Which currently released 3DS Etrian Odyssey is the best?

Which currently released 3DS Etrian Odyssey is the best?

Untold 2 or EO4

EO3 on the DS
Unless you really want a 3DS title, in which case EO2U

2U > 4 > U

I'd recommend EOIV but that's only really because the Untolds have that cancerous Grimoire system. Untold 2 is pretty great if you don't mind that. EOIII is the best one overall.

Everytime I try to get into EO I get EOIV, progress one land and then drop the game.

I got to the 3rd land this time

I might still get EOV tho


The only thing that stops EO3 from being the best of the series is that it doesn't have multiple save files unlike Untold 2.

Also, Untold 2's grimoire system isn't really bothersome, plus with the multiple save files it gives you the chance of experimenting with different teams and different classes.

Untold 2 in Classic mode is pretty good.

What's the appeal of these games?

I wanna get an EO game but the demos make me feel like I'm 2 casual.

I just don't know how to make a good party and what options to pick for party members, so many options it's hard to tell what would be good.

So just wing it. You can reset skills any time or just make new characters.

Maybe it just takes a certain kind of autism to really enjoy the genre, but I really like the idea of making a party of explorers, traversing dangerous and winding dungeons, killing and being killed by the wildlife, you know, shit like that. Also really helps that the score is always great, and the gameplay is tight.

Dont forget that it also started the downward trend of making everything easier with shit like a piss easy first boss and giving you free levels. Not to mention that subclassing is a mess and isnt as good as a class having multiple viable skill trees. Stratum's are smaller as well.

Sailing is great though, definitely a strong point.

the same thing that's the appeal of any wizardry clone since 1981

Guess I'll emulate one of them and give it a shot

The latest. Always the latest.

if you have a pc then you already have a myriad of better alternatives

you wouldn't play Halo on pc either just because it's the only good one of its kind available on a specific console

Anyone playing the demo of V yet?

Well I'm open to suggestions

EOUntold 1 for ricky

Ricky a shit.

untold 2
V demo

I dropped EOIV after 15 minutes, don't bother

Piss easy, combat is repetitive as fuck and most of the time you draw a fucking map.

Does this shit get any better?

Can someone list some good rpg/dungeon crawlers for the 3ds/ds?

the new UI takes some getting used to but other than that it's pretty damn fun