Were they right?
Were they right?
Why did top 10 lists blow up?
>number 1
When will this meme die?
did you watch the video or
>10. Goldeneye 007
>9. Resident Evil 4
>8. Skyrim
>7. Mass Effect 2
>6. Portal 2
>5. Chrono Trigger
>4. Super Mario World
>3. Half Life 2
>2. Tetris
>1. Ocarina of Time
Shit list.
>Mass Effect 2
every motherfucking list
>mass effect and skyrim in embed
not watching that
whats wrong with those games
fuck no
the only games that would be in the top 10 are tetris and OOT
holy crap that is a shit list. not everything on that list is necessarily bad but this is some entry-level crap here.
>Resident Evil 4
Masterpiece, deserves its spot
>Mass Effect 2
>Portal 2
Not as insanely overrated as Mass Effect 2 or Skyrim but still, no
>Chrono Trigger
Honestly, I haven't played it yet since I fucking hate emulating shit
>Super Mario World
>Half Life 2
Generic safe choice, no
>Metroid Prime
Masterpiece that should've replaced Half Life 2
>San Andreas
Never really cared for Rockstar apart from RDR
>Halo 2
Don't care about Halo, can't comment
MGS2 is the true masterpiece of the series, MGS1 is far too flawed
Ok fine, I'd personally choose Mario 64
Overall, mediocre list, Mass Effect 2, Skyrim and Bioshock don't belong in any way, shape or form.
I only like 3 of those games.
My top 10 would be (not in a particular order):
Batman: Arkham Asylum
Half Life 2
Jet Set Radio
Max Payne
Max Payne 2
MediEvil (always wanted to play the PSP one, is a pstv worth it?)
Mirror's Edge
Silent Hill
beyond going into anything about the games specific they both have flaws that easily leave them out of such a high standard even if they are fine regardless. If a game is going to be x greatest of all time it needs to have defined something in the genre or at least influenced it to a degree for better or worse. Say what you want about something like Half-Life 2 but the things it did at the time were revolutionary in the industry. Mass Effect 2 and Skyrim were just continuations of series that while popular didn't do anything to different from formula in their own right besides spawning a group of die hard idiot fans.
They're not among the best of all time? It's the typical choice of normies or AAA babbies or people who haven't been playing long to take such dumbed down, modern RPGs over some actual important ones.
It's really the GOAT game for casual gamers, isn't it?
It must have met the sweet spot with atmosphere, gameplay and casualness. People go nuts over this game.
>Ocarina of time
When will these faggots die out? We get it, you grew up playing Ocarina of time, that doesn't make it the best game ever. I swear every fucking top 10 list has Ocarina of time at least in top 3 yet everyone hates the underwater level.
>Super mario world
Again just because they played world... 3 was the game changer and thus should be on the list.
Again all these N64 babies being biased
The shittiest, most boring video game of the last decade, really?
>Mass Effect 2
The overcasualized garbage that made the series feel like a mobile game.
>not even the best Console shooter
>not even the best RE game
>not even the best TES game
>not even the best Bioware game
>not even the best Portal game
>not even the best Half Life game
. Goldeneye 007
i don't know, it was awesome and very influential for its time, but still
. Resident Evil 4
. Chrono Trigger
. Super Mario World
. Half Life 2
these are all deserving of being on a list like this
. Tetris
weird choice, but sure; it's a great game
. Ocarina of Time
it was a masterpiece when it came out, so i can see why some people still see it as such
but i just feel like it hasn't aged very well, the dungeons are pretty boring and so is a lot of the overworld stuff you do
i wonder how many people have actually played it since they were kids
also, majoras mask does everything oot does, and better; both dungeons and overworld, shit even story wise
. Skyrim
. Mass Effect 2
. Portal 2
come on lol
Pic related
Forget Perfect Dark, even The World Is Not Enough was better than that.
>Resident Evil 4
That's honestly a reasonable choice. It's one of the most all-round solid games I've ever played.
Fuck off normalfaggots with your skeleton-clubbing simulator
>Mass Effect 2
Okayish pop sci-fi action thing. Deserves to be mostly forgotten
>Portal 2
>Chrono Trigger
'we need a jrpg but don't actually like jrpgs'
Of course they needed Mario to cover their asses
>Half-Life 2
Where the fuck did this meme come from? Even the first Half-Life plays better than this. It's an on-rails call of duty campaign setpiece-fest with a slightly older style of shooting mechanics, why is it GOAT?
boring choice
Really outdated and biased choice
Who the fuck watches these things?
Based Armond
I didn't watch the video or read the otger posts ITT but let me guess : the announcer is a girl and the 'best games ever are SMB1, LoZ and Tetris.
David Letterman.
Fuck half life 2.
fuck you faggot
ocrina is the best ever made
It doesn't really do anything that later Zelda's didn't surpass it in. It's innovative as hell and still an incredibly solid and playable game, but I consider every mainline 3d Zelda game made since an improvement/refinement.
my god, this is the ultimate normie and nostalgia bait list
They have been around beoire the internet was even widespread
>no Warcraft
>no RDR
shit list
reminder to avoide watchmojo
Why are Nintendo games so disgustingly overrated?
people really like lists.
why do retards do this? No one cares about your opinions on each game on the list. It's ugly formatting and boring reading your stupid uneducated thoughts.