What games did you play today?
What games did you play today?
Strange Journey for about ten minutes.
why is Rain Strike a thing
Uncharted 4, I'm enjoying this movie. Seriously though, I'm having fun.
Age of Empires II and finally tried Pokemon Go.
It was pretty good, gameplay is obviously basic and plain but it was cool to sit in the shade with 10-20 other faggots and talk or whatever, I don't leave my place or socialize, like ever.
Finished TMS#FE earlier. haven't played anything since. Thinking of starting up the Odin Sphere remaster
played PSO2 with friends all day and then unwound by trying out Hawken on PS4. fun day
Finished danganronpa 2 and played some street fighter.
1-1 To save our mother earth from any alien attack...
It was a slow day, I pretty much just played EDF.
russian roulette
I finished Bit.Trip Void
Working on clearing Watch Dog's open world of side shit before starting Act 2
Overwatch, Pokemon GO, and Pokemon Blue.
I wanna play more Wind Waker HD but I just moved and my Wii U is still packed.
Beat the Tomb Raider reboot. Gave me Banjo-Kazooie vibes rather than feeling like a Tomb Raider game.
EDF 4.1 and Overwatch
Might start a new campaign in Total Warhammer too.
Started and finished Journey and almost done with Uncharted.
Don't understand the plot at all. Why do you have to fight so many jailors?
Grinded in Dungeon Travelers and FF14. Also played the Monomi minigame in danganronpa 2
It was dope
I am Setsuna
It's been pretty great for the most part, but it's bringing out a lot of those old RPG padding mechanics, and it's pretty annoying. Maybe I'm just tired, idk.
I also played League, was fun, but I didnt get any of my games recorded which sucked.
Shadow Tower, which is rad and people should play.
Rome 2. Wrecking everyone as Egypt.
I love that game, godtier atmosphere.
Kronos, and GTA online.
None. Gonna join in the splatfest tomorrow for a few hours while I still have the chance.
Remember kids, edging all day in the middle of summer heat isn't worth the climax.
It's scratching my dungeon crawler and mysterious world itch really hard.
The location names are simple but really add a lot.
witcher 3 hearts of stone
Just started, hope it's good because the game is starting to become a bit boring
Overwatch and 7th Dragon III
Funny enough, I just finished OP's pic related 15 minutes ago. Pretty cool games, but defeating Junko in DR1 via the class trial made sense, while I still don't really understand "press both buttons to win".
I didn't play videogames again today and instead chose to shitpost on Sup Forums. I'm hopeless.
Dragon Quest Heroes
It's fun right now. I imagine it gets boring later. I fucking love the jingles the DQ series have.