What mice does v use? My current one is acting up on me and I want something solid but relatively inexpensive

What mice does v use? My current one is acting up on me and I want something solid but relatively inexpensive
Pic somewhat related, it seems decent form the reviews and its real cheap too

Other urls found in this thread:

amazon.com/ROCCAT-Nyth-Victory-Gaming-ROC-11-900-AM/dp/B010U57G1K/ref=sr_1_27?ie=UTF8&qid=1469251866&sr=8-27&keywords=mmo mouse

Why in SWEET FUCK are you remotely personally offended by a mere throwaway hypothetical situation I proposed? Or are you this fucking arseblasted because I said I found it more enjoyable to play a console game on my computer?
What exactly is your malfunction here?

What the fuck is wrong with you people? How on earth have a bunch of you managed to take an innocent passing comment and completely spin it into a massive strawman and get personally over it. Just how fucking insecure are you people? Jesus, get a fucking grip.

It's mouses retard.

Corsair RGB M65

I'm using my 9 years old razer mouse, senpai.

Thats a bit dear, know of anything around 30 or 40?

This, because I'm not a fucking autism with retarded mouses.

>mouse with reliable precision is now autism
You're mistaking gaming mice with mechanical keyboards. The latter only beneficial if you type for hours on end.

After needing to replace my 10 year old Logitech G500, I looked at all the other Logitech mice which are currently available and settled on the G402.

It looked like pure plastic garbage, but I was willing to give it a shot. Turns out it's pretty fucking excellent. Still not quite as good as my old G500, to be honest familiar, but for what's available in 2016 they're a good option.

got a ducky secret few months ago, holding up much better than most mice its pretty much an intellimouse but with a settings button underneath you press to change dpi or angle snapping in combination with other buttons no software at all and it comes with a free mousepad but i prefer the thick as fuck QCK over it since its so thin

if your mouse is only fucking up by not holding a held click/double clicking or not registering clicks you might just need to replace the microswitches, search omron its the most common brand

This looks fine and is fairly cheap
how long has it lasted? Is it precise?

i like mionix mice purely for the ergonomics.

Uhh think you posted in wrong thread guy lel.

Uhh think you posted in wrong thread guy lel.

no his post is just too meta for you

Is it actually comfortable?
Looks wonky as fuck

Death adder, since Logitech has gone full retard with mouse shape now.
Chroma also hasn't given me any build issues, unlike every other razer shit I've gotten before.

Yeah, I know. Like I said, I really did think it was going to be a huge piece of shit. It LOOKS like a flimsy piece of shit, but it's actually a really good mouse. Surprised me.

heres a picture
also if you want something less prone to the breaking asus gladius has replaceable micro switches and comes with spares you just slot in place


The orders haven't cancelled. I "bought" 20. Hope 500-user is happy

I want a mouse that my hand will fit over like a glove. I want to stroke the side of it with my index finger and feel pleasant texture (you all know what I mean).

I only had for 2 years, but it still fine. I never found my mouse to be unprecise, even when I play on a couch.

no shit, i use this one.

Wouldn't the numpad get in the thumb's way? Also, why would you need 12 bindable buttons on your mouse for?

numpad does not get in the way, an i play a lot of RPG's so it comes in handy.

plus they have the option of either being bindable, or use as a numpad. i flip the switch and it goes from numpad to keybind.

usually i have it on numpad, rocking excell like a boss.

Logitech G502.


the numpad is designed for playing MMOs

Logitech G502, best mouse i have ever used.

>weight compartment is only held in by magnets
>press on blue lip with thumb
>it pops off and drags along mousepad
even g500 had a better weight system

It's not that hard playing games with laptop trackpad

I have a friend that plays mobas and fps with touchpad and I have no idea how he manages
I play like ass when I try it

502's middle mouse is notorious for breaking and its middle click not working well because of the sensitivity button. I'd go for something else honestly.

Source: I have one, everyone I know that has one says the same thing, and its all over forums.

Sure, if you lift your mouse off the pad and deliberately push on the blue lip. What the fuck are you doing with your mouse if that is a regular concern?

OP I own that same mouse and I'll let you know that within the 6 or so months I've been using it it hasn't broken whatsoever.

You could say it feels kind of cheap, but it does the job for the price. I think it was like $15 or something when I bought it? I just bought myself a G303 to replace it since it was on sale, but the mouse still handles fine. Definitely just gonna keep it as a backup.

My EC2-A just came today after playing with razer deathadder for 9 years.

The scroll wheel was making a loud rusty squeal and the laser was so dim that it actually wasn't even visible anymore.

The feet wore off about a year ago due to a hard pad, made a switch to a soft one a month ago.

EC2-A is supposed to be the small, but it's damn big compared to the death adder.

I think it's a solid upgrade though and can not wait to get more use out of it.

It's quite easy to be honest.
You use your right index finger to click on physical button and middle finger to scroll the trackpad.

the ec2-a is like 70% the size and 1/2 the weight of a deathadder you didn't get an ec2-a

I don't know what monster hands you have, but i can't even apply pressure to the lip when the mouse is lifted.

I haven't had any issues, but I know that's kind of like saying "works on MY machine". I bought it to replace a mouse who's scroll wheel's axle snapped so if I have a similar problem with this one in the future I will be severely irked.

I have one, the wheel is shite but it's good other than that

Razer Deathadder


that guy has a bunch of good mouse reviews if you're not sure what to buy

MX 518

This shit is gonna last forever. Still like new.

Oh hey I just bought that mouse in last week's Amazon sale.

