Pitch your idea for F.E.A.R. 4
Pitch your idea for F.E.A.R. 4
You play as Alma.
Not making it into a fucking boring shooter?
and rape people?
not making it
Fear 2 and 3 are retconned out of existence
Don't make one.
It's 20 years later and the fear girl had a fear boy with one of the protags of fear 3.
You play as the fear boy and you are some amalgamation of evil bullshit that is essentially the predator.
For some reason you have to go and try to find your fear mother who is gone somewhere and your only lead is a weird thread thing that you can see when you enter the shadow realm.
The game isn't open world, but levels are fairly wide, some of which having multiple end points that can lead to different levels. It's still linear though so you obviously can't go back.
It's a first person hunting/stealth game.
I've played none of the fear games.
Damn, I just realized FEAR Online doesn't exist anymore. Which is good, because that game was shit.
It's clear you haven't, since
>fear girl had a fear boy with one of the protags of fear 3.
"fear girl" is the mother of those two protags.
Just so you know, the 'fear girl' is actually the mother of the Fear 3 protags.
Don't you mean F.E.4.R.?
retcon 3. Keep 2's rape and impregnate ending.
Why have there been no shooters that can match the visceral combat of the first F.E.A.R?
As I was typing that shit I thought that something like that happened.
Is Fear a decent trilogy of games, been looking for some horror stuff I haven't played for a marathon.
FEAR is awesome.
The expansions are great.
FEAR 2 is ok.
Avoid FEAR 3 like the fucking plague.
Some reason don't like Perseus Mandate, though I loved it. Maybe because I started with it.
>Fe4r ever happening
That would imply Pointmans ending is canon and the baby goes crazy because its a combination of Alma and the fuck she rapes in 2. Youll see crazy shit on top of watching his team members die.
Boss fight will be a mechsuit Pointman protecting the kid.
But its never ever anyway so derailing this thread with no survivors
We need more Woo-inspired games
the replicas' reactions are the absolute best.
"He's too fast!"
That game has the most satisfying to use shotgun ever.
Make sure it has a god tier engine, like the first fear had.
>those real time lighting effects on a fucking 2005 game
>bullets that actually felt like they impacted flesh
>those actual working mirrorsiircc
>everything about slowmo
>actually being able to see your legs
Shame the engine was barely used.
nice fps drops fagdrone
>Same combat from the first. BUT EVEN BETTER
>Maybe an unrelated storyline from Alma. There's a paranormal taskforce, why not show what other shit they have to engage?
Fear 2 and 3 are non canon. the supernatural is mind shattering to humans. the pointman has powers and so does his brother but alma is in another lvl and having powers is not natural. the point of the game is about normal people getting there hands on the how to power guidebook and you must stop them like resident evil BSAA. The whole game is you finding people with power who are going mad because there saw what is going to happen to them after death and wish to accumulate power to stop it
a cameo from her would still be cool though, maybe you can see her out of the corner of your eye or something. Somehow, that was more scary than her actually attacking you
Reboot of some kind. I don't see them retcon'ing 2 and 3 but the story is already too much of a cluster fuck to just make another sequel.
I will always remember feeling so helpless when Chen got pulled into that hole
>avoid FEAR 3 at all costs
>but FEAR 2 is okay
Can we stop this? If anything, FEAR 3 had the excuse of being made by a different team.
Leave it dead. F.E.A.R. Doesn't need to be another series butchered and modernized for the mainstream.
Fear blue shift, play as an ATC security guard.
Fear opposing force, play as a Replica.
Use the 2005 engine with HD textures, plus re-release Fear, extraction point and persistent mandate the same way.
i want viewers to notice he almost died twice here
You shoot guns and also theres a ghost
leave alma, fettel and the replica solders alone for good and give the FEAR team a new case.
make the entire game just one long sex scene starring Alma
hd remaster of fear1
where the climax of the game is an actual climax
You are part ghost. You'll have branching path of being the saviour of man by raping qt ghosts or overlord of spooky and rape soldier qts.
You know, I've been thinking about this, and I think this the way to go.
