ITT: Games that ruined their respective franchises

Customizable killstreaks are the worst thing that ever happened to call of duty. Anyone who disagrees is either retarded or too young to be on this board

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i disagree but try not to get too mad about it

Modern Warfare 2
Resident Evil 4
Metal Gear Solid 4
Fallout 3
Final Fantasy XIII

Killstreak rewards are shit to begin with and encourage camping.
>hide in bush
>get 3 kills
>get UAV
>get 5 kills
>get harrier/cobra/UFO
>get 11 kills

You're wrong on all accounts my friend.

>picture unrelated

It's even worse in Black Ops 3 since there's one killstreak that literally spawn kills and has no way to be countered.

Wouldn't say ruined it, but I'm fucking shocked how many people on here call this the best one. It's a fucking broken mess

>no way to be countered

You could try actually killing the person on the streak.

Alternately, shoot whatever it is down with a rocket or something.

I think he's talking about the paper airplane swarm.

Because nowadays most people first played that at release when they were 12

Swarm is from BO2 and you can literally counter it by standing inside of a building. It's a horrible streak. You can also counter it with an EMP. But hey, if the enemy team gets a swarm, you deserve to lose anyway.

No, it's the RAPS.

There's just way too many of them, and they take so much damage that by the time you destroy it it's so close to you it kills you when it blows up.

Only way to ''stop it'' is by destroying the dropship, but it takes way too many rockets.

honestly the idea of customizing kill streaks?
ok sure

the way they went about it?
pretty awful

kill streak rewards in general kind of sucked. personally i think it would have been better to actually attach the player to said kill streaks and always have them killable.

or just keep airstrikes/uav and get rid of the rest

killstreaks are shit in general, multi was pretty solid tho

OP obviously missed out on the good days of Sup Forums

This. It had great maps, that's about it. The only good modern warfare was the first.


> Let's tale a lighthearted action adventure treasure hunting series with funky supernatural shit, and make it as dark, brutal, sad, and despairy and possible.

No wonder Uncharted shits all over tomb raider now.

Equip Cold Blooded. Problem Solved.

I personally thought the whole leveling up was retarded in mw2. But mainly just for splitscreen combat. Since none of us could use any other weapon other than the starter

They fixed that later on by having every item unlocked for splitscreen automatically

It's dead, Jim.

>implying they didn't do the exact same thing with uncharted 4

that fact the its a broken mess makes it enjoyable to me like everything is broken or over powered so it all kinda balances out

wouldn't cod4 be the game that "ruined" call of duty?
irrespective of your opinion on cod4's quality, the following games bore no similarity to the predecessors to cod4

This is what people fail to realize. CoD is about having a good setup as well as skill(inb4 meme). You need to create a class that counters other classes.

Best COD multiplayer I've seen thus far, I still play.

Uncharted 4 still kept its light mood.

> Vibrant colour scheme
> Quirky and Sassy characters
> Crazy-ass over-the-top set pieces (though less of them)
> No controversial rape or torture scene like in tomb raider

It was certainly more toned down compared to previous games in the franchise, but it didn't shift the mood entirely like tomb raider did.

I didn't mind kill streaks. I did however think that deal streaks were the stupidest shit ever. Encouraged just being and all around garbage player.

Only thing I don't mind in black ops 3 is how the streaks are base on a point system rather than kill system. Kill 1 guy and then capture the point in domination for 300 points? That's a UAV for your team.

Streaks like RAPS is garbage though. Zero effort on part of the player and 9 times out of 10, your team doesn't even try to take down the deployment ship. When I was playing with my pre-made team, the announcer barely had time to finish saying "raps ship inbound" before me and 3 others were shooting at it and whipping out the black cells.

Only complaint about those exploding nose diving planes is their hit boxes are insane. Laying prone inside a building I still get picked off. Ridiculous.
Fallout 3 was rather empty but we got NV out of it.
RE4 was amazing. The garbage that was spawned from its over the shoulder engine is another story.
I liked it. That and Rise of the Tomb Raider. I mean don't get me wrong, after a while the game became about "watch shit happen and Laura react to it", but I still liked it. Rather comfy when shooting animals and such sneaking about in snowy landscapes.

Liked the campaign. Never played Call of Duty MP.

New Vegas was great, even if FO3 was ass.

First game took place in a confined well designed shopping mall, had dark undertones, and had repetitive yet somehow fun gameplay.

This game came out, and from that point forth all dead rising games take place in a lifeless city, with cheesy dialogue and in-your-face fart jokes.

On top that, thye kept increasing the number of zombies, making it almost impossible to get around by foot in Dead rising 3.

Mod War 1 started the cancer. MW2 became irredeemable when it had only matchmaking servers

>mw2 mp
>anything but an unbalanced mess

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