You will never experience Pokemon Go in Japan at the height of its popularity

You will never experience Pokemon Go in Japan at the height of its popularity.

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>in Japan right now
>not interested in Pokemon Go
Well I don't see the problem

The most popular game in Japan ever is officially an American developed title.

Weeaboos are now on suicide watch.

Are you sure its American? I thought some guy from New Zealand made the game possible. However I don't remember where I heard this information.

>live in a major metro area
Basically the same. I can catch the train and be downtown in less than 30 min, and have all the pokestops I want. Did that shit just last night with some friends, grabbed some good food, watched these two guys in wheel chairs chase eachother while holding "FUCK HILLARY" and "FUCK TRUMP" signs.

10/10 would do again.

The founder of Niantic is a Texan who set up his development company in California.
It's as American as it gets.

pics motherfucker

Caught about 6 pokemon on the train from Ueno to Shibuya last night as well as raiding about 10 pokestops. There was about 3 lures set up around Shibuya station so there was a shit ton of people and pokemon around.

I do. GPS spoofing is a good thing.

>read the article about the mcdonald's tie-in
>almost 3,000 mcD's on Japan


It prints money.

And how would this game ever exist if not for Japan in the first place?

Makes sense for fast food chains to bank on Pokemon Go. Its probably going to happen everywhere.

The game's appeal is to get out and see things and interact with people, so no, you don't.

>Implying the idea of a bug catching simulator wouldn't have popped up eventually

It's over, weeaboos are heartbroken. American domination wins again.

they're immaculately clean too. quality control on the food is good too but the burgers still taste like shitty mcdonald's burgers

the breakfast menu is interesting though. and its pretty much the only place in japan that you can get a coffee to go.

Anyone know how long it takes to hatch 9 eggs? Gonna use a lucky egg and hatch them/evolve some pidgeys/weedles

Do they have chicken nuggets? That's all I ever get when forced to go to mcdonald's.

It must suck to play in Japan. Everywhere is so fucking crowded. You'd have to be constantly playing in order to compete.

Lucky eggs only increase gained EXP

I honestly don't remember specifically, but I do remember remarking that the menu is pretty much the same in the afternoon. So probably

Not him but, your argument is weak tbqh. How would a bug catching simulator be nearly as popular as Pokemon Go? The sole reason this shitty mobile game is popular is because of the franchise that it's built off of.

why did you spoiler that faggot

why indeed?

This. There's a reason Ingress isn't really more than a cult title at best, but Pokemon GO is topping the charts, despite being nearly the same game.

Japs will likely be playing this shit for awhile, but I'm pretty sure the hype is already dying in the States. The servers have been actually decent for the past few days, which is great, but until they fix/turn on the game breaking tracker bug, there is no real point in playing. It's also getting harder to play because there are so many poopsockers who are level 25+ with 2k CP mons sitting on gyms. And it's always a fucking Vaporeon because it's the most OP Pokemon in the game.

I meant how many minutes the animations of the 9 eggs last. I have 40+ weak Pokémon to evolve

Who the fuck cares about McDonalds being turned into gyms? If it was a constantly lured Pokestop, that'd actually be something worthwhile.

you have enough time to evolve all of them.

It's Japan though. Nearly everyone lives in densely packed areas, meaning no one is hurting for pokestops and there's high spawn rate everywhere. Extra gyms for a large population to fight over makes more sense over there.

I evolved around 40-45 Pokemon with 1 lucky egg and still had ~6 minutes on the timer and my game crashed a few times. The animation on eggs is about the same as evolution, so you should be good assuming you can get them all to evolve within the 30 minute timeframe.

Thanks fellers!

Gyms are almost entirely worthless, especially if they are in a populated spot and get taken over constantly. In most cases, you'll only end up getting 10 Pokebux. Not everyone does gyms, whereas Pokestops benefit everyone

Senbonzakura Kageyoshi?

I will. I'm heading over there soon.

Are they ever planning on fixing this game? Or adding some fucking variety? At absolute best, my city and surrounding area has 70 different Pokemon that spawn. That's less than half of the original 151, and the vast majority of the spawns are the same 4 or 5 shitmon. I can't see normies staying with this shit much longer with these shit-tier devs who literally do not speak to the public and make joke updates like "fixed minor text issues".


Because the only reason pokemon still exists or got off the ground was because its massive sales in America.

All major version of pokemon has sold more in the US then Japan.

oh wow a country that has more population than Japan buys more of a product than Japan does. HOW INSANE IS THAT!!!

What's that mean?

Nice goal post faggot.

This is Shibuya right now.

>tfw when have more fun scanning popular location than actually playing the game myself because my area is shit

>tfw live in suburbs
>tfw no god damn pokemon anywhere

But I live in Tokyo and was just out playing pokemon go a couple of hours ago.

They really need to fix that fucking bug, it's been like that for almost two weeks now.


you have to prove your claim, your shitty logic gets blown out the water when anyone thinks for more than 2 seconds.

What program/site?

i-it can't have been that long could it?