Maybe it's years before, or during the events of F.E.A.R. I'd be totally on board playing as a spec ops squad trying to quell some demon cult that stumbled upon an actual artifact of ultimate evil, or somesuch bullshit.
This is really the approach that should have been taken for Fear 2. Instead they made Alma into the series trademark and wrote themselves into a corner with that stupid Almapocalypse
You play as yet another generic white male.
Throughout the whole game, all twenty hours of its single-player, Alma is hunting you down to rape you at various opportunities. It could be paced, with time-skips to allow for Alma to give birth and then be fertile again, but ultimately the whole game is about Alma raping you over and over, having dozens of children by you.
End-game is having to cuddle with Alma and let her be the big spoon.
>all FPS nowadays are designed around controllers
>it's literally the worst imput device for that
>this is the main reason the sequels sucked massive cock
I hate this gay world so much.
>spec ops squad trying to quell some demon cult that stumbled upon an actual artifact of ultimate evil, or somesuch bullshit.
I'd play this.
bonus points if you meet up with Doomguy to kick some demon ass
fear 2016:
all jump scares
mostly shootering
10 different assault rifles
1 pistol at the beginning of the game
5 different shotguns
no slomo
But seriously, not everything needs a reboot or a sequel. half of the fear xpacs proved this, most of fear2 proved this, and all of fear3 proved this.
imagine if Cowboy Bebop was a long running anime that was still getting new episodes today
imagine if I dont have any more examples at the moment because almost all companies milk anything mildly profitable
>pull out matrix time
>get on replica's face with shotgun
>replica's be all like F-U-C-K-
and then he turned into red mist
Reboot the series and throw out the overarching plot, have Starbreeze or Monolith make it. Have certain characters like Alma or Paxton Fettel in it to link it to FEAR, but like I said, reboot the story.
Just focus on good shadow effects, slo-mo, maybe a rewind ability like Sands of Time, good enemy AI and variation in AI, good location variety and maps, and creepy sound design. Have it health and armor based and not regenerating health, and allow multiple guns with ammo pick ups.
That sounds like FEAR 3
dont do it
>F.E.A.R. 3
>not F.E.4.R.
Follow the design philosophy from the first game, but spin the story off in a new direction, with a new paranormal threat.
If you're still playing as Point Man in the spin off, maybe have it be so she's watching over you. Sorta like G-man in the Half Life series.
She basically watches over you in extraction point. There's even a point where she massacres all these replicas in your path and whispers "you're safe now"
You get to touch Alma's bare and bloody legs with sexual intent.
This post is my entire suggestion
Do it the normal way, not the retard way
I know, but I'm saying how that could work in a spin off that doesn't involve her. She just shows up to watch how you're doing.
Maybe have it so she revives you when you die, to explain dying and coming back.
That would be pretty cool, and creepy. I remember there were a few times in the original game when I turned round and she was watching me from a distance. I got so paranoid after that
picture this
good gameplay
good technology
something about a creepy chick
Stop it.
Don't you mean F.E.A.R. (2016)?
If I were in charge of making a F.E.A.R. game, and I didn't care about money, I'd make it as great and faithful to the fan expectations as I could...up until about sixty-five percent into the game.
After hours and hours of dodging and running from Alma, you finally meet her face to face, and instead of killing you, she forces you to follow her into her home where her femdom rape-baby is and help take care of it. The mc and ghost Alma slowly fall in love, and you get a bullshit happily ever after ending while surrounded by massacred soldiers.
It'd be funny.
fuck FEAR, I want another No One Lives Forever
This. with tons of combinable attacks featuring hitstun, scare attakcs that make enemies jump back in a certian direction, different timings, and plain fucked up shit.
I'm thinking super tecmo's deception cuhrayzee mental torture and rape 4 turbo: now you can be the little girl edition
I've analyzed this game like i do autistically with a lot of action games, and fear 1 is extremely shallow. At best you might be able to throw a stun grenade, kick someone in the face, and go slowmo while the stun goes off, and spray the rest of the people in the face during the explosion. Like that isn't really impressive because shooters did that in like 1999.
