What went wrong ?

what went wrong ?

instead of making an action oriented mmo with fun combat, like CDUO or GW2, they opted to clone WoW in every way possible.

I will literally admit I stopped playing to go back to WoW.


Being made by obsidian

The combat being tied to the animations making combat feel super clunky until they patched it. Game felt like shit to play for the longest time because you couldn't fucking move as a melee unless you finished attack animations for certain abilities and that shit was just retarded in PvP. Other than that companions should've always been how they are now, being able to spec into any role to make leveling easier. Was a chore to level certain classes because you didn't get a tank/healer companion until later in the game which forced you to play a certain spec/role which was usually shit anyway.

they forgot the knights

Apparently your grammar and lack of clarification of "What went wrong".

Fucking mong.

it was an MMO even though judging the how the game was written it was probably originally thought up as regular old RPG similar to something being a cross between kotor and mass effect or more likely dragon age

Going with a shitty early version of an engine despite a ridiculous budget
Released it even though there were plenty of stupid bugs like dancing making you invincible which would then get you banned if you did it in a pvp zone
Awful public relations where they actually hid the unsub option after release and people that were posting workarounds on the forums were being banned for it

There's other things but those were some of the biggest issues at launch.

Massive character derailments

Bastilla's grandchild is hot as fuck though.

>clone WoW
the worst parts, they cloned the Burning Crusade combat and talent system for launch, and then revamped it into Cataclysm talents

Although it did have slutwear

It was made by nu-bioware.

Please don't remind me what could have been...

>Single player, shooter RPG Imperial Agent game
>Classes include Fixer, Cipher, Mender, etc.
>sneak that shit
>snipe a bitch
>Shank a ho
>Slice dem security systems
>negotiate your way out of fights
>serve or betray dat empire
>Influence the views of your companions so Kaliyo's less of a bitch, make Vector more accepting of amoral actions, etc.

I'd kill for a standalone IA game if it proper changes to gameplay and a new engine.

Nothing? It was slow at first for them but they'rr profitting off of it now.

Shitty engine. That's the number one issue with the game and its something that still plagues it today.

i couldn't make it through the republic stories, besides the knight

they're all so fucking boring

If any class needed to be a stand alone game, its bounty hunter. The story BEGs to have a branching storyline with consequences.

Smuggler is all right as long as you can play a Han Solo clone and can tolerate/like Risha and Corso.

Consular is good in concept, but the way it was executed was poor.

Trooper? Just watch Clone Wars then play Republic Commando.

>tolerate/like Risha and Corso
>tolerate/like Corso

someone tried to make another warcraft

The gameplay sucks and is a boring WoW ripoff.

I've actually given the game a try multiple times, and I can't get over how shit the gameplay is every time to try and complete a class story. The stories are fine, and even sometimes entertaining, but the gameplay just ruins it.