So, Sup Forums, why do you like Video games?
So, Sup Forums, why do you like Video games?
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Because fun things are fun.
Because during an uncertain and rough time in my youth they provided me with a construct of clear rules and consequences in which I was rewarded and punished consequently in response to doing good or bad.
Y'know, it's an escape. A way to get away from all the horrible shit that happens in the world. Nothin' Freudian there.
It's the only thing I have to do, makes me happy, fun experiences, characters that aren't real, music and emotion, I'm all about it.
Something to do after a long day at work. Its not like I have a family or anything.
She was really pretty with without her glasses.
What the fuck do you care? All you damn psychologists think you know everything, well I took a fuckin semester of psychology so I see through ya stupid fucking game!
I don't actually.
I just have nothing else to do
ovah here
This still cracks me the fuck up, every time
only thing I'm good at
i never watched the sopranos except for a few sporadic episodes and that final one
is it a good show?
One of the best from HBO. Up there with the Wire.
Because im the strong, silent type.
Is that the girl from Goodfellas?
It's pretty great, James Gandolfini was a saint
>christopher tells tony he will get a heart attack when he is 50
>james gandolfini died of a heart attack when he was 51
Its better than the wire because season 5 of the wire exists. The only bad thing about sopranos was when it followed the gay dude for no actual reason but that was only a few episodes.
the wire is boring, its one of those shows where you have to watching like the first two seasons in order for it to get good
Well it also got weirdly inconsistent as the show progressed
Like Tony barely gave a fuck about that cop jumping off a bridge but then later when that girl he banged hanged herself he lost his shit
Pussy ain't that magical
Watch it for Tony's sick Mario Kart strats
That's true. The Wire has really high highs, but the lows are like the docks and no one is better off watching a bunch of fucking potato eaters shimsham their way off a rainbow. Shit like Stringer Bell and that whistle faggot and the quintessential cop duo of fat black guy and alcoholic white dude - mamamiatastymeatball
>hold the controller like a gun and don't press a
The Wire is terrible though
>unrealistic forced drama
>oh no this drugdealing kid died, you better be sad now
Like how one would read a book or watch television to relax, I play vidya to help me wind down before I go to bed.
Are you trying to say the docks stuff was bad?
because they are fun
yeah Lorraine Bracco, she played Tony's shrink in Sopranos
Name your top 3 episodes.
>The Test Dream
>Long Term Parking
The docks was the best season get fucked,
No one gives a shit about the docks outside of what it sets up in later seasons
I haven't watched all of it but every season ending episode so far was outstanding
>This thing ain't steering right
what is this "like" you're talking about?
Why yes, I was looking for a personal therapist that makes my dick harder than neutron star matter.
Wow, how can you be such a faggot?
Don't bring up those fucking ducks again
To be honest I don't know. I liked them as a kid and just keep playing them. Sometimes I sperg out and delete everything because they take too much time, then reinstall.
Who even said that I like video games?
great argument dipshit
I derive pleasure from competition and problem solving
Why are you the hottest character on a show with a cast full of whores and strippers?
As for the video games, .
Is this the Sup Forums + Sup Forums thread of the night?
What is the /Pine Barrens/ of video games?
What's it to ya? You're breaking my ballz!
take him out big tone
more like milfi