Cosplay Thread

Cospray time

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I'd crush her Blastia

I'd impregnate her




Ramona Flowers.

bullshit. Her name is Jenny Sanders.

is she single?

Nah man, definitely not.

Pretty sure she's taken.

I think she's dating this guy

Anzu's chubby sister.


I liked this cosplay so I drew a picture of it.


I want to jaamu it in Anzu after declaring martial law on her



m-moar arcade miss fortune plz

Black Lagoon CIA nun?



its double from skullgirls

Well my guess was way off.

>Cancer on her stomach


>stands there awkwardly as some random shirtless nigga gets escorted off-stage



I wanna fuck Danielle Beaulieu

That's pretty dope





One morning I woke up and lost all ability to get off to 2D. It does absolutely nothing for me. It was the wildest thing, like a switch went off in my brain. Perhaps it is what happens to all of us as we get older. We lose that spark that made us autistic.


Post more Tales cosplay pls.

You literally asked for it.

>Tits are just flesh coloured plastic domes covering up her real tits.

Fucking shit. If you're gonna do a cosplay that slutty you might as well just go all the way.

>talkin shit about the ghost of marvel 2

Do not post 3D harlots cosplaying my waifu, thanks

I wish Rumble Roses had been more successful, I would kill for Candy Cane cosplays.

You're waifu a shit.

I preferred Ms Spencer even if she was a bit traditional.




cgl is the best place to not get cosplay

Nerf This!

Nice Daria




Does anyone have that DVA cosplayer with the 10/10 ass and the 2/10 face? Wanna disappoint a friend of mine

>No buttons on skirt
>Wrong texture for shirt
>Didn't even try to get the right hairstyle
>Not even attractive
Here, have a better Mitsuru

Spot the virgins

I don't have the images you seek, but I applaud you for wanting to give your friend the two girls one cup cosplay equivalent.


Do NOT post Ryuuko cosplay. She isn't even Sup Forums related, you're lucky I don't report you!

>do not post sexy cosplay
how much of a fag are you?


Sexy cosplay is fine but most of these aren't vidya related. At least post tharja or rise.



Nigri's feet are surprisingly nice.



Anyone got the name and pics of brown eyed heavily freckled girl that did Quiet cosplay?


>how dare men objectify me reeeeeeeeee


I want to do butt stuff with her

never mind I found her, not sure why I remember her with freckles, desu.

that belly button

truly a brilliant mind


being this much of a virgin
i hate the fake bitch anyway but criticizing her looks? kek



Not that user, but her looks have never done it for me. Maybe I just don't find her that attractive. Body is great, but her face is always covered in so much makeup that it legit creeps me out.

I want to fuck that Rikku

ive hated her since reading encyclopedia dramatica page. Im more into thicc bitches myself but cant deny shes still a hottie with a body

Pretty good Serpico.

She could be gorgeous if she took a better balanced picture

or maybe the guy taking the picture was drunk

i dunno but it seems everythings tilting right


>or maybe the guy taking the picture was drunk

Maybe because the person that took the pic is taller than the cosplayer?


Why does it seem like all "professional" cosplayers have big fake tits? I hate that shit so much.

Only two I can think of off the top of my head would be Jessica and Yaya. Precious wears foam tits and Purrblind just has awesome honkers.


NO deito.



Real talk for a second here Sup Forums
You want to know why is it that so many vapid narcissists cosplay?

Women are constantly in a competition with each other - for resources, for the best partner, for status, for benefits, everything. They see a prettier girl walking down the street and they feel a deep-seated loathing because they know they can't compete with that. A 6 would love to bag a 9 but she knows she can't so she just feels hatred for the girl who does manage to.

Then cosplay came along.
Or, more specifically, the underground culture of 'nerd' became officially recognized and gartered more attention back in 2007.
So girls went to check it out and they found it populated by thirsty pathetic virgin neckbearded weeaboos.
Now most of these guys had long since given up on trying to get a girl but their evoluntionary psychology compels them to seek out a mate - most don't possess the cognotive dissonance to be able to fight that instinctive urge. So these girls found themselves getting a lot of attention.
Suddenly, a 5 found she was being treated like an 8, a 7 could get up and stage and be worshipped as a 10, even a 3 could shoot for the stars.

Finally, these girls had their opportunity. Think about it -- if you had the experience of walking into a room and being the talk of the town, wouldn't you grab onto it with both hands and never let go? Well that's exactly what they're doing.

The can of worms has been opened and so long as there are thirsty men around, it's never going to close.

based justin

>she still won't drop the act and do porn
she'd make mad dosh

