Last Splatfest E V E R is on right now. Which sister are you?
Last Splatfest E V E R is on right now. Which sister are you?
The empress of smug herself.
It helps that I'm a charger main.
FYI Team Marie is absolutely destroying Team Callie too
I hate being a Callie fag, there is NO WAY she can win this.
I was a Marie fag in the beginning. Then I took another glance at Callie, took personality into account, and researched and studied, and realized that Marie can't hold a candle to Callie.
It's such a shame that most people won't realize Callie's superiority in the end of it, they just care about first looks.
>get everything on Callie but sarcastic commenter
Looks like I'm a Marie tßh
>I was a Marie fag in the beginning. Then I took another glance at Callie, took personality into account, and researched and studied, and realized that Marie can't hold a candle to Callie.
same desu.
>there is NO WAY she can win this.
Now you know what it's like to be a Mariefag throughout most Splatfests.
I actually sided with Callie's team most times. Marie herself might be great, but damn does she have questionable taste sometimes.
>The none of your choices actually matter quiz
They are so going to force a fucking tie on this.
Team Callie you fucks
>Mortay Towers Mortay Towers Mortay Towers Mortay Towers Mortay Towers Mortay Towers Mortay Towers Mortay Towers Mortay Towers
No way. Marie is going to win in a landslide.
I've mostly been getting the warehouse, which I'm glad about because it was the first map I ever played in the test fire. Seems appropriate to end it there.
They better force the tie.
If one character loses, there is no redemption. They will be shit on forever.
I won't be able to play splatoon anymore if one loses, I'd only feel pain and sadness in seeing their face.
She will forever be a loser with no way to save herself, stuck in an endless loop of being inferior to her sister. Never being able to prove her worth. Stuck behind with no way to help herself.
Just the idea of something like this happening breaks my heart, I can't let either of them lose.
Honestly? I never liked either one. Marie is a bit better though.
>Marie likes chargers
Makes sense for worst girl to like the worst weapon.
Its probably why Moray Towers is on the docket
but user, i only care about the looks and i prefer Callie
>Marie hates Hawaiian pizza
I always knew she was the best girl
I haven't played Splatoon in ages, but I might play a round or two for Marie.
If it's the last does that mean Splatoon 2 is coming soon?
>start off really strong
>take over 90% of the map
>10 seconds left
>two people drop out from my team
>the opposing team pushes back and we lose
HOLY FUCK THIS KEEPS HAPPENING. So, so frustrating. The other team was being outplayed all match, they did not deserve the win.
I forgot it started already.
any mirror matches?
Post yfw they started playing the Octavio battle music. Shit's hype.
Also, Inkbrush and all variants all day. erry day.
Splatoon is out for a little over a year and already the online is RIP you gotta be squiddin'me.
You're a fucking idiot and I hope you jump in traffic.
Splatfests are done, not online entirely you fucking idiot. The online will still continue.
Jesus fucking Christ, go drink some bleach.
Marie, Marie, Marie, Very!
Seriously. Inkbrush is soooo satisfying I'm half erect every time I play as one. Rapid blaster's beginning to grow on me too.
>He thinks Nintendo won't can the online for Wii U when the NX is released
You're kraken me up, stop.
Splattershot Jr is still king
Music has apparently changed for the last 24 hours.
Splatter Shit
They did, it's now the final boss music
Callie, but the internet here is shit so I've been getting connection errors 80% of the time. Sorry Calliefans, it's best if I stop playing rather than giving you 3v4s all the time.
Splat fests are the only time the game is worth playing.
Three map rotation > Two
Callie will lose.
They should unlock the maps. At the start it was because there was so few maps. Now we have loads and they rarely get used because LMAO2MAPS
inb4 arowana mall is one of the maps
>reminder that barneyfag is a callie supporter
>The Callie vs Callie matches are eating up the good players time
So that's how Marie wins, being the unpopular losers choice.
I wasn't expecting Marie to be so unpopular. I've been getting mostly CvC matches all this morning.
