Why do people play FPS games with a controller?

Why do people play FPS games with a controller?

Personal preference. It's not rocket science.

Because I'm too good and I need some way to gimp myself

dumb joostposter

Because they are objectively superior

why do people prefer to be gimped?

because autoaim makes them feel like theyre doing something

because it's better to aim with thumb instead of wrist. Depending on the game of course.

>fuck auto-aim in any medium


Cause some people play for fun faggot

why would you prefer to aim with a controller tho? do you also prefer to drive your car without tires?

Keyboard and mouse relies too much on the right index finger, and this causes repetitive strain injuries to develop over time. Sometimes my index finger is so swollen and painful that I can't even use it, I have to use my middle finger to do everything.

Controllers are a lot easier on the hands. So I do play some fps with a controller on the computer, if possible.

No modern shooter requires the accuracy of mouse and sitting back with a controller is more comfy.

Assuming you people who play with the controller play on the console. FPS games on the console have aim assist so it's really not that hard. Besides, not everyone plays competitive FPS games to get into e-sports. Even Crazier, some people play FPS games for fun.

Fuck off to plebbit casual scum

>some people play FPS games for fun.
Then they shouldn't play with a controller. It's like drawing with mittens (on a white board that would correct your drawing for you, if there's aim assist) : It's less fun than actually drawing shit yourself with proper tools.

>No modern shooter requires the accuracy of mouse
Unreal Tournament 2016 would like to have a word with you.

Also, since I've seen what a controller can do to DooM (thanks Polygon), I'd say, hell no, even on multiplat game it's a bad idea.

I find aiming in first person with a controller the most uncomfortable gaming experience around.

>Even Crazier, some people play FPS games for fun.
what does having fun have to do with using an inferior input device? What kind of retarded logic are you trying to use?

>Why do people do things I don't like

Just kill yourself

>why do people play with something that helps them aim instead of doing it yourself

Fixed that for you

>lists a game that isnt even out
>le epic polygon fail as evidence against controllers


controllers are shit for FPS, but you honestly don't even really need that much precision with how casual alot of FPS are these days.

Because my Xbox One doesn't support keyboard and mouse.

Go back to /joosten/ you fuckin nerd
[Spoiler]or post more joost if you want[/spoiler]

some people just don't know better
that's all

Mice are very precise.

I can kill somebody in RB6 Siege much faster than someone playing on a console could. It's borderline impossible to play an arena shooter on a console, so mice is the go-to mode of control.

Controllers are comfy

why does this webm arouse me

What an embarrassing fuck up

You go the webm where she stretches her back? I find it strangely alluring.

This one?

Thats not half-bad, but I was referring to one from the same "session" (or whatever the hell it is) as the one from the OP. Sometimes posted as op in "do you keep good posture Sup Forums?"-threads


ah, thats some good posture
thanks famalam

Got any more, I need to improve my posture

Hope this helps

keyboards are the best for most games

Because my hands are too small.

Show me a good mechanical keyboard for small hands and I'll buy it.

That's only one game.


I want to hug her

Because they are casuals. I don't mean that as an insult, I mean that as long as they can play it some people genuinely don't care about good controls and other finer points like that.

It's also an ignorance is bliss thing, I'm sure that in the vast majority of cases, controller using FPS players just don't know how much more fun it is to play with a mouse and be at least competent with it. You can't miss the fluidity and precision if you've never had it.

Because Halo was one of their first FPSs and a lot of them are probably underage and think DOOM is a new concept. Or they're just casuals.

not gimped if everyone else is using one.

I am better with a controller than with KB&M but if I am playing for skill I can't play with a controller.
I bought overwatch on PS4 because it is a casual game for me.
I also prefer to play single player fps with a controller.
Controller FPS can be comfy.

>for fun

But FPS is more fun with a mouse because you can actually use your full skill potential and feel like a badass.

>Not gimped if everyone else is using one

No, that just means everyone is gimped. You're severely limited in aiming ability no matter how many people are doing it.

Yea, but you're not at a competitive disadvantage.

>You're severely limited in aiming ability
YOU may be limited in aiming ability but I am not, I can aim just fine with a controller.
Personally I hate aim assist it fucks me over.
I recently played wolfenstien the new order on PS4 where the aim assist is set to full and no option to turn it off...it got me killed too many times.

only advantage a mouse has over a controller is movement speed and precision for head shots

>Unreal Tournament 2016 isnt out
>He didnt check their website for free beta details

>YOU may be limited in aiming ability but I am not, I can aim just fine with a controller.
>only advantage a mouse has over a controller is movement speed and precision for head shots

Yet you described the huge gulf between mice and analogue sticks. Mice have both high range and high precision. Relatively big, fine-grained values off the input device make for reliably more precise and faster shots. Analogues have shitty precision thanks to deadzones and the limits of potentiometers, and also shitty range because the physical sticks need to be clamped to reasonable angles.

If you're not way way better at aiming with the mouse, it's your own skill that's lacking, not anything about the input device. Still, I agree that analogue aiming is better without autoaim.



do you happen to have the super up close webm of her lips?

>in a race I simply prefer to use a wheelchair, it's just as fast as using your legs

For some reason I think she looks better with all of the makeup

why are these so much worse than the non-"modeled" ones

I meant to say without

>Controllers are a lot easier on the hands
Not really. Muh wrists and thumbs.

It is true she was a Catholic in Netherlands? May explain why is she an autistic.

Because they're retarded.

And they like being retarded, apparently.

in a stream she said she wasn't very religious

>If you're not way way better at aiming with the mouse
of course I am much better aiming with a mouse. movement with a keyboard is my problem.
I normally only use KB&M on PC games if they are designed for it, like RTS games.
if I play a single player FPS I chose to play with a controller.

Why are people so in denial? You need to stop considering yourself consolefags or actually any kind of fag.

Atleast no one bit.