It's nice, but the scroll wheel doesn't scroll left and right. It's kinda bothering me. Otherwise, it feels nice


Why are the best ones always discontinued so quickly?
Why does every manufacturer use meme rubber surfaces that degrade and turn useless, instead of the clearly superior glossy/piano?

also i just went and checked, I had the abysuss actually.

ducky secret uses the pbt meme plastic shell

Yeah its only 10 bucks now on amazon
I might pick it up until I decide on something expensive

Thanks for the resource user

If you pay over 20 dollars for a mouse, you are a gigantic retard.



>using sitty looking cheap mouse
You don't knew shit about video gaming.

I sure love me some Ducky keyboards but I'm skeptical about buying a mouse from them.


Master Race reporting in!

>actually proven old quake pros weren't as accurate compared to contemporary CSGO pros due to inferior hardware
>b-b-but gaming mice are a meme
Way to be an ignoramus, shit for brains.

Im actually using a trackball currently but Im real hesitant top switch to a wireless mouse
I don't trust them

and the human eye can't see more than 30fps

don't get it if you want to rebind the keys it is fully firmware and only has LMB RMB scroll wheel with click and forward & back buttons

you don't "trust" them?

That's basically what I did. The mouse never took a shit on me once. I'd say go for it.

I don't know what to do with all these buttons.

I use this. Works well and is extremely comfy.

What's the best 'no frills' gaming mouse? Deathadder?

The numpad buttons are firm and close enough together that you lay your thumb on top of the lot of them and they won't be pressed.

I picked up a Corsair that had a 12 side button thing and while the sensor was pretty shit, I found that having so many buttons were extremely useful for all kinds of games, not just MMOs. Having so many things organized across 6-12 buttons ended up being a lot more comfortable and quick to access than moving my hand around on the keyboard away from WASD.

I was using it in ARMA and a few other shooters with a lot of functions before I got tired of the particular mouse's shitty diagonal tracking. I went back to a mouse with a perfect sensor but only two side buttons. I miss those extra buttons, but haven't seen a single numpad-style button mouse with a good sensor. Someone mentioned a G600 before, but that thing is wireless only, heavy as fuck and only has six side buttons.

Worried about battery crapping out at inopportune times and interference fucking me up

it's AA, I literally stole one from an old TV remote and it has over a year left according to what the mouse icon says.

Just check your battery level every now and then. Modern wireless mice don't seem to die as quick and easy as they used to.

Plug-and-Play, No drivers to install. Good number of buttons. A few built-in DPI settings. Lightweight. Perfect optical sensor. No bullshit.

Get one which also has an optional wire.

>tfw had a G400 and it broke

Literally one of the best mice I've ever used

I was going to post this with "time to embarrass myself"

I fucking hate being addicted to mmos

I'd love to but the wired version of this one is no longer in production

I might try it, its a good price and I have some batteries lying around
Had any problems with interference?

Im afraid of the day my g400s breaks. There just isnt anything comparable in the market now.

Good mouses to use for mmos any advice?

look into getting replacement micro switches, depending on the design you may have to solder them on but they are always the first and usually only thing to break in a mouse

No problems yet, the range on my m705 is also pretty impressive. Still works from clear across the room and even in the bathroom. Makes me curious about trying a wireless keyboard too for true comfy couch gaming.

a literal mmo mouse has been posted twice already, this isn't even a long thread, why not skim a little?

here you go faggot


you make a shit ton of macros that's what
my fucking niggahs

G600 is godlike for more than mmo's you can use it on FPS and RTS too

I thought Logitech and Razer were memes since any mechanical keyboard is better than a Logitech one and Razer is just a meme?

logitech make solid products and they don't price themselves too ridiculously, I can understand getting meme from Razer though.

keyboards are not mice. logitech mice are ballin. razer is chinkshit no matter what though.

Logitech and Razer mice are overpriced for what you get, but the margins on mice are smaller and you don't get ripped off as much

There are some decent logitech mice and the DA chroma is okay

I don't think that you should buy logitech or razer products just on principle because they're not the kinds of companies that should be supported, but they have some decent mice

I'm currently using the Steelseries Rival Dota 2 edition.

Used a Logitech G400s before, I like my current one better since it's nicer and more comfortable to use, felt the G400s is slightly too big so my hands get tired from using it for too long.

i have that one too

i feel like it has odd tracking, but i'm used to it now. also when you press that scroll lock and give it a flick, o baby

Also had a G500 before, sucks that that the cable gets damaged after around 6 months of use, seems like that was a general problem with that mouse.

Got this as a gift last week and have been enjoying it for a while, except its really small

What about this company?

amazon.com/ROCCAT-Nyth-Victory-Gaming-ROC-11-900-AM/dp/B010U57G1K/ref=sr_1_27?ie=UTF8&qid=1469251866&sr=8-27&keywords=mmo mouse

What do you mean by chinkshit? I thought they were American made?

Haven't had the need to use anything else since '06

Imagine how dirty it is.

I use an amazon basics mouse and it's never failed me
gets a bit weird on the couch though

I started out using Razer Diamondbacks until my last one died in 2012, then I switched to the Lachesis which was a decent replacement, but I'm not a fan of the bulbe end and overly wide buttons. Now that the diamondback has been relaunched at literally double the previous price I'm waiting for it to go on sale.

G502 rgb edition

G502 master race

i'm also using a rival, and while i do love it, the rubber shit on the sides is almost completely gone after maybe a year of use and the middle mouse click is probably going to break soon judging by how wonky it is right now.

Corsair M65
It's okay.