Game lets you equip rings

>Game lets you equip rings
>Youre only allowed to equip 2
>Not 10 for females and 11 for males

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>What are toes?

Am I gay for masturbating to Bailey Jay?


oh ho ho ho

Yes but really no one cares

Magic of rings only work on ring fingers, since it's the only digit directly connected to the heart.


Strictly speaking, no, as she's a transwoman and not a masculine natural man.

But you're not straight.

Naw, if the trap has a feminine dick its not gay user.

Well, that's why males can wear 11

who is this semen demon?

>le male gamers are sexist maymay

Rings on all your toes makes walking uncomfortable as fuck.


Underrated post

Bailey Jay


made a video on it

9/10 troll. not bad

Horrible personality

Like most porn stars and other people with mental illnesses

Why are traps so magnificent?
The beauty of the female
The intelligence of the male
They aren't crazy like biological-born women are
They're loyal to the end

No. shut the fuck up. I'm sick of this non passable tranny with his weird hook nose.

>feminine penis

God she's CUTE

why do you care?

You'd get used to it.

Besides there also earings, nose rings, belly-button rings, basically anywhere you can pierce can have its own ring. Ok sure, you'd end up looking like a fucking Shadman drawing but someone has to kill that ancient evil.

she's a cute girl, for us!

hi reds

How does someone biologically a man even obtain a body like that

I genuinely don't even understand


man, bailey wants to be elvira so bad

I wonder if Bailey has second guessed his decisions yet. I fucked my ass with a dildo until I came. It sucked overall. I fucked some stupid bitch and nutted all over the place. Felt great.

I have been told I have androgynous features and am small and hairless. I've had friends get drunk and try to fuck me. I've only felt grossed out by it all but would play it up so they wouldn't feel as bad the next day. I don't get it. I truly think sexuality is based in coherent decision making and our genitals are made to derive pleasures from specific interactions, more so than ones brought upon by delusions.

But yeah, those vidyagames man..

And then they age.

>people complain if there is only one ring slot
>"But I have ten fingers"
>two is enough

Are people so unaware that the reason is "its what I am used to" or is there something special about two

Dicks are exclusive to male.
Male have penises.
Females have vaginas.
Basic sex education.
Don't listen to those pseudo pan transfluid bisexual non-binary heterosexuals, cuz it's all made up.
You masturbate do a dick and you have a dick, you're gay.

>See you at pride, homo.
holy shit my sides

>I fucked my ass with a dildo until I came. It sucked overall.
thats not really what its about.

fucking weird you see a trans woman and think "hmm that time I fucked myself with a dildo". Might want to work through those feelings.

Eh, Sarina Valentina is hotter.

>Dicks are exclusive to male.
uh I am pretty sure it's wrong

her feminine penis is all fucked up, and I think she fully transitioned anyway

that's because they kill themselves before they hit their 30s

I'm waiting for medical science to advance to the point where you can get a fully functional dick grafted onto you.

I'm going to get like one or two more dicks

camera angles

> 11
lmao maybe if you have a feminine baby dick

Exactly this

medical science generally attempts to give the best treatment, and the best treatment is transitioning.
So they have gotten good at it.

Honestly once they can do reconstruction surgery at like 70-80% accuracy its going to be crazy

he seems to think so

can't you get cock rings of any size?

>covered in skin conditions
>requires a metric ton of makeup
>destroyed penis

that's one hell of a bad opinion you got there user

No, just hasn't done porn because of the crappy ass injections she got early on that cause pain. She's trying to have it corrected.

Except they're literally always crazier than women. There's a new, higher tier of crazy just for them

>>requires a metric ton of makeup
you know thats the case for all pron actors right?

Nobody naturally looks that way

It is kind of just that though. Attraction, sexuality, whatever.. is a means for procreation. At the core of it all, that is an objective fact. To think any different is a break away from an intrinsic set of thinking inherently felt by all humans specific to their born genetic composition. Sexuality is a means for procreation.