Even when fear came out, it was marketed as having an excellent melee combat system. When I started playing it, I was like what? This is it? 3 attacks?
fps games are the apple of video games: pretending their basic shit is the greatest innovation ever, and people eat that shit up, wth.
A remake of FEAR with modern visuals, sounds, etc.
My idea for the next F.E.A.R. game is to call it F.E.A.R. 2 and retcon everything that happened in the existing F.E.A.R. 2 and F.E.A.R. 3.
>2's rape
Someone post the webm already.
There is one. No one talks about it.
I wanted FEAR to be a sort of X-Files "conspiracy of the week/actual development timeframe" type thing, where First Encounter Assault Recon went and fucked upon various creative horrors, similar to a competent mil-spec SCP unit. Could have been a proper franchise with near unlimited spec.
Like going to darkest Africa and stopping some ancient tribal entity from doing some eldritch shit that fucked with the future evolution of humanity or some such, or trying to subvert some extra-dimensional kabblaistic ooga-booga shit from rewriting the human thought process, etc.
Fuck it, get Grant Morrison, Warren Ellis or Alan Moore to write the stories for the rooty-tooty point-and-shooty.
Still looks 100% servicable graphically. The engine may be a pig to work with, but OG Monolith had some dev ninjas making good with it.
EA, Bedshitter, take notes.
I'd play this game. That actually sounds amazing. The game could be stylized as individual paranormal encounters fought by different FEAR teams across the globe
It's not too late, any developers reading this, you have an audience, get to it.
>Where is he?
>He's fast!
>Shit! I can't see shit!
>Everyone, back!
Man, I wish more games had soldiers that panicked because of how badass you are.
Actually bring the FEAR back into it instead of being a generic FPS. FEAR 1 had top-tier gameplay and FEAR 2 was decent in that regard.
>tfw watching a replica's body ragdoll through the air while he shouts "OOOOOOOAAAAAAAA" as the slowmo wears off
They did the whole "action game" thing with FEAR and it didn't really work. It should go back to being a horror game with tense atmospheres and fucked up shit. This time maybe you shouldn't be a psychic supersoldier but just some normal investigator or something that gets caught up in some paranormal Alma-related stuff. You could have a few shootouts, but not extended ones (FEAR 1's dragged on a bit too long and were too numerous), more shit like the ninjas - they were genuinely spooky.
As for the story I have no idea. Maybe a prequel to FEAR 1 where you deal with the whole labs being sealed up thing.
>half of the fear xpacs proved this
I liked both
OG Monolith is gone though. Craig Hubbard, who was lead of FEAR, SHOGO, NOLF left Monolith to form a new studio a while ago by now. They just made a game called Betrayer recently.
To completely subvert what you just stated, you ever play FEAR with the Silent Replica mod?
They still behave the same way but you can't hear shit; it's a massive game changer, they're a pack of mute hyenas that are going to make sure you have a bad time.
No-slo Extreme is a real pant-stainer.
You actually feel relief when "unknown origin" buzzes up.
Betrayer was a real case of close but... nah, not quite; really enjoyed the idea, setting and about half of the execution, it fell flat for the rest though.
Bought it at release because of fanboyitis, have 20+ hours in it, but struggle to recommend it.
just wall to wall alma rape femdom pov scenes
I need to play it sometime, I remember enjoying the beta and even the black and white artstyle they intended to go with, sometimes when looking at foliage, it looks like something is about to jump, because it looked a bit unclear, it did spook me out some times
Make it a good shooter again.
Dynamic shadows and soldiers wot are smart.
Does pointman take the kid, is that how it went down?
Like raise it to not be a spoopy telekinetic super ghost/entity? Or was that not cannoned
>completely destructible environments
>upgradable superhuman powers (like being able to akimbo assault rifles or temporary speed dash like Tracer) and weapons
>same dark atmosphere and enemies as before
>graphics looks somewhat the same as Fear 1 but better
>the most advanced AI ever coded in a video game
bout it