Look, I instant locked ana

>look, I instant locked ana
>What map is it? doesn't matter. Ana is the best healer
>What? the reaper and the mei on our team have more healing than me?
>yeah 800 healing might not be alot but at least I got that one nanoboost before we lost right guys?
>look I got 5 kills!
>time to instant lock ana again.

Please stop..
As she stands a single ana is worse than a single zenyatta was before his buff. Pick ana AFTER someone decides to be a support. and if nobody does pick a support play lucio or mercy you fuckhead.

who the fuck are you talking to OP?

Suck my literal dick

>he fell for the overwatch meme

>every time I have an Ana on my team we lose
I'm sure she can be good but goddam I have not seen it happen.

If you're not getting at least 3k healing in every game, you're playing her wrong.

If you're below rank 70 you should just never pick Ana because you won't even have the mechanical skill required to play her proficiently.

Did you mean 5?
If you are not constantly firing her rifle at enemies or allies you are playing her wrong.

A lot of it comes from Ana players just wanting an excuse to play a sniper. Most of the ones I see are more preoccupied thinking they're going to outskill an enemy Widowmaker than doing their job.

Any time you create anything resembling a sniper in any FPS, you're going to attract a lot of shitty players. I think it's because of the perception of excellent target tracking being the height of skill in a FPS, but retards love that shit.

If you're the only support maybe, but then you're fucked either way.

>your ana
>can't aim for shit

>enemy team ana
>a literal god

Every fucking game.

Be real.
Has anyone ever seen a Ana Play of the Game?
I play this game and autistic amount and I have yet to get one or see one.

I feel like people just havent figured out how to play her yet. Almost everytime I get her in 1v1 she sleeps me then tried to kill me.

Sleep is meant for you to run away and kill ults. You should just be healing and basically just contribute to someone elses kill vs getting youre own

I agree that she's shit. I just find it funny how seriously people take this game, people really get legitimately angry

Yes, every Ana potg are the same
>shutdown ult with sleep dart
>assist kill

>insta pick ana
>play her like widow
>dont do shit at all
>next round
>insta pick ana again

>new lobby
>someone insta picks ana
>someone else insta picks her
>neither switches
>we get fucked

holy shit this is so infuriating i dont think she would be insta picked so hard if she was a normal support and didnt have a sniper

Either stop playing competitive, or realise that comp is a containment mode for shitters and stop complaining..

don't be that guy.

I did good with her. 17 and 3 one game and i know how eliminations work. I do play on console though

When you sleep dart someone you shoot the immediately throw the bomb and shoot again and boosh

Shooting people to heal them is so fucking hard in the middle of the constant shitstorm. Its just better to continuous heal

The rest of Ana's abilities are really good though. They might honestly rework her and give her a new weapon that does the same shit but not a sniper

I spam my allies with her shots while we're heading toward the objective in the beginning to try earn their trust.

Someone was about to say I never heal I can feel it

>If you're below rank 70
So like 99.99% of the playerbase?

No they won't. She's fine as it is. Maybe a buff eventually actually. Or maybe not idk how that works but I feel like her gun is badass and I play console

>I play on console
Sweet naive summer child, you know not the cold of winter.

One 200hp or less characters she can get you easy though, I just sleep dart, grenade then shoot right after that into a melee and it's almost instakill.

Assuming you're not using the grenade to heal or cc like you're supposed to

Most I've gotten as Ana is 8k, outhealing a Mercy on our team.

i completely understand that ana can be good (and i enjoy her), the problem is the mouth breathing shitbags that insta pick her regardless of team comp or how many anas are already playing

i would expect this if she was an attack character, but its even worse on a support that 90% of ana users use as a dps class

this is all true.

>watching an ana try to countersnipe widow as her team slowly dies around her

>new hero releases
>people are surprised when other people want to play this brand new hero
Genuine retards, all of you.


>MFW consistently outhealing everyone except skilled mercys
>MFW backing up a skilled mercy, keeping her from having to go near the front line
>MFW my ult targets almost always get POTG
>MFW putting flankers to sleep while we win the game
>MFW healing my teammates from fuckin' miles away while the other healer on our team can't do shit to help them
>MFW skillfully making use of both scoped and unscoped dart mechanics
>MFW effortlessly 1v1ing enemy anas who don't know their place
>MFW putting ulting genji/roadhog/soldier/mcree/reaper/bastion/pharah/torb/winston to sleep
>MFW making harambe jokes when I tranq a winston ult
>MFW typing SLEEPY LIL REAPY in chat when I deny a reaper ult

Fuck I love this character so much. She got me to want to play support and I hate playing support in games. Cockblocking my enemies' every move gives me the most massive erection. I rate Ana GR8 out of 8

>he thinks hes a special snowflake

>Pick Ana because I enjoy the playstyle
>Team "Boo, Ana shit hero swap now or I report"
>Swap to Pharah
>Enemy Team "Boo, fuck you easymode Pharah uninstall can't aim shitlord"

When did you realise the Overwatch community was concentrated shit?

How to tell if your ana is a shitter.
>she is standing in Widowmaker positions instead of hanzo/zen positions
>She is shooting enemies more than allies
>she isn't getting her ult every 2 minutes
>she uses her grenade on herself
>she shoots her sleep dart at the biggest target in the middle of a teamfight
Jesus fuck even a Zen/Ana can work. SINGLE ANA NEVER FUCKING WORKS
Unless your team destroys so much they don't even need a healer.

