
>unpopular opinion
>GTAV is a mess of shit net code and 3 year olds
>utter garbage
Nope I hate GTAV too but I like some AAA Sup Forums hates like TW3 anf Skyrim
How do you explain that
I hate GTA V. I stopped about halfway through and didn't come back for months because it was that boring. The only thing it has going for it is its graphics.
Who is she?
im v
Since when? GTA threads are like 25% bitching about GTAV.
If you wanted to point out hypocrisy, you could say that the "classics" that Sup Forums touts were the AAA games of their time.
>op unironically sucks dicks
>op unironically says something stupid as shit
Clearly a man who accidentally a female face.
Why would it be different to ironically hate shit? Its like when people are ironically annoying to mock someone, they are still being annoying as fuck too.
Also it just means people aren't stupid, yes most AAA are shallow and get the shit they deserve, but some are good and get recognized as such.
Liking games for their merit, the bastards.
Allison Stokke
people on Sup Forums actually think Cods that arent WW2 are good or that Overwatch is intelligently designed
online is pretty awful and most people would probably agree to that. single player was pretty great though.
>Buzzword+buzzword = witty insult
>Sup Forums unironically loves GTAV
This isn't true
>Sup Forums constantly says how shit overwatch will be
>At least 5 given threads at any time after release
fuck off nu male sjw cuckshit
>Sup Forums is one person ebin meme
i dont like gtav
probably because gta5 is the only good AAA game in the last 10 years
The amount of effort that went into GTA:V is fucking staggering, though, even compared to other AAA titles.
It didn't feel like another, "let's do the least amount of work while trying to make the most amount of money", cashgrab that other top sellers tend to toss out.
A decent amount of effort seems to go into GTA. They don't churn out a three-hour-long rehash every six months like many AAA franchises do. Even though I don't personally enjoy GTA games very much, I can appreciate that they're a cut above most of the garbage that's popular with normalfags.
t. samefag
Sup Forums also likes Uncharted and MGS, literally the most AAA series in current existence
>Sup Forums also likes Uncharted and MGS
No. Sonyggers like Uncharted.
I think this is why GTA makes gazillions of dollars, but it's not particularly fair to the games that we're comparing it to. Gta had sonething like a 350 million dollar budget although 150 or so went to marketing. Still, with a massive budget like that, you can afford to take risks that smaller companies just can't and you can also flesh out your ideas and inspirations for the game much more.
There's also brand equity which pretty much ensures that even if the game is subpar, it's going to sell zillions (but people seem to have caught on with CoD, though it took a couple of shitty games to get everyone's attention). Obviously "fairness" means jack shit, but with the amount of money that R* has (and freedom, since T2 just lets them do their thing and doesn't interfere, which is a luxury that many other companies DON'T have), they can be as creative and detail-minded as they want.
well that might be because it's a sony exclusive hot shot
>Sup Forums is one person.
Check the post times.
> 3 people cant like the game i hate. it must be the same person
Nobody here really likes GTA IV or V, most discussion about V seems to be about how IV was more technically impressive even with the gray brown filter
>Hating a game because it's AAA/not AAA
I like some AAA games (TW, MGS, KH, FF, etc) and i like some smaller indie games (Bastion, Furi, Braid, FTL, VVVVV, etc).
I hate some AAA games (UC4, Batman, AC, CoD, etc) and I hate some indies (Most steam shovelware)
Like games you like and not because they were developed with x amount of money/resources.