I'm looking for the evil vs cute snek comparison drawing.
Also, sneks in vidya thread too.
I'm looking for the evil vs cute snek comparison drawing.
Also, sneks in vidya thread too.
Other urls found in this thread:
It's actually spelled "Snake".
pic unrelated
frito pie with WUUW brand chili
>with beans
this is snek
gotchu famiglia
How the fuck do you eat chili without beans?
>the my favorite chili variety is the only one thats really chili meme
This snek looks depressed
Without beans.
But I love me some beans
Finally an excuse to post this.
>100% completion
He's just mimicking how the player feels though
Aw Shit, are we posting snakes in this thread?
>tfw my ball python I had for 17 years died
God I miss that mindless critter.
I'm glad I didn't get a dog. If a dead snake makes me this sad I'd hate to think of what a dead dog would do to me. Oh god my parents are gonna die someday
Thanks, famalam.
this is a japanese snake
everything is going to die someday. harden up, boi.
Not if you're immortal and have yourself the blood of kings.
how do i get the blood of kings?
I love Hazama!
Cute snek incoming.
How about a gamer snake?
Absolutely disgusting
Is this accurate?
I feel my head swelling from all this snake knowledge. Professor Snake, y'know? I mean, how are doing?
Give me one for spiders.. I'd be unstoppable.
Best snek and best girl
If I ever get close enough to a snake to tell if it's venomous or not knowing probably won't help with not getting bitten
It would be nice if snakes were like frogs, where all the boring ones are safe and the colorful ones are venomous
snakes aren't scary.
Yeah its pretty accurate. Just remember cat eyes and fat cheeks means stay the fuck away. If it looks kind of retarded and has dopey googly doll eyes and a thin head, it's probably not poisonous.
>you don't have to tell me twice
>but in the stone age
No matter how many times i see this image pythons still seem somewhat "evil" to me. Being a carnivore is one thing, but literally squeezing the life out of your prey is just spooky
>Enemies can open doors
My 14 year old dog passed away recently, he could barely walk before he died, I dream about him everyday, in my dreams we play like we used to when we were young.
He was the only friend I'll ever have.
Claiming this 8 in the name of snek.
>waking up to that in the middle of the night
Kanako is best snek
And best 2hu
That fucking thud cracked me up.
>That hollow echo
Is that a babi snek?
They don't actually squeeze much. It would be more accurate to say "hold tightly".
Each time the prey tries to take a breath and their chest gets smaller, it readjusts its grip to that size and does budge back outward. So then the prey can't expand its lungs/chest with air and it suffocates.
Not that suffocation isn't horrible, at the least I don't think its any worse than being mauled.
Is that... supposed to be better?
No, just wanted to educate that's all.
Still, I think suffocation is probably preferable to being ripped apart in agony by teeth.
Dude, does anyone see that floating bandana?
Is suffocation really worse than other animals?
Bears will partially eat their prey, leaving them alive and in horrible agony for hours, and then eat the rest of them later.
Some species of underwater snails inject fish with a neurotoxin that paralyzes them so the snail can slowly shuffle toward them to eat them alive.
he's not wearing a bandanna yet friendo
Would you much prefer your face being slowly eaten off? Soft, fleshy parts chewed off as it slowly wears down to the bones underneath?
And some animals just eat eachother alive. Man, suffocation is pretty bad but it's not like you get good options.
>I'm working on a project that involves humanoid reptiles with Ancient Roman names
what a coincidence
There is no 'better' when you're getting slain by an instinct driven animal user. Would you rather be claw raped by a bear or hugged very very tightly by a snake and swallowed whole while you're probably still alive to feel the horror of it?
>mfw i add green beans and corn in my chili
>its fucking delicious and everyone fucking loves it
Is snek okay?
I find both of them cute.
This is Snek
suffocation is a bad death, as is mauling. Cats big and small are the best killers, snaps your neck in one second, no pain
i yawned
You realise that cats big and small are some of the few predators that enjoy toying with their prey, right? The kill itself is quick but they often drag out the act just for fun
Reminder that snakes literally can't feel affection, and in the best cases are conditioned into being handled.
>tfw my brothers want a pet Hamster
Stop, don't put yourselves through this kind of suffering when he's gone
Nature is evil and must be eradicatet.
sleep tight snakey
Looks like a cat
I hope this thread stays around for a while
But chances are slim since lately The mods or janitors have actually been doing their jobs so I don't have much hope
>Being fat
>While slamming energy drinks
I don't see how this is possible. Caffeine burns fat like fucking nothing else.
>wanting affection from animals
Furry detected.
As a bigger guy working 24 on, 24 off, I fucking wish.
tfw no snek wife
You never had a loving cat or dog growing up?
There's no fucking way you manage to be fat unless you are completely sedentary on your off time.
I drink 2 or 3 Monsters almost every day (Severe caffeine dependency) and eat 4000+ calories per day and I weigh 126 lbs.
I used to have a lizard wife
it was pretty nice.
Made my day
monsters are loaded with sugar and caffeine also makes you dependent on it so your system is far slower when without it plus you need more and more for the same effects..
But it's still adorable
Enjoy your heart failure.
Energy drinks are supposed to be used only after workouts.
Just so you know, these rules only apply for snakes in North America (obviously ruling out imported species).
>Energy drinks damage your heart
Nice meme. Considering the only thing in Monster is sugar, caffeine, and taurine could you kindly point out how these things could possibly cause heart failure?
Jayaku houtenjin!
no, it's a fully grown adult snake without teeth coming out of a fucking egg.
>Wake up in bed
>See this
>What do?
Wonder why I got the shittiest girl of them all