What's the best one?

What's the best one?


>No Peace Walker
>no 2D games
>no portable games whatsoever
shit list is shit, and OP is a fag

SoL in the lead as it should be

reminder that if you shit on TTS's updated control scheme for ruining MGS1's game design and challenge but think the Subsistence camera was a positive addition to MGS3, you're a hypocrite

but it's the worst and clunkiest of them all??

fuck off. TTS ruined EVERYTHING, not just controls.

apples and oranges, son. TS was literally as ham-fisted "upgrade" as would be adding Jump function to the old Doom games.

MGS3 kept all its functions, but just streamlined the observation method a bit.

Phantom Pain because it plays the best.

No one gives a shit about those except Peace Walker

>no 2D games
>no portable games whatsoever
I said Metal Gear Solid, and was only counting Kojima games.

>No Peace Walker
Probably should have put that but too late now. I was thinking numbered titles.


>MGS3 kept all its functions, but just streamlined the observation method a bit.

it gave you a dominant strategy that completely obliterates the AI and makes most of the gadgets worthless. It turned the game from a slow-paced espionage title into a mediocre shooter with a bunch of menus in the way

I do agree with your sentiment, but I think you're taking it a bit too far. TTS trivialized the gameplay. The Subsistence camera made it significantly easier, but I wouldn't say it outright trivialized it, especially if you are going for a zero kills/alert run.

>All these plebs voting for something else than 2, a true masterpiece and Kojima's magnum opus
I shiggy diggy

1)Twin Snakes
2) Solid 2
3) Solid 3
4) Peace Walker
5) everything else because in no particular order

don't be edgy. There's only one answer, you know what it is, don't fucking vote for anything else. Don't fucking do it.

There's the right answer, and there's being a hipster, that's all.

What did he mean by this?

Surprised to see so few votes for the original. The visuals are dated but other than that I thought it was the best one.

Hey question, im playing mgs: the twin snakes and i really liked em. Whats the order i should play in?

Too obvious

MGS2 is MGS's gameplay at its slickest and purest. Not one element left unrefined, not one element too many.

Snake Eater has the best gameplay but additions like the cure system and the camouflage meter, though interesting, aren't well integrated in a gameplay perspective.

MGS2 also gets infinite points for being not only relevant as a good game but as a work of art that perfectly captured the zeitgeist of the digital age in a multitude of genius ways. It's one of the few games that ascends to the level of literature or film in terms of sublimity and impact.

>Raiden sucks
>villains aren't interesting
>same with the boss fights
>after the tanker the entire game is recycling the few boring big shell areas

I like 2 but these things keep it from being the best one to me. Story wise it's excellent, but game design wise it's a weaker entry.

>Twin Snakes
>not the PSX original

Appreciating PSX graphics is patrician in the same way that reading Chaucer in earlie moderne Englishe is patrician. Just fucking do it. The graphics and sound effects are perfect for their time.

Later games in the series even make direct reference to the PSX gameplay of the original so just do it.

Fanservice galore, act III was awful, mememachines.
It is far from being the best, how could anyone vote for that

That said MGO2 was so great that it single-handedly saved this game

Reminder that this guy is a fucking tool who doesn't realize mgs2 controls have no place in the level design of Shadow Moses.

The gameplay was great, if the first act was how the entire game was it would have been amazing. Was also a pretty good conclusion to the Solid Snake story, lots of great moments despite what I'd call an average amount of Kojima derp.

I certainly wouldn't call it the best, but I view it as a favorable entry at least.

3 is the one that resonated to me the most. Not only manages to be as stand alone as possible (although MGS1 was the same), but it tells a very nice spy story. Big boss is amazing and his relationship with the Boss incredible.
I love it so much.

2 had a nice twist and did incredible things. But I don't find it as replayable.

>Raiden sucks
The most cliché argument against 2. Using Raiden as a new protagonist took the plot of MGS2 in a direction that it couldn't have done with Snake. Subverting and giving attention to the shallow escapism and false masculinity of video games was part of the point. He controls in a manner that's generally identical to Snake except his animations are more acrobatic and nimble.

>villains aren't interesting
Not as cool as the ones in MGS I'll grant you but part of their significance is that they're dupes like Raiden. Dead Cell is not as stylish nor are they great, proud souls like FOXHOUND but they are tragic, unique, and chilling. Solidus however remains the best final villain in the entire series and Olga is best girl.

>Setting sucks after the tanker

I thought it was really modern and cyberpunk. The attention to detail and the amount of interaction you can have with the environment makes up for its symmetrical and sterile structure. This also ties into the subversion theme when you're plunged into the unmapped, shapeless arsenal gear.

>The most cliché argument against 2
Well, I wasn't exactly trying to break new ground. He's an extremely flat and boring character and saying he pales in comparison to Snake is an understatement.

My problem with the big shell is that it's just a few rooms that pretty much look the same, most of which there isn't anything interesting or unique about. Not a fatal flaw but compared to the other games that are quite diverse with the areas it does stick out. Even Phantom Pain that is just all desert bases, the bases are very different from each other and there's a shitload of them so it typically doesn't feel like you're playing the same map over and over.