>Get Atomic Purple Gameboy Color and Pokemon Crystal for Christmas
>Tell the policeman my rivals name was ???
>Not even think it was stupid till I beat the game
Who else did this? Also 2nd Gen best Gen.
>Get Atomic Purple Gameboy Color and Pokemon Crystal for Christmas
>Tell the policeman my rivals name was ???
>Not even think it was stupid till I beat the game
Who else did this? Also 2nd Gen best Gen.
Did the same thing. Thought it was a quiz.
I named him ??? in soulsilver just because they changed it
It's good to know I'm not the only retard.
>Tell the policeman my rivals name was ???
I did the exact same fucking thing
I always named my rivals Gaylord.
I did the same thing.
I didn't realize they wanted me to give him a real name when I was a kid.
I think in the first ps1 rpg I played I used a new save file slot each time I saved.
>tfw I reset my game because I also thought this
>naming his rival ???
I'm not gonna lie to a cop, user. I wanted him to catch the edgy, red-haired faggot. Besides, it gives him actual character by never knowing his true name.
Same here.
i always named myself gaylord and my rival alfonso
My ex did this too apparently
I personally never misunderstood what they were going for though
>never played gold/silver back in the day because i grew out of pokemon around its initial release and i didnt have money to throw around for gameboy games when i had important consoles
>recently got around to playing heart gold for the first time last year
>this kid's dialogue is so fucking embarrassingly edgy that i almost just stop playing
Good lord that is bad writing. And I'm told it's even worse on the original game.
Like I get why he is like that or whatever, but jesus CHRIST it's embarrassing to read, seriously.
I named him after my older brother
Recently played Heart Gold. I don't remember the rival's dialog at all but man was he annoying. How bad was he in the original?
Named mine RedJew
I couldn't find out I was supposed to go around his table to get him to clear away the Ninja Koopas until I did it by accident.
OP here, Yes it was bad. But I will take the red-haired edgelord over the modern "rivals." It was fun to have someone to hate and beat. It may just be nostalgia goggles, but I like Silver.
I did the same, to be fair it wasn't so obvious like in other newer pokemon games when the scientist mentions you know him and asks you to remind him what his name was.
And at the time it never crossed my mind I had to name him, thought He was supossed to be mysterious and I would find out what his name was later in the game.
Same, I didn't realize I was suppose to give him a name.
I always thought his identity was suppose to be a mystery or something.
I always feel dissapointed now that none of the newer pokemon games make you travel to a completely new region to explore.
Although if that were the case it would be ruined now because it surely would get spoiled before even the game came out or a few days later.
You name them after me?
Oh, user you shouldn't have...
That was my biggest disappointment with Ruby. For some reason I was convinced we'd be able to go back to the last two regions, and when it didn't happen I dropped the series.
It took me nearly an hour to figure out that there were switches to pull if I jumped off the ledges.
His name is Silver
reminder that game freak are a bunch of hacks.
If Iwata-san didn't show up and compress their game for them single handedly johto would be the blandest region ever
I did the same thing, but I thought if I gave the wrong name I would get arrested since I thought they could somehow tell if I was lying or not.
>got atomic purple gbc when I was 4 with pokemon blue
>could barely read but somehow beat it with no trouble
>get pokemon gold for Christmas when 5 years old and name him ??? too
>didn't have any trouble with gold until I got to postgame kanto and had no idea where to go
It's funny how they keep making the newer pokemon games easier for no reason.
His lines were just poorly translated from Japanese.