Why was this Battlefield the most fun out of the series?
Why was this Battlefield the most fun out of the series?
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Cuz shit blew up good.
It didn't have COD shitters infesting it yet.
Though blowing up the MCOM by collapsing the building was fucking bullshit.
>most fun
>consolized COD gameplay
>tiny maps
>half the vehicles from older games missing
>half the classes from older games missing
>pointless gear grind
>beyond retarded class design and balance, like giving medics heavy machine guns, and giving assault class infinite ammo resuplying
>regenerating health
It didn't. It felt and looked like shit with some really terrible maps.
Guns just felt good mang
Its was best of its time but bf3 is infinitely better excluding the fucking jets.
It had a vision and did it well
>great gunplay
>fun destruction with meaningful results for gameplay, with cover being temporary and craters acting as cover
>fine class balance, every one of them was useful and had a slew of options to pick from
>squadplay was really important, enabling constant action despite smaller teams
>no jets mean way simpler infantry-armour-air balance, every vehicle was important in its own right
>no gadget overflow like the later BF games
>some great maps
Even the things that are seen as negatives, like no prone, can be considered good, since it allows snipers to be powerful without being too overpowered due to being allowed to go full wookie mode
>didn't give a fuck about realism, more arcadey
>great gunplay/destruction mechanics
>slower TTK = emphasis on outplaying/flanking the enemy rather than who sees who first
>class balance = make them all mega powerful in their niches
>god tier sound design, feel physically exhausted after a while
>vehicles aren't shit
>Rush played out like an action movie 9/10 matches
>Conquest felt like a WWI simulator
what this guy said: vision
I don't remember a single point when both MCOMs were in a building
>tiny maps
>atacama desert, heavy metal, port valdez, other conquest/rush maps
>half the vehicles missing
no jets was a blessing, means more players playing for objectives rather than meaninglessly dogfighting for no benefit to any other player.
also, regenerating health is disabled in hardcore, i believe. go play that mode for 500% fun.
obligatory BFBC2 thread post:
The only redeeming quality is its map design, destruction model and infartry/vehicles balance is pretty fun, considering they're basically power pick ups here. The PC port is literal dogshit, so is netcode, hit detection, server tools, conquest maps, singleplayer and OP's mum.
>aim down sights
>gun is still inaccurate
The only gun-related thing that BFBC2 did good was the sound.
good balance between infantry and vehicle combat
maps that were large enough to give multiple paths to the objective but small enough that there wasn't any meaningless travel time and areas that were worthless from a tactical standpoint
I never bought the "sniper balance" bullshit when they give snipers fucking artillery strikes and it was piss easy to snipe pilots out of helicopters.
The giant lens shine in BF4 balanced it a lot more and the maps were designed so that there is a lot of shit to prone behind to take cover from sniper fire.
Go play this game online right now and you will see this is pure nostalgia.
The game was mediocre at best.
The Q spotting, no prone and amazing accuracy on many default guns meant that wookie mode was never really that strong
C4>>>artillery strike
Because you were 12 when it came out.
It's one of the shittiest in the series, bar Hardline of course.
usually only one was, and people didn't really try to defend it because nuking it from 20 miles away with tracer dart + rpg was unstoppable
I've killed a lot more and been killed a lot more by artillery strikes than any C4.
So many things in BF4 balance snipers more. Especially that loud ass bullet. They miss once and it's easy to know to take cover.
And I still say prone benefits the one on the receiving end of the sniper fire a lot more.
>the SRAW was introduced in BC2
stopped watching there
>snipers mark enemy team through the entire map
>pick em off across the map with the XM8 smg
Some shit was stupid broken,butfun as hell
>that neostead shotty
>grenade launchers on Assault weapons don't have a swapping/flipping up sights animation on PC
is there any way to fix this
the BF is BC3 a rumor i guess
>Especially that loud ass bullet. They miss once and it's easy to know to take cover.
BC2 also has very noticeable 'sniper just missed you' and visible bullet trails on them, meaning that one miss is usually enough to q-spot the sniper
>And I still say prone benefits the one on the receiving end of the sniper fire a lot more.
It depends, really. You can shoot through many surfaces in BC2, meaning that you're easy food if you're on the ground. but it does allow you to use better cover in some cases
>tfw sniping with a 12 gauge loaded with slugs
Well the big thing is also how ridiculously easy it was to snipe people out of helicopters in BC2. I remember that one map, all I'd so is camp and just shoot the dude down every time the chopper took off.
That being said, helicopters in BF4 were too under powered.
>spawn in helicopter
>always halfway destroyed already
>blows up in seconds
It was really really bad
This is still true in BF4 maybe even worse
ah, i see you've been playing rogue transmission and giants of karelia. please, direct those maps to the bin, and return to greener pastures.
Because you are underaged.
The series went to shit with the whole CoD style leveling and weapon unlocking shit became a big focus. Ruined the series.
Character progression and unlocks in online shooters is cancer.
Seems like it happens on most maps. Even Siege of Shanghai with all of its buildings to block the fire even. I feel like choppers in BF4 should have been a bit more durable.
