Persona 5

Which version of the game are you gonna pick up? I know PS4 is gonna be the main pick, but I am curious to see how many people are comfortable with the PS3 version.

I already own a Knackstation.

PS3 and PS4.

I pre-ordered the CE but i don't have a PS4 yet and i'm waiting for a good deal to get one.

will wait for PC

I was going to get it on PS3 but I plan on getting a PS4 for Tekken 7 so I might as well get it for PS4.

May as well get the PS4 version now that it has been delayed to such a time that the PS4 will be worth owning.

I'm going to buy the PS3 version. I don't have a PS4 and I can't wait to play it.

this, if i have enough time to finish my immediate backlog before jp release

buy ps4, download undub ps3 version. fuck you and your shit codebase atlus.

This game better be good because I'm losing trust in Atlus these days... especially since they refuse to give dual audio and they replaced Rise's voice actor with a sjw.


PS3. There isn't much that interests me on the PS4 at the moment and I've got a bunch of shit for the PS3 during sales over the years.

PS3. I don't have a PS4 and likely won't buy one until the PS5 comes out.


i want to play it in the best quality possible


>tfw if feels good to be a fan of japanese games in 2016-2017

>last 5-10 years of games this group has developed
But seriously: What are you even talking about?

I bought a PS3 to play it when I first heard. And enough time has passed I now own a PS4 too.

So, PS4.

ps3. waiting for the neo

PC of course.

I have the Take Your Heart edition pre-ordered

Besides buying her game are you also buying her headphones?
The quality is alright considering they're basically a mini K550 with BT.


enjoy your shitty 15fps version

where is ps3 emulation at these days? Or sega giving atlus more money to hire port houses? That'd probably work too.

Holy shit

That image makes no sense. Megas was teasing Kiva/Jamie later on, but Simon had no chance with Yoko. Hence, Nia.

The undub version

The PS4 version. Atlus USA is fucked in the head. They delayed their own game for the worldwide audience. If they were publishing another company's title sure, but this is just wrong.
Welp, we're all going to be spoiled now.

No dual Audio No Buy

Got a refurbished PS4 today so I'll get that version and then hack my PS3 for the undub once that's out.

>we're all going to be spoiled now.
unless you hide or ignore P5 threads. It's really not that hard

Atlus treats everyone who isn't Japan like a third country nigger.

Looking forward to her porn.

PS3 version. I'll be playing it via cfw until I get my copy in the mail.

>What are you even talking about?

There's no cryptic message in what I said. It's plain and simple.

Adachi is the traitor.

>people actually care about spoilers
I've been spoiled on plenty of stories in games before and it's never had an effect on the impact of actually witnessing said spoiled events.

You can't gauge that because you never experienced the work in unspoiled form.

How would you know if they were spoiled from the start?

>fapping to a light bulb head

Hmm... Persona 5 has been in the works for half a decade, made for the PS3 itself. The PS4 version is merely a port. The only benefits is confirmed to be you'll be able to play at a higher resolution and be able to use certain PS4 game-enhancing features. No biggie. Doubt it's gonna run at 15 frames on the PS3, the system the base game was made for.

I hope she gets lots of huge dick futanari porn where she fucks and impregnates the other girls in her otakucave. I will also accept her going futa-on-male with MC's mouth and ass.

Who /cfw/ /undub/ here

I like the way you think.

Don't open Persona related threads at all then. P4 wasn't spoiled for me despite there being posts of it on here

>people hate the battle theme

You could be on Sup Forums or some shit and you'll still get spoiled. You don't even have to go to Sup Forums for it.


I guess? Half the time I forget that I even got spoiled on things.
It's like when I played Nier for the first time and I already knew what was gonna happen, but it still hit me like a ton of bricks.

Undub iso.

This game is web shit anyway. Buy Overwatch instead.

Never understood why anyone found Nier to be "feely".

Leave till release
People are aware of how spoilers will trigger other people, they WILL go out of their way to spoil you

The most dangerous days will be a few days before release, a few weeks after release both for the japanese and english version

>$71 with prime
finally I have something to look forward to on Valentine's Day

No Jun Fukuyama No buy

>EOP weeaboo cares about much about hearing a language he can't understand anyway

I guess you'll be fine with all the censorship in text, you fucking cuck.

The one with dual audio, so probably pirating.

>I am curious to see how many people are comfortable with the PS3 version.
there are tons of poor people out there who only have a ps3, if that's what you're asking.

I don't have a PS4 and I'm not planning on buying one so the choice is easy


pre ordered regular version for import, steal your heart version for local.

