But there's no such thing as a WoW kille-

>but there's no such thing as a WoW kille-

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The only WoW killer is WoW.

>why I stopped playing shitty MMO A and went to shitty MMO B
I'm not impressed

I like how the writer was so biased, they used old orc model & gear for maximum jaggies on the poly count vs. the cat girl they use for comparison.

>never heard of the site
>not considering reading
>FF14 fucked their 11 playerbase and 1.0 was a train wreck
>2.0 isn't good enough to make me switch
>Legion a month away

Clickbait for views, and I ain't clickin

Bioware displays subbed accounts chronologically for SWTOR on their forum and they've had 14+ million registered paying customers, with under a million active. FF14 must be struggling, considering it's on Steam and two consoles You have to be a really ignorant teenager to care about this statistic and not understand what it means to the competition.

>pic is a video
>article is just a press release about a REGISTERED benchmark that isn't even top 3 in MMOs

WoW killer indeed.

Blizzard killed WoW with their own hands, no two ways about it.
>Registered accounts
Doesn't mean active players. I wouldn't be surprised if XIV actually had more players than WoW but registered accounts don't mean shit

Funny, I just quit FFXIV because it's shit.
3 second server tick, boring secondary stats that you'll never feel, no incentives to do content outside of savage, there's shit for content and 99% of it caters to literal retards.

>no incentives to do content outside of savage
That's my main problem
You won't do anything but use the duty finder at HL. Side activities are boring, and the world is an empty fake open world

Fire this man.

>playing content-driven themeparks
No thanks, there's a reason why people can play a game like Ultima Online or EVE for 15-20 years without getting bored or unsubscribing and there's a reason why people quit World of Warcraft/FFXIV until a new expansion comes out


Runescape has over 300,000,000 registered players. It means literally nothing.

fucking china

>tfw played the ff14 trial and it was incredibly boring
>tfw couldn't even make a sexy amazon roegadyn because the sliders max out at b-cup breasts and flat hank hill ass

only reason im playing wow is because of it got more content

And here I am playing the same game that I have been playing since 1997 because the players are the content and as long as there are players, gameplay emerges from them.

The subscription model on A Real Reborn is killing me, I would love to play it but I'm not paying each month to play anymore.

I don't play either, but FFXIV players are a special kind of pathetic, shilling their own game.

Go play Elder Scrolls Online. It's buy2play and you can get a key for like $10, metric tons of content and they put out $15-$20 expansions every couple months (Vvardenfell this winter)

Personally, ESO is my favorite Elder Scrolls since Morrowind.


Just a reminder we can never go back. facebook phone games are the future I am sad.

>muh vanilla WoW was different from the thousand clones it spawned
nostalgia faggots are the worst. Especially considering they're nostalgic for the game that killed the genre.


You don't pay to play; you pay to elevate yourself, and avoid interacting with F2P shitstains (brazilians, children, etc.).

XIV sucks currently however. The game is desperately in need of a stat overhaul, to facilitate the addition of gear effects, procs, etc. which bring about horizontal progression.
Grinding yourself stupid for gear that'll be invalidated in 6 months isn't a fulfilling experience once you repeat more than twice.

WoW has been dead for 4 years

>The game that killed the genre

Yeah no, WOW's updates were terrible, BC's core design was the biggest problem.

While thematically the expansions up until MOP were good, as MMOs they were terrible.

Vanilla fixed everything wrong with the Everquest lineage of MMOs, while the mismanagement and assbackwards designs of UO clones.

Vanilla was a fine MMO, what killed MMOs is everyone chasing the WOW money, while blizzard single handedly ran WOW into the ground and everyone followed suit.

first post best post

>swg system never ever again

i have a video from Woltk cataclysm launch event where hundreds of players are just riding in a huge clump of nameplates
before the multiserver shit
that was the fucking time to be alive
when the game lagged in stormwind under the sheer number of active players

I play free to play MMOs and I can say that XIV has the worst case of botting/gold farmers I've ever seen, and I've played some Nexon shit

They go with what's popular. At least Bethesda takes care of those guys in ESO (7 million OWNERS across all 3 platforms)

The Repopulation/Crowfall/Star Citizen/Chronicles of Elyria/Shards Online.

Google them.

>There are only 4 servers left that are full pop

Everything else is low

I remember backing crowfall and star citizen years ago, what's the latest about them and when does their beta finally start?

Star Citizen is shaping up nicely, they're hammering out PU stability, but currently they have it working in a way where your ship instance can move about in the universal instance and carry persistant objects, like Big Benny's vending machines.


are any of them near completion and in a playable state where i can forget about my normal life?

Fuck, still not coming back.
I picked Zul'jin years ago when it was low pop. Now it's stuffed to the gills

What happened to Blackrock

>MFW this is real

I don't think I have in the entire history of WOW seen it this bad, even WOD didn't have such bad numbers even at the dead hours.

Agents of Yesteryear is supposed to be really good I hear, anybody played it yet? Should I boot up my old STO account for it (On Australian internet so massive downloads take days for me and we have internet quotas)

It's still WoD, retard.

Blackrock was a PVP server born from open world PVP fuckery, it was ganksquad 24/7

Its been dead for years when WPVP died.

Crowfall will probably have a playable beta mid-2017

Star Citizen is really fun now, go download it and play it.

The Repopulation is literally Star Wars Galaxies 2.0

Shards Online is Ultima Online meets Neverwinter Nights (modding support in a sandbox MMO)

Chronicles of Elyria is Ultima Online 2.0

Shit. Remember when half those servers had a constant queue to get in. It's truly dead.

