It's friday, why aren't you having dranks with the gang?

It's friday, why aren't you having dranks with the gang?

I have work tomorrow and a bunch of morons will probably be in to bitch at me because they drunkenly overdrafted their accounts tonight....can't wait!

Is VALHALLA good? I was thinking of getting it on sale.

Aside of memes and epic green arrows, is Valhalla any good?

I don't like drinking when it's this hot out. Being in the south is suffering right now.

I'm too busy nannying my mom in a shitty motel in the middle of nowhere.

valhalla is pretty damn good. It plays like a VN and the way it handles the routes is pretty unique, but there is almost nonexistant gameplay. So if you like story driven gameplay you will love it

If you're looking for a game, no. If you're looking for fun characters and good dialogue, yeah.

story driven games*

Ew VNs

No, it is Saturday afternoon and I am just about to go into Tokyo with a friend to play Pokemon go

So it's a bartender dating sim?

How good are the characters?

it's alright and worth a play
if you want to avoid the memes just stay away from danger/u/ , that's where the bulk is and why most people on here hate it.

there's a pretty wide variety of characters, I'd say about 15-20 or so, and they've all got stories and stuff you can pry into by serving them either what they ask for or something different. This is also how the routes are handled


Is the character I play as set or do I create them?

Shit man, I feel for you. I'm in a shitty motel in the middle of nowhere too, that's why I'm here and not out getting drunk in some weird bar with strangers.

Alcohol is for real life tryhards and just like smoking a bad habbit. At least vidya can be pirated for free

The shadows look like shit in the pixelated version. Is it like that in-game?

Alcohol is humanity's friend, it's been with us since the Neolithic.

My nigga
I hate the heat

>on summer vacay
>All the friends I made at uni live fucking far away
>no other good friends to really hang out with

Feels bad, man

You play as a set character, her name is Jill and she's kind of a loony, she smokes and drinks alot and is ultimately depressed, but she makes for a pretty good main character if you ask me.

If you're really interested in it, it is incredibly trivial to pirate, there's no DRM just like most if not all VNs. But I do recommend buying it (if you enjoy it) as the developers are in Venezuela and are actively being starved by their own government

I don't have any real friends, only internet friends.

In fact, I haven't had any discernible social life in years.

We live in the future, there is no need for this primitive kind of escapism anymore, friend

But I am.

The gang's all here

danger/u/ is too accurate a representation of this shithole for me to hate the game for doing that

Yeah it is all pixelated in game. It's a shame because you only really see each and every character's top half, even though they had full bodies drawn.

I love how quickly discussion of Valhalla died.
Should have focused more on the waifu bartending.

Alright so i played this game after seeing a thread the other day and people telling me i should give it a go

It's really fucking good, but why's it not popular? Tried to find some porn, most of it's badly drawn or nonexistent

The official website blogpost makes it look like it was in dev for a long time and had bad reception, what happened?

What do the drinks influence? I've messed up constantly with the reporter black guy because i had no idea there was literally a 'beer' option, otherwise i've got perfect scores. Are the changes big?

I'm almost to megachristmas on chapter 2, how far thought the game would you say i am?

Thanks to anyone who answers these, i don't normally play VNs

also sei best girl

>top half
What the fuck, why? She has ZR, how could someone decide NOT to have that in-game?

>but why's it not popular?
no significant exposure and as a VN it's kinda "eh"

if you guys consider this an 'eh' VN i'd love to see what you consider the best. Or maybe i'm just biased because cyberpunk is cool as fuck

The devs do not have access to the internet because they are either in Brazil or, worse, Venezuela. I know the person doing the vita port and he lives in america, the coder cannot get internet for any amount of time to give the code to him


getting people drunk will give you different dialogue

the game goes until new years eve, or new years day I don't remember

Jill is best girl


This flopped right?

>just my opinion
don't get me wrong, I like the style
ever17, kara no shoujo, deus machina demonbane
planetarian is also good, but it's more of a straight-forward short story


i think it succeeded with its demographic

unfortunately its demographic is extremely limited

Buy Va-11 Hall-A™ and invest in the Venezuelan economy!

With how much they were charging, how uncommonly popular it turned out to be, and how fucked their country's economy is, it probably did very well.

Can't go out cause i my immune system got destroyed by a bone marrow transplant so i cant do much till i get my shots again, cancer fucking sucks

It is pixelated but it looks a lot better than that image, I'd guess that's an earlier version of her.

>If you're really interested in it, it is incredibly trivial to pirate, there's no DRM just like most if not all VNs. But I do recommend buying it (if you enjoy it) as the developers are in Venezuela and are actively being starved by their own government
Didn't they fuck off? Or was the money not enough?