Truly, we are approaching Transmetropolitan times

I for one welcome our future transgendered pervert overlords

you feel free to be as unthinking as possible to best ensure you stick to your perceived instincts.

I assume you also worship a god irrespective of whatever your real thoughts are on the subject because that's what your base instincts would prefer?

>disliking dicks
come on Sup Forums, what is wrong with penis? I mean ignoring all fags aside, you have to admit male genitalia looks attractive.

>10 and 11


bj is still a qt without any makeup on though.

sarina looks like she hasn't even transistioned

Up your ass faggot.

Better than a woman's genitalia, but not by much.

I like her, but she's a little /d/-ish

>ridiculous hourglass figure
>Tiny limp penis

If they already have a natural hourglass shape to start with than all you really need is slap some tits on that shit and the results are at least decent.

Every other body type will probably look like shit no matter what.

I heard that motherfucker had like... thirty goddamn dicks.

don't know if I'm the only one, but I really one to experience a female orgasm for once.

Why people like bailey jay so much.

Her cock is below average at best, and so are her tits.

This tbqh

Would destroy even though it has a dick

plays vidya though.

Except no man has a natural hourglass shape

I want to suck Bailey Jay's penis.

N-no homo.

wizard people was his best work of all time desu

>not by much
a womans genitalia only receives. a man's genitalia only gives. it's completely different.

> you need bull dykes with buzzed heads who hand fuck like they're starting a lawnmower

holy shit, i think i'm now transided

face reminds me of JUST for some reason

It sucking your dick might be no-homo
But you sucking its dick is cakeboy-tier gay

Fuck, I regret making this hread. I didnt expect Sup Forums to be packed full of gays.

Why would you be? Look at how cute she is.

What does that have to do with anything?

>face is literally a different color because of the layers of makeup
>picture is airbrushed and they couldn't even fix it

There are several men with poor genetics that lead to narrow shoulders and wide hips.

God to me, is a name for everything.

I think it would be conceited of me to think humans are special or significant enough that something was cognitively aware in creating us. We are simply here.

We can observe what is and call it science. To break away from a system of procreation is merely a form of "sophistication" brought upon by a state of self-awareness.

Your God argument is hypocritical.

Why is she shaving those brows so apart? I really don't get it. That looks like a wig too.

who's your favourit dick girl user?
I require this information purely for scientific purposes.

If that's the case then what's stopping you from getting incredibly thin rings and putting ten on each finger?

Or getting them as gauges? Or as toe rings?

Or as arm and leg bands? Or as belts?

Well Bailey takes hormones frequently, which you can definitely see from her loads. I think she's past the point of no return.

You knew what you were doing

>bj is still a qt without any makeup on though.
nice of you to think that but they all look drastically different without it, and you almost never see any of them like that.


Felt more like an attempt to imitate Fran Drescher.

better to receive than give

Exactly how high are you right now?

Some settings explain it like this, having more than 2 or even one magic ring on each hand would cause bad shit to happen.
>still doesn't explain feet or cock rings

>I didnt expect Sup Forums to be packed full of gays.

Hey, makeup can be hard to get right

N-not that I would know

pic related

also she has a whole video where she's makeupless

Does it make you happy? Because if it does, who the hell cares if its gay or not. When the technological singularity occurs none of that sort of shit is going to matter much.

What's stopping us? Our pathetic slave morality. It's time to rise up, I say.

>God to me, is a name for everything.
Well, you're wrong.

And a little crazy.

>We can observe what is and call it science.
Thats not what that is. Its a process, a method.

>Your God argument is hypocritical.
It would be if it wasn't something I was pointing out to see how consistent you are, and you entirely avoided the question and sound like somebody trying to sell topaz as a fucking cure for cancer.

I'm sober and used to people not considering the depth of what I have to say.

Yes, which is why a dick can still be feminine if it's big so long as it's really long and not too thick.