>helicopters in BF4 underpowered
>literally the strongest vehicles in the game
>scout heli decimates infantry and is basically unbeatable by other air vehicles unless flying high in the open
>attack helicopter is objectively the strongest vehicle in the entire game with the highest damage output and the possibility to kill the MAA outside of the MAA's range
Get good son...
How so? i've played bf4 almost since the launch and not have someone snipe with the 870 in a single game.
No, just get good. For real.
Because it's the first you played
>should have been a bit more durable
Oh yes, they need to withstand 3 soflamed javelins.
>>tiny maps
>>atacama desert, heavy metal, port valdez, other conquest/rush maps
Yes those are tiny compare to proper Battlefield maps, what's your point?
>no jets was a blessing, means more players playing for objectives rather than meaninglessly dogfighting for no
Yeah a blessing for COD players because they all just wanted to play a generic spray'n'pray game
>regenerating health is disabled in hardcore, i believe. go play that mode for 500% fun.
Hardcore is garbage and not fun, it just takes the already terrible game mechanics and game design and makes it even worse, like making medics even more broken then before and making sniper kiddies even more prevalent since they don't even have to bother to aim to get kills now
I stopped watching when I saw a guy talking about skill while playing a Medic
>it's a bad company 2 is the best in the series episode
Battlefield is at it's core about large scale battle's not small player counts with limited vehicles on straight forward, linear maps designed around rush with the exact same premade events happening at each stage, not to mention the throwing away of resources on shitty single player campaigns, yes it was a good game and the best way to transfer the Battlefield franchise to console but in no way does it top BF2/2142.
if at least those three aren't proper battlefield maps then i don't know what the fuck is. large, balanced, fun, varied, impressive.
also, if you're going to complain about people playing for actual objectives and goals instead of flying around far outside of the fight itself simply to counter other players doing the exact same thing then i don't know what to say. you sound like the sort to sit in some aircraft and play for KDR, so whatever floats your airboat.
i'm going to guess he picked medic footage so he isn't dying frequently while trying to provide some interesting viewing while he talks.
>no bullet drop
>pin point accuracy
that shit was so fun
I played almost all the battlefield games, Bad Company 2 was probably the best. The game just feels right, and the art style blows aways bf3 and 4, not to mention the single player campaign was actually good. The other battlefield games lacked weight for some reason
>not premade events happening at every stage
but user, bfbc2 is the last battlefield game that didn't happen in, everything else scaled down the natural environmental destruction with scripted events
>also, if you're going to complain about people playing for actual objectives and goals instead of flying around far outside of the fight itself simply to counter other players doing the exact same thing then i don't know what to say. you sound like the sort to sit in some aircraft and play for KDR, so whatever floats your airboat.
Air supremacy is an actual game objective, it just isn't spelled out for you. One of many objectives.
BC2 has no other objectives but to rush like a moron towards objectives on tiny linear maps, while the other side camps, because the game was designed for the console kids that play COD.
To me if felt the opposite. I always hated how the guns and stuff felt in BC2. Make me not able to enjoy the game.
I think BF2 had the best gunplay. I mean, at least there you can see if you hit someone outside the cross hair blinking to tell you.
>Battlefield is at it's core about large scale battle's
that is mag, battlefield is known for squad combat an stuffing 64 players on 32 man maps
metro anyone?
that's not bad company
hahahahahahahaahahahahaa look at this faggot bahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahaha
Well, it became about squad combat starting with 2.
>most fun out of the series
I remember the box art looking different
>Air supremacy is an actual game objective, it just isn't spelled out for you. One of many objectives.
>BC2 has no other objectives but to rush like a moron towards objectives on tiny linear maps, while the other side camps, because the game was designed for the console kids that play COD.
>defends planes
>shits on capping cps
you are a child who needs to go to summer school
Eh I personally like video game guns to have some weight and kick behind them, Bf2 gunplay was terrible
>I didn't play the first bf
people still didn't move together son
Because it was your first Battlefield.
I didn't feel that weight. To me it felt flimsy. Battlefield has always had a problem where the guns never felt like they were actual part of the world, and for whatever reason BC2 really made me aware of that. Moreso than BF2.
I think it was the terrible weapon animations. They just looked so cartoony and overdone. Like something you would find on some CS:S gun skin site.
>I don't have a real complaint:the post
bf2 guns where literally laser guns, while bfbc2 ha both simulate traveltime an drop
you don't get a say in what feels good for gunplay anymore
Well. I was nitpicking. As I said, Gunplay in Battlefield have always been shit. It's been their biggest weakness.
The reason I think the BF2 guns felt more satisfying is because of the hit reaction. Like in BC2 you get a tiny little blood spatter you will barely see, you pretty much have to use the hit markers to see if you hit someone. While in BF2 like the whole character would erupt into a big cloud of dust and get a loud hit sound.
bfbc2 death screams were ridiculously good, though
> plebs really think this
>While in BF2 like the whole character would erupt into a big cloud of dust
You do know that those dust clouds are a product of bad hit-detection, right? They are not intended to exist.
What is the worst battlefield game?
BF3 or Hardline
also the taunting was fun
Christ, there was even an MCOM building you could blow up by knifing a post outside.