I'm drinking with myself and connecting with everyone else on Sup Forums and /biz/ and /k/ who does that... right? Wish I found people like myself in this new town

damn bro

how long u got


>Had a dream where I WAS Jill
>Will never have it again

Yes, that looks very good actually. I'm ok with pixels, really like them but that first image looked real bad.

Who's best girl?

So how does this thing work, exactly? Routes are determined by deciding if you get some char drunk or not at certain times? Are there hints of when to do it, or is it the sort of thing you decide whimsically? Are there romantic interest or just some char backstory? Does the game has an actual plot where important things happen or you just serve cocktails and hear people talk?

I kind of want to fall to the hype, but these questions bother me way to much to thik I'll enjoy this game if I buy it.

What's wrong? You don't want to invest in Venezuela?
Venezuela is gonna be cyberpunk soon...

>had a dream i cuddled with dorothy all night


>serving alcohol to anime girls
>extremely limited demographic
They blew it. I blame Venezuela.

>new to anime in general
>hated it before, always told animeposters to slit their throats
>try this game
>fall in love with one of the characters
>mfw i literally have faux love with a fucking anime video game character

how do i fix this, fellow anime gamers

Completely unrelated but what's the less shitty ISP in burgerland? I just moved into San Antonio and google fiber is not available yet.

The devs did get alot of money, but the problem is he (at least the artist) wants to move his entire family out of his country. Which I guess he doesn't have the money to do because venezuela has hiked the prices of all transportation up

Because it's almost 12am, can't sleep, lifting and browsing Sup Forums in order to run from the crippling loneliness that is reality and I don't have friends, either.

You don't. Embrace your weebness.


>invest in the Venezuelan economy!
Fuck you, I'm helping the devs move out of their shitty country

Pirate senpai, then if you like it you can buy it

Yeah that shit hits too close to home for those around here who have no self awareness.

>romantic interests
Biggest one is Jill and her boss, Dana.
You're just a bartender. You hear them talk and serve drinks to make them talk more. It's not action packed about corporations being Weyland Yutani or anything. It's about the typical person of the society.

My guess is that they applied a filter to the color design and cleaned it up a lot to make it pixelated

You aren't lonely, you have us

i didn't fall in love with a cripple

there aren't routes really. you get different bits of dialogue depending on if you get people drunk, they aren't really important. sometimes there are hints (X is looking down, do i give her the drink she asked for or what i know her favorite is?) romantic interest not really, character backstory yeah, for everyone, it's pretty good. game has a loose plot, but it's mostly atmosphere building

>implying alcohol isn't a handicap

And that's all I have ever needed these past 7 years, user. Thank you.

I choose not to have friends.

Would you eat Jill Enchilada?

According to my last PET scan, i'm in recession but there are still some lymph nodes here that i need to keep an eye on, if im still cancer free in 3 months the i get my shots and can live a normal life

Haha, me too

>i'm will never be jill's dream boy
why live?

slit your throat and kill yourself

I'd like a Jill straight, or another dose of Anna. She needs more revealed.

It's not something you need to fix, if you like her you like her. Which character?

danger/u/ is such a perfect fucking reflection of Sup Forums though. It'd be a shame to ignore it, especially if you browse Sup Forums

sounds like you got good chances user, hang in there. be well

First you must introduce us to your new waifu.


Here's that full art for you Jill lovers who missed out.

What the fuck is that perspective

Top-tier taste right there, nothing to be ashamed of.

I have a job, a gf and do very well for myself; but I still want to fucking die. The alcohol keeps going.

I know this is the last place for emotional crap, but thanks user that means a lot

But I am, I'm sitting in my underwear with a six pack of beers browsing Sup Forums and not playing vidya.

The gangs all here ;_;

internet friends are best for that

Me too.

Where the fuck do I find people like you? I'm in a small town now and feel like I've fucked myself over beyond socializing with hicks

I don't really get why would anyone have a problem with this kind of game being memey, since the setting allows it to make sense in-universe. Aristophanes' plays used to have the Ancient Greece equivalent of memes (i.e: references to other author's ideas or current political occurences) and are considered timeless classics.

Kids these days are fucking clueless snobs.

>getting it on sale
It's got a GOG version buddy. You know what that means.

I don't drink. Not anymore.

Because I already got wasted with my roommate last night while waching Big O and Spider-Man (the William Dafoe one)

>I don't really get why would anyone have a problem with this kind of game being memey
Because it hits home and Sup Forums really doesn't like looking at itself to see the sort of shit it does and says. That's basically it. It's easy to enjoy something yourself, but when you see it from another person doing/enjoying it you can see how god damn stupid that thing is.

I'd play this if it was on mobile.

>moved to a new state for a job
>no friends within atleast 1.5 hour drive
>no gang to drink with

fuck I'm so lonely