I wish I didn't know this feel

>only 3 pokestops in 10 miles
>only 5-10 'mons have spawned all night
>all the gyms are on the other side of town

PokeVision is better than that one

So was I. One advantage of living in this city

That shit is insane. I believe that's legit too after seeing New York video of central park.

>prove your claim

Prove the fact that the game sold more in the US?


>he doesn't spoof his location to Tokyo
casual noob these days,i swear

Some scanner. Go to /pgg/ on /vg/

How can you afford to live in Tokyo AND the electricity to charge a phone?

Wait, is this thing actively updated? I see timers under each pokemon.


you're in bulgaria

Each Pokemon is a spawn point. Each player can catch one of those Pokemon at that point for the duration of the timer. Once it's gone it's gone.

Well shit, there are some vulpix near my house

It has. It started on the 12th when the servers got fucked up by a bunch of memers, I remember because I went fishing that day.
>See a shadow of a Rhyhorn, Parasect, Venasaur
>Can't fucking track them because of the 3 paw print shit

After hearing the crazy shit people do because of this game in America I can't imagine what Japan is like.

Dude hurry those are pretty rare

Living in Tokyo is literally cheaper than in most Yurop captial cities.
Source: I've lived for 10 years in Paris and 2 in Tokyo.

>Default location for Pokevision is this

I know that feel. I've lost out on Flareon, Venomoth, Primeape, to name a few.

I didn't know they updated it to add Pokestops. I probably should download the newest update.

I honestly wish places that existed in Tokyo would be in the US.

I loved the style of those small apartments.

I don't understand where people find rare pokemon. It doesn't matter where I go, I still see the same garbage pidgeys and rattatas.

I used to live in Australia. Shit was very expensive back home. I also live with my friend who moved here with me so all the bills are split between us.

I lost a Venusaur that way too.

At least we have Pokevision now to make up for it.

I live in the middle of nowhere so I only see a handful of people playing daily.
One guy did stop at a red light and get out of his car to talk to me about it though.

Luck, mostly. Lures and incense have a chance of bringing rarer Pokemon too. And eggs are a good way to get them (but again, luck).

With all the scanners out now you can probably find some

Just add -dp (display pokestops) in the command line. It's been there forever. -dg for gyms which I forgot to add there.
there are relatively few and they are all controlled by Mystic, as usual

>Tokyo is literally cheaper than in most Yurop captial cities

It's cheaper than most western european capitols because of the yen devalueing, but eastern capitals are still cheaper. Cost of rent and amenities is lower than europe, but costs on food and groceries are higher.

Still depends on the areas spawn setup. If you use Incense or Lures in shit areas you will just get shit.

people reverse engineered the api the app uses and now you can trivially track down anything that has spawned

There are tons of people sitting near a group of 4 pokestops in the middle of my city and they're lured pretty much 24/7. Even then, I only ever see garbage turning up around there so I have no idea why so many people are bothering. Are they just xp farming?

>all those pokes drowning at sea

But I am

The cost of everything in Tokyo is practically nothing compared to major Australian cities.

>Visiting Tokyo atm

Feels good

I own neither android nor iOS. GPS Spoofing and bluestacks is a good thing.

When it actually works properly and scans your area properly.

>try out that pokevision thing
>it doesn't even have my street or any of the nearby streets on it
I highly doubt this thing is as accurate as it claims

so the only thing u can do is catch pokemons by walking and theres no real combat or interaction with other players?

Geodude/exegcute are FUCKED, Caterpie porbably float due to low weight, pikachu/mankey can possibly swim

Weepinbell floating ?

Zubat fly so he's fine.That's the english channel no biggie

Thats because australians have to include hazard pay in outdoor activities and purchases.

You can battle other players at gyms, but it's just cookie clicker with dodging

This works by creating dummy accounts and pinging for local pokemon. The sites that do that are mostly constantly down because it is easy for niantic to ban/deny those requests. You will have barely any luck using one.

Those same websites are the reason the three paws intentional "bug" is going on. Because their shit is being ddos'd by faggots trying to catch em all without getting their fatass walking.

>cookie clicker
It sounds like you never played either Pokemon go or cookie clicker.

Well it's not been wrong for me so far. I've caught a few Pokemon up the road from me because of it. I had no idea they even spawned up here. Sometimes I feel like it may be missing Pokemon, or the result radius is too small.

I dunno. Geodude is often depicted as floating for no reason. They can probably keep themselves in the air through sheer force of anger.

It works fine. It has issues when the Niantic servers have issues. Can't do much about that.

If you are having trouble locating the stuff on screen you probably aren't zoomed in enough. I did that.

how do I location hack? There's a Snorlax 20 minutes drive away and it will be gone in under 10

The idea is just to tap/click repeatedly. There's an auto attack, but you attack faster if you manually tap. How is that not a clicker game?

Thats not how it works you dumb faggot.

I mean the bloody thing Literally does not have my Street or any nearby ones on it because it is using like 6 month old maps and my street has only existed for about 4 months

Why weren't Geodues harvested for their floating materials?

Could better the world.