The WASD movement system is flawed. You can't sprint while strafing, etc.
Essentially the game hasn't aged well. When you go back and join a game, it feels extremely sluggish like BF2142 and BF2.
BF3 improved the movement system and BF4 made it better.
If they patched BC2 to have BF4's movement, I'd go back and play, I really miss the recon class.
Because you have shit taste and low standards.
BF4 brought nothing to the movement system
in fact, it kept all of the vault glitches, including the vaulting suicide
they're still in BF1
oh yea? which map?
just turn while sprinting
you really dont want to be out in the open for too long gawking
You're wrong, BF4 movement system is much better than BF3's, it has ZouZou and fixed jumpshooting too, as well as eliminated bunnyhopping.
And vault shooting isn't a thing anymore either.
There was two maps that did it. The one I can remember was the autumn shipyard shit where you start with 2 transport helicopters on attack side.
Vaulting suicide is very very rare at this point, and the bf4 movement system is legitimately the best in any fps to date. They might be able to surpass it in BF1 with the wall vaulting shit but at the same time BF1 is looking like a step in the wrong direction on a lot of shit.
oh i think i know it
Valpariso or something like that
the only one in the building can be blow up using the APC by shooting at it from afar
the first stage is fun on the defender side too so long as they occupy the hill
BF1 is already slower than BF4. I doubt it will be better.
BF4 movement though is perfect, and at high level it's really intense. I absolutely adore it. Even more so when the current competitive meta revolves around outplaying your enemies with movement. Really sets apart the shitters form the good players.
Every time I play a shooter now I think to myself "damn I wish the movement was more like BF4's"
>Battlefield is at it's core about large scale battle's
Ok, well Bad Company isn't, and it's great
What's so fucking hard to understand about this
It's not great, it's literally BF-lite for COD kiddies.
What's so fucking hard to understand about this?
That people who played battlefield before BC2 disagree that it's any good, apparently
Eh that's just your opinion though because plenty of people here love it, and so does everyone who's STILL playing it
For a long time it was even beating BF4 in player count, so I don't get what you're trying to say
Are you trying to say it's bad for the way it is? because a lot of people would disagree with you
They're all shit and messy
>Eh that's just your opinion though because plenty of people here love it
Majority of people here were born in the mid-late 90s, which means it was literally impossible for them to properly experience first two BF games at their peak, so of course they would like a dumbed down console version of it.
>Are you trying to say it's bad for the way it is? because a lot of people would disagree with you
Tried playing it recently.
>80% of everyone is a sniper
>no one plays objective
>as soon as helicopter appears, someone grabs it and immediately crashes it, every single time
I don't think I can have fun with this any more.
You sound like a total ass, I've gone back and played PR and it's great, but I can also really enjoy BC2
Why does your mind work in such a way where you can only appreciate/enjoy one? If Bad Company was trying to be Battlefield, like Battlefield 2, wouldn't you think it would just be called Battlefield instead of Battlefield: Bad Company?
That name change implies a twist in the way the game plays, and if you can't wrap your head around that and expect it to still play like your precious Battlefield 2, or 2142, then you're really stubborn and narrow minded
Go play those games instead of sitting around saying this one is shit, I don't need your useless input
>so and so was born in this timeframe so they can only enjoy THIS game and not MY objectively SUPERIOR game
No wonder why a lot of you seem to have no friends
learn to fly the chopper and youll have the most fun ever
infantry only servers are fun too
It pandered to casuals and aimed for the console market. Like everything ever, it gets popular the moment its on consoles.
BF2 was a million times better and more fun than BC2.
BC2 was pretty good but after Dice LA fixed up BF4 its objectively better.
Not to mention everyone's favorite Battlefield DLC, Vietnam, is some of the most jewy bullshit ever.
oh you mean that DLC you can play for free because of modded servers?
yeah fuck that
>battlefield dlc, vietnam
Personally i enjoyed it and at least it was an actual expansion to the game. Unlike the newest battlefield titles that only include maps
>there will never be another BF1942
>the closest thing is BF1
i'm actually looking forward to BF1, finally see battleships again.
worried as fuck about the amount of automatic weapons though.
Dice la are gods. China Rising was so good.
BF4 DLC adds just as much if not more than Vietnam added.
New vehicles? Check.
New maps? Check.
New weapons? Check.
>fixed up BF4
tanks are still unbalanced as fuck, i completely stopped playing BF4 and switched to hardline because of that shit.
every fucking match was a tankfest
2 engineers can take out any vehicle in the game before someone can repair it, though.
I think apart from the story and characters it's one of the worst.
Too CODish in design and the guns are so sluggish and slow.
Imagine a shity shooter on ps2 BFBC2 is like that
I don't like BF4 because everything feels the same. too much of everything leaves it all feeling the same
I'll have to disagree there. My favorite part of BF4 is the overall variety. There are so many fucking weapons packed into that game its almost like a chinese F2P shooter. You got a favorite (mostly modern) weapon? Its probably in BF4.
because of vietnam dlc
I agree and I only play console, BC2 was trash, it's so slow and sluggish
Not to mention it's the closest BF has been to COD