Fuck Ana

when i still saw level 100+ post-nerf mccrees running around relying on flashbang - fan the hammer combo exclusively

is there a reason people play her as a sniper?
I just mid range and seem to do fine without scoping
seems retarded to play her like widow

Ana's been available on the test client for a while; there is no reason to be playing her unless you are good at her or simply forgot that she's been out for about a week. It also doesn't explain why people play her in Ranked. Blizzard spread her too thin and now she excels at pretty much hoping her team can carry her granny ass to victory while giving them her fucking meds. Teams with an Ana can easily win without her, and if the Ana in question isn't fucking God, then the slot is wasted on some mediocre senior citizen with a pea-shooter.

literally everything you said is incorrect
not everyone downloads the test client to trial heroes; most people will be doing that now
nano boost is one of the best ults currently in the game
grenade is one of the best non-ult abilities in the game
you don't need to be good to hit shots with ana since her shot has a bigger box than hanzo's arrow

Fan the hammer is pretty useless now. There's no reason to use it instead of just going for easy headshots after a flashbang.

That's how I play her, too. Easier to hit shots unscoped imo.

Okay, I'm a shitter, so please help me. How the fuck do you aim her sleep dart? Every time I try to use it, the delay from me hitting LShift to her actually shooting it means that my target has moved and I miss. I know the thing works because I've been knocked out with it, so how do other Ana players do it?

Those are some wicked opinions, user. I'm not sure if you're baiting me or not, but either way, you're fucking retarded.
It's not my problem if some idiot didn't testrun Ana before finding out "Hey, this character is awful". That's what test clients are for. Testing, user.
Nano-Boost, I will give you, is Ana's saving grace from falling into pre-buff Zenyatta territory. That's all she has.
The grenade is next to useless unless if there's another healer on the team, and thanks to the way that Blizzard has decided to set up their little team composition tabs, people will only play one support in Quick Play; in this case, that support is Ana, who is supposed to help other healers do their job better. No other healer, no better heals, no win, you get nothing, good day, etc.
Here's the part where you throw some bullshit at me, telling me that Ana is good because you say so, but I hate to say that as of right now her winrate is absolute dogshit at 47.5%, the lowest in the game for Quick Play (though she dos jump to about 49% in Comp).

i agree wholeheartedly user

someone correct me if i'm wrong, but i think travel time on the dart is reduced if you're scoped in

I think her rifle becomes hitscan scoped in.

projectile unscoped hitscan scoped

desu its used for tanks and shit
but if you learn how to predict and aim it you can shut down anybody
funny thing about the small framed flankers that always kill you, they have such low health that if you can learn to hit them you can almost certainly kill them

timing and luck, predict where a player is going to go and then aim a bit ahead of the destination

So you just have to really lead it? I see.

Does it have falloff too or can you use it at mid-long range?

Last night I played a round on attack with 4 Ana and a Bastion.

On defence they switched to 2 D.Va, Mercy, Soldier 76 and Hanzo.

I couldn't understand it at all. For the whole round they must have actually believed "Ana is the best pick right now."

meant projectile drop.

No falloff. Great for disabling a bastion in turret form, for example.

>no drop

Well shit son.

If three people meme pick, I usually do the same because we're likely not winning this game anyway, might as well try to have fun.

Surprisingly enough, spamming Hanzo works more than most would think it does.

>activision games

>regularly get a better healing medal as 76 or Roadhog than the teams Ana

When will this shit stop?
How long does it take for people to get bored of instalocking her?

when can we ban heroes is normal play?
so sick of being the tank in a team full of squishies with the only support being ana who thinks shes widowmaker with heals

>Playing Zen
>Someone tells me to go lucio
>Tell him to pick Lucio if he wants one so much

I would literally rather lose than play boring as shit Mercy or Lucio

Surprisingly this selfish style of play has worked all the way up to comp rank 75

shes good but the problem is you need a certain amount of team coordination to actually make use of her, which is why she has found a lot of use in higher ranking teams.

woah people are shit with the NEW character, cry me a fucking river tryhards

Zen and a main heal is great.
Only problem is them switching when you pick Zen cause most pubs like to think 1 healer is all that's required and it frees them up to pick a more fun character.

>The grenade is next to useless unless if there's another healer on the team

Retard confirm'd

>ban heroes

fuck off back to LoL mobabby

>you're on defense and the enemy team has an ana

ez win :^)

>he fell for the "he fell for the 'meme'" meme

>falling for Overmeme

>Step 1: Find a Pharah
>Step 2: Wait for "JUST"
>Step 3: Fuck her shit up

>86% win rate with Ana
I dunno I think she works pretty well. Granted she works better in a two healer situation but she still ruins characters like Roadhog and Soldier on enemy teams.

Also is it just me or are ally D.Va defense matrix sometimes eating Ana's E?

>tfw poorfag who has to play on console
>0 friends so playing her without a fucktard team is impossible and makes her ult useless 90% of the time
its amazing how online in gaming went from everyone talking during the haydays of 360 to not a single person with their mic in now, its impossible to have people to play with in anything aside from fighting games