Well, that's just one example I can think of.

Why would you import a game you can't understand? Don't tell me you're delusional and think you'll play it with a dictionary.

I have to imagine the only thing worse than being triggered by no dual audio is only gaming on one platform and seeing other platforms get the games you want

>There are still people who think Morgana is a girl

I'm not sure if this is a meme or if its real. Also you're referring to Atlus JP, not Atlus USA, right?

Pic related passed away a while back, but she had finished her dubbing of her character in Persona 5, while she was alive.
During all that time Atlus USA had made ZERO progress it seems. And now we have a delay.
Is this the effect of being bought by SEGA Sammy? Or is Sega's business implosion culture spreading to Atlus...

Oh well, either way P5 doesn't have a Naoto. Perhaps the only spoiler that will make me anticipate the delayed version is a confirmation that there is no character that is like Naoto.
I severely dislike her, and people who use her because they think two turns spent casting Mind Charge + Megidolaon does more damage than
two casts of fire/wind/ice/bolt Dyne level spell + fire/wind/ice/bolt Boost + fire/wind/ice/bolt Amp + fire/wind/ice/bolt damage buff accessory.

Back in the day going to forums and talking about Persona 3 and 4 while everyone was still playing it was amazing. All the fan art and discussion was great, and people didn't know about the spoilers either, and when they did they were considerate. It was like the Demons Souls days in Sup Forums.

>premium bundle is ps4 exclusive


As long as it stays a cat, I don't care. I just don't want another Teddie

literally, jump into a fire.

Why in SWEET FUCK are you remotely personally offended by a mere throwaway hypothetical situation I proposed? Or are you this fucking arseblasted because I said I found it more enjoyable to play a console game on my computer?
What exactly is your malfunction here?

What the fuck is wrong with you people? How on earth have a bunch of you managed to take an innocent passing comment and completely spin it into a massive strawman and get personally over it. Just how fucking insecure are you people? Jesus, get a fucking grip.

>mfw Ashly burch is Anne

Likely the PS4 version. I imagine the PS4 may have a game or two buy the time Persona 5 hits the west.

This. But also not planning to buy a PS4 until January or so. Still no games.

Would have gone for PS3 if it came out this year like it was supposed to.

Was going to buy it for PS3 but I got a PS4 mid 2015, so now I'm getting it for PS4

It will come to vita eventually right?


I considered what your comment implies, imagined myself in that situation, realized how unpleasant it would be and voiced by amazement at you seemingly wanting to go through with it.

>I said I found it more enjoyable to play a console game on my computer?
You didn't say this though. Are you sure you know what you're doing? I mean, your currect comment doesn't make you seem very stable.

Nope. I highly doubt it would downgraded for a handheld. Damn shame, playing Persona 3 Portable while taking a shit was really comfy.


>Being this assblasted

Not even that guy, and I have no problem with getting both versions, but holy shit just take a nap or something.

>It was like the Demons Souls days in Sup Forums.
What a magical time that was.

user, people on this shithole get so spoiler happy that I once had to ask a friend to make sure /d/ was clear because I know people that come here love spoiling games.

Does it come with the game? No way for only $70.

They're plebs. It's much better than the trashy battle themes P4 had.

i own a PS3 and PS4, but i'm not going to buy either version
i might pirate it if it comes to PC

>During all that time Atlus USA had made ZERO progress it seems.
Atlus USA can't localize a game they don't have you fucking idiot. and they don't have the game because Atlus JP doesn't give it to them until right about now, when the game is finally done.

Would giving Atlus USA the script (which was done like you said like a year or two ago) have helped close the gap between NA and JP release dates? Yes. Does Atlus JP give enough of a flying fuck about NA to do that? No. See pic related. that's who you're replying to is saying. Atlus JP doesn't care about the west.

Yes, it's originally 90, but Amazon Prime drops it down to 71

You can remote play the PS4 version. I bet Persona 5 downsamples excellently. And since its RPG there's no risk in connection based input delays.


I'm a moderator on a huge forum and I'm going to get spoiled for sure.

>5 month delay
>no dual audio
What happened bros?

Go back.

It'll come to PC when any other ATLUS game does

I'm not super fluent, but I know enough that I can enjoy the game. it isn't hard to tell zio from agi, you know. I imported FES and Golden, too.

>What happened bros?

John Hardin

Extremely expensive JP VA contracts happened.

>>no dual audio
>What happened bros?
Have you ever played an Atlus game before?

why are you pretending to have been the one to have made my previous post?

Them having icons helps, but not understanding the story will probably hinder your enjoyment.