Which videogame fanbase are the equivalent of Juggalos?

Which videogame fanbase are the equivalent of Juggalos?

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Juggalos exist to buy juggalo merch.
Gamers exist to buy games.
They are both slaves to consumerism.

wtf i hate capitalism now


What is a juggalo?


definitely the soulsfags

Mortal Kombat

A Hulkamaniac
He powerbombs mothafuckas into thumbtacks

I swear his feet are made out of rubber

Mainstream "GAMER CULTURE" zelda or pokemon fans.

They shamelessly eat up any t-shirt design or random merchandise and tattoo themselves with imagery and references to the games.

Literally 1-to-1 with juggalo trash, complete with "Epic gamer culture" slogans and beliefs that in some way through consuming dumb merch they bought off fangamer makes them a part of some collective that means anything.

Undertale fans of course.

Does icp still exist?
Do juggalos still exist?

To answer OPs question, it'd have to be something insanely white trash, while also having a loud, obnoxious fan base.

So Bethesdafags. People who like the really shitty Bethesda games and are completely oblivious to their flaws.

Uh Todd Howard isn't white trash friend

Fans of the Detroit (white) rappers ICP. Being elderly, I had to grow up surrounded by them in highschool.

Back then, it was only hardcore/edgy wiggers. Not school children and lard-asses, like today.

Everything you need to know about juggalos is right here:


Good questions. I remember actual Juggalos in my class in like 2006? 10 years, that's enough time for it to not really be around anymore right? I imagine most people who were juggalos are now in their 30's, at which point I really doubt they're still into that.

why do I feel old at 26?


hack 'n' slash fans. Diablo, PoE, etc... if you REALLY think about it.


I live in louisiana and there is a trailer park full of them, went to school with some of them and according to the facebooks of the names I remember they do still exist

all of them


I've only heard some of their music from playing the backyard wrestling games. They were pretty fun.


A fucking lunatic. Somebody with a rope tied to his dick

Usually dumb and loud while supporting a terrible product? Gonna have to go with Bethesda fans

Kingdom Hearts.


>goes to the rap battle
>absolutely fucking destroys everyone
Goddamn I love Joe

Do you believe in miracles, Sup Forums?

Yo ho ho he took a bite of gum gum

The FGC.
Prove me wrong.
You can't.

underrated post

I'll never undersand how ICP got this big.

is it bad that I want a house full of guns and swords?

I mean if i was invaded obviously I'd go for the guns first, but if something went wrong it would be nice to know there are multiple katanas or scimitars throughout the house.

I don't know. Do you notice and recognize miracles?

Motherfucking counter culture, how does it work?

same way consoles got big

by having uneducated and poor dummies as your target audience

The 90s had an obsession with being working class in america
See: Rise of NASCAR, WWF, Jerry Springer for evidence

>butthurt smashfag detected

Now I think about it, they actually fit the juggalo bill .


nigga u gay

If anything its anti-beth shitposters. They spam threads to the end of the galaxy and back with their feeble copy paste shit when people are trying to have a legit vidya thread

someone is upset people don't like game

Not really, Juggalos are dumb and consume shit, and praise it to the moon sounds more like bethesda fans than antibeth, only other fan group that comes close is Gearbox fans

Do Juggalos have a scapegoat that they always turn towards, like the FGC does with Smash?

If they don't like a game thread they should move on or hide it and post in a thread they do like. But people would rather shit up the board then discuss games they like

a poor parent

Way to prove my point

not him, but, it's true. Bethesda games are all buggy messes. they're hard to play. seriously. they're so fucking Grange yet somehow they still. have a huge following. mainly pcfats. who are also filthy, fat, and disgusting. just like a juggalo

The thread topic is which video game fanbase is the equivalent of juggalos.I gave my reason for why bethesda fans are like juggalos, I'm not spamming anything, if the shoe fits it fucking fits.


the same way kiss did, branding
icp is literally the kiss of the 00s

can you imagine, say 20 years from now, being the child of some fat 40-something year old officeworker who once every few years comes home for the weekend, paints up his face, and drives up to michigan to scream and get drunk at a reunion concert full of like-aged people moshing to music being played by pathetic nearly-70 year old has-beens
does that sound like a familiar situation


Wait, are Juggalos called Juggalos or Ninja?

There are more Juggalos than polar bears.


They're juggalos but since they appropriate black urban culture they like to talk like nigs but are scared to be racist so they say ninja instead of nigga

What the actual fuck is happening with his feet.

Normies, government, parents

literally pc cucks

welcome to Sup Forums Idk maybe if it bothers you so much stop liking shitty games

HoNk HoNk :o)

A reminder that Homestuck hasn't been good since 2011

Any wrestling game ever. Trashy and fake as fuck. Seems like a good form of entertainment, to watch idiots beat eachother up, but really just sad.