>time skip
>game subtly implies that the characters are no longer virgins
Time skip
You suck the game off?
>you still haven't gotten a life
wat game
>rebuild 3.txt
god why did they have to turn asuka into a slut
Any games where the protag had kids during the time skip. You a virgin brah?
post more small mammals
What games?
*unzips dick*
well you got the small part right
>tfw have small penis
>tfw sex life will forever be dead
>OP as himself
>turn into
Girls like her usually end up pregnant by 16.
as it should be
If you're cute and effeminate, you can have a fulfilling sex life.
Post the rat getting its dick cut off
no. don't do that.
I disagree but you cant think whatever you like
i know a guy who has a 3in penis but has also had sex with multiple different women
he had to get circumsized because he split his dick fucking a 7/10 at my birthday party
there's hope for you yet user.
What's Cruz doing there?
Of course I'm a virgin. I can't timeskip. :^)
If you let your dick size determine the happiness of your sex life, yeah. Plenty of women don't really give a shit. You don't have to score a 10/10.
That poor thing looks sad as fuck
What is that?
>why the fuck is this guy filming me
>is he gonna give me food
>Time Skip
>Inept, edgy and/or annoying character becomes respectable and a badass
albino treenigger
>everything that you fixed before is fucked up again
>not pouring down gasoline and setting that faggot on fire
>Spat out his nuts out of fear
It looks like a small dog with fake wings 2bh.
Only faggot here is (you).
the squirrel equivalent of spaghetti dropping
Those who mind don't matter and those that matter don't mind. You shouldn't let shallow people impact how you view yourself.
its some ferret thing that changes its fur on winter, it probably changed fur earlier, or is waiting to change fur again to camouflage.
Dragon Quest V (⸌ ͜つ⸍)
did he just murder him?
Are there any ferret-likes that don't smell like ferrets and make playful pets?
shh, shh, don't fight it, It'll all be over soon
I've learned recently that the cat in the cupboard is named Lucifer.
No seriously.
that was like, one of the only things I liked about mass effect 3.
>Characters are decently aged
>All the romance options are bona fide virgins
I can relate.
It's obvious long established that roos are deadly but that's another level. That's terrifying that an animal knows how chokeholds work.
Samoyeds are the poofiest motherfuckers in existence.
you could cut someone with that edge, watchout!
Raiden from Metal Gear
best dogs possible
now snowball, get back in the cage until its time for dinner. *smacks slant eyed lips*
>Twink looking MC becomes a big McLargehuge badass
>Fatass character becomes bearmode and gets the girl he was lusting after
>Lufia 2
>live in Florida
>poofy dogs would overheat and die
I want one so badly though
Yeah, if you like having your apartment completely covered in fur
I got the urge to squish it and watch it whimper till it die
I hope that thing realized it fucked up crossing a human
>time skip
>all the cool/beautiful areas in the game that you liked are now fucked up, corrupted and full of annoying enemies that will never leave you alone for the rest of the game
If I remember right that particular roo was an adolecent, i'd like to see someone fight a proper grown up Bulk Ironslab kangaroo.
That's not normal, you might be fucked in the head.
>crossing a human
>implying it's not some drunk retard who intentionally thought it would be funny to attack the kangaroo and film it
>time skip
>two main characters have children
Over encumberance
Bats have snouts similar to dogs.
>not brushing your doggo all the time
>not saving the fur to make mittens and scarves from
samoyed fluff is some of the softest shit and insulates leagues better than wool or cotton
so youre saying a grown man cant beat a grown roo?
HOW? they don't have a real fist to inflict injury.
they'll kick you and eviscerate your ass
I had a keeshond and I loved him but grooming him was torture to me.
That human also seemed to be an adolescent but I get what you mean.
their tail is so strong it can hold them up while they kick you in the stomach
It's still breathing, pretty clearly. The kick to the head stunned it and the other one probably just wasn't sure what to do with it.
Kangaroos legit have a reputation for having a kick that can disembowel you.
Also look at this nigger, puts Zyzz to shame.
>Grandia's ending
>Justin and Feena have around 15 kids
I suppose if I had that many I might lose one or two
Plus this
I hear y'all takin shit.
Their males have incredibly short lifespans. In between killing one another all the time and being killed by humans, there's something about their biology surrounding their need to have grotesquely huge arms that's actually killing them in the process. Sexual selection is destroying kangaroo populations.
>little girl comes running
>"Mom, look what I found!"
grapes are bad for dogs