At least Callie will be able to BTFO Marie when they reveal the popularity score
There was a poll in Japan that showed Mareie was more popular
Also, Splatfest match ups are done according to rank. The fact that you're playing against other Callie players may just mean that there aren't any available Marie teams of your average rank readily available. Last. Splatfest, Team Night Owl was the most popular choice by only like two percent, but with how many Night Owl v Night Owl matches there were you would think it was like 10
a bit biased there op?
Yeah, the chart is BS.
The only way to get "Callie" is to either "willingly use the word "adorrrrbs"" or to be an attention whore.
In all other cases the result is "Marie".
>Marie is the only right answer
Sounds about right
i'd argue that being the shithead that always has to interrupt with sarcastic comments is more of an attention whore than the person just trying to do their job.
To be fair, Nintendo Treehouse has made Marie more snide in their translation. In Japan, she's a bit more of just the straight man with a sleepy face. For example the whole "maybe they thought you were me," thing she says in one of the Arowana Mall intros isn't in the original Japanese. One reason a lot of kids in the Americas pick Callie is cause they sometimes think Marie is mean and part of that is due to the somewhat liberal translation
Stop trying to move the goalposts
I relate more with Marie, but I like Callie more. She'd complement me.
He's right though. Marie is more of a prick in the American version.
Hotaru-tan is my goddess, Hotaru-tan is love, Hotaru-tan is life.
Anybody got that "Who shot Marie?" image? I can't find it anywhere
>Sup Forums almost unanimously supports Marie
>Last 10 matches on Team Marie we were absolutely destroyed because 90% of my teammates were using rollers and aerosprays while charging straight at the enemy
Explain yourself faggots.
>>Sup Forums almost unanimously supports Marie
Nice meme
I gave up yesterday. The connection problems are horrible to the point where it is unplayable. It took me 5 hours just to get to level 3 cause of how horrible Nintendo's servers are.
Great way to end it Nintendo.
works fine on my machine
Played it for at least 3 hours today, not a problem
I remember this pasta fromyesterday
Given that there's about eight players in NA + EU compared to the million in Japan, none of this really matters.
using the Nintendo Wii Lan Adapter?
>someone kills you for the first time in the match
>They squid flop
>your teammate kills them during
>end of March
>that was their only kill
Is there a better feeling in this game?
Baiting a Kraken only to kill them immediately after comes close
I love that the music's changed to Calimari Inkantation for the end
how many more hours is the splatfest going to run for?
Don't even own the game and Marie
So how will I be able to get my seashells?
Marie's only a whitehead in the American version. She's dry and sarcastic in the euro version
I wont lie, i'm going to be super butthurt if Marie wins.
when* Marie wins
I'm Callie and I've only lost 2 out of 30 matches.
Not sure how representative that is, but every batch of team Marie is getting wrecked when I'm playing
Even if Callie doesn't win, I will fight for her.
What if
>tense conclusion
>Its a tie
>they say they'll settle it in Spla2n
How how you niggas be
Weird, I'm having the complete opposite experience, I'm constantly on winning teams even when we have a leaver.
What region are you in?
I'd rather they settle it in Smash
When did they add new music to Splatfest?
Are Australia and Europe the same or different regions for this splatfest?
I'd rather see them smash.
I'm in the same boat as him. Marie has been getting demolished.
Lost maybe 4 games on my way to Callie King, and one of those was to another Callie team.
This is important
I don't have a preference between rollers or chargers, but both ones lead me back to Callie, who I picked already. Seems legit.
Callie go win
Callie go lose
We need a sticky for the results. We need to contain the tears.
Will we ever find out?
Sup Forums will always be contrarian
I want Marie to win, but there's only so much I can do with these teammates.
I also hate Moray so much, but it seems to be the only map I don't get Marie mirrors on.
Every time I'm winning for Marie, the connection gets interrupted. This shit is rigged.
I don't understand the attraction to Marie, she's just not cute
People are attracted to "attainable" rather than genuinely hot.
Anecdotal evidence, man. There are always people bragging or whining about their team.
End of the day, the average splatfest is won by the team children support less and hipsters support more, because popularity means shit compared to wins. And the average child is worse than the average adult.
>Marie hates Hawaiian pizza
perfect waifu
She has the mind of a child.