Imagine if Blizzard advertised with their registered users.

It would be 100mil+ by now easily.

>registered players
How many does WoW have? 25 million?

>never heard of the site
Fucking underage, fuck off.

even if they had 100mil+ it would prove nothings as more then half of them would be gold sellers
and anyone can register an account and play for free

>counting F2P accounts
then it would probably be 500mil or more.

FF14 is small fry, WoW is bigmac.

any one can register for the free trial for ffxiv, the point is, registered players as a measurement for how active or popular an mmo is is utterly retarded

>points out that 6m is nothing as wow got over 100m
>gets told that wows numbers are inflated
>b..b..but numbers isn't everything

>yesterday's wow stream is 19k, xiv at 500
>someone claims it's because of some streamer doing giveaways
>today wow stream on twitch is at 9k total
>xiv is at less than 150

Killing WoW they said..

>yfw Runescape usually has higher numbers than WoW on twitch

Deadman season finals for RS07 usually pull around 100k.

woah, where can i play the improved version? i used to play ultima when i was younger

doesn't fewer watchers on stream means that it got a higher population that actually plays the game?

> registered players

WoW probably has about 50m of that

Eh, it could have easily killed WoW.
The problem is SE is underfunding XIV. There's a market for a triple-A MMO that can release content as fast as people consume it.

But nah, as soon as XIV became profitable after the 1.0 failure and successful 2.0 reboot they dumped all their profits into XV and the VII Remake. Not a single solitary cent was reinvested.

Shadowpriest in tbc

lmao by that logic battleborn has more players than overwatch! Fuck's sake man, i know you're an xiv shill but you can't be THIS retarded?

Just wondering, who the fuck watches other people play MMOs

>registrated players

Literally LMAO

nvm found it, looks shit

Overwatch and battleborn are espots so people watch them for fun, the same with wow arena, you can't compare them.

nobody watches or plays that shit

>play FFXIV trial
>the gameplay is hot garbage compared to even WoW
The questing and dungeon content was like in bad korean mmos. Even if you get used to the 2.5s gcd the netcode is shit.
I tried to like it but the only reason anyone would play this over WoW is the theme, grafix, waifus or maybe story.

>Subscription payment model
>Talks about registered accounts instead of active subscriptions

You can tell that the actual subscription numbers are nowhere near that 6 million.

The Story is why I couldn't play it. Constantly having those terrible, long as fuck dialogue scenes that you can't skip getting shoved in my face turned me off it completely.

The only unskippable was the very first cutscene really. And now they added in the ability to skip it since the expansion or something.

You can skip almost every cutscene in the game, and of the few you can't there are only 2-3 longer than 5 seconds.
And if your ADD is sufficiently crippling that you can't go 10 seconds without seeing an explosion before growing bored, please remember that this is a Final Fantasy game; if you're not interested in the story the game isn't intended for you to begin with.

Mana batteries were sick.

Thats all they were there for and even then if you had a proper guild mana managment was not a problem

The biggest issue is that the story is legit awful.
If any FF game had a shitty story like that people would shit on it all day.

but he's not shadow spec

so is this today's false flag thread?

Having at least one was absolutely mandatory.

>Talk to quest giver in FFIV
>Dialogue box pops up
>Three pages of dialogue later cinematic happens, skip it
>More dialogue after the cinematic
>Quest involves going to another NPC and doing the exact same thing again, with little apparent story aside from 'Get to know the city!'

>Talk to quest giver in WoW
>Single page pops up describing the situation
>Simple as 'The Blackrock clan is attacking and we need everyone to help fight. Start with the Wolves.'

I literally just described the first quests in each game. You might think the WoW one takes a good bit longer, but since FFIV has one of the slowest running speeds EVEN WITH SPRINT it takes around the same time to complete.

This. I don't get the whole let's-play thing in general, but watching someone stream an MMO doesn't seem entertaining whatsoever.

>comparing a current-day PC MMO with a 25 year old SNES game
What the fuck man

Fuck forgot an X. Proofreading is a bitch.

>6 million REGISTERED

Please let me make a shit thread , PLEASE!

-OP 2016.

>playing a story-focused game with no interest in the story
The problem is with you, not the game.

>it's impossible for people to enjoy 2 MMOs

I enjoyed WoD for the first month until I realized the base content was ass, played HW until I realized the exact same thing about HW and how YoshiP will literally never ever deviate from the ARR formula of content release and then I went back for WoD 6.2.

Both games have their pros and cons and for XIV it's the story quests and extreme primal fights, everything else is either ok or kinda shitty like DoHs are in HW.

Yeah, but Deadman is an actual MMO PVP system.

WOW hasn't had PVP in years, just that shitty dueling minigame.

There will probably be a spike in population when the demon invasion event started. The servers were never a full before the prepatch launched.

oldschool runescape is the best mmo on the market

>Playing FF MMO

I quit XIV this month to come back to Legion but I enjoy both. Its best to take a break between each during droughts. No doubt I'll play Legion a few months then ubsub to come back to XIV 3.4 and 3.5 and so forth. Only a fool 'mains' one game and expects devs to make content faster than they can clear it.

I have never seen a single mmo where there wasn't a group of people complaining about nothing to do in the endgame

>registered players
Abandon thread

>I hate video games meme
You need to stop

Nice meme

WoW has more than 60 million REGISTERED PLAYERS

It doesn't mean they're all active

Last count in March/April had FFXV at less than 800'000 active players

>reigstered accounts including trail accounts

top kek, hello Square Enix.

Game is dead.