How do I get myself to buy games based on the quality of their gameplay...

How do I get myself to buy games based on the quality of their gameplay, rather than by the quality of the figure of their female characters?

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get laid

Masturbate first, then browse the Steam catalog

You put your dick away and start doing something of worth every day user.

If you spend your time on Sup Forums you'd swear there was nothing good to play atm.

Truth is there is far too fucking much to play

Mods saved Senran Kagura.

stop reminding me how openly degenerate otaku culture has become.

Weebs like you make it easy for japs to make money.

If it's easy, why don't you do it? You could become rich in no time.

Who says i dont, i work with gross jap neets and make weeb games.
ez money ez life.

Baka desu

What have you worked on?


stop letting your dick choose your games for you.

worked for me so far.

>rather than by the quality of the figure of their female characters?

You're doing gods work this way though user. Why would you want to change?

>that thigh pinch

I am stardust come to know truth in this universe, that is what this image is. In the tiniest slice of time of existence of the cosmo I behold the benevolence of fate to spawn me in the one interstice where I may gaze upon such a figure and feel powerful chemical reactions in my electrochemical, calcium-enclosed, computation sponge; the only thing in existence to name itself.



So having sex actually makes you hate the female body so much you'll never want to see a scantily clad vidya girl ever again?

Nigger what



What's wrong with nice boobs?

Have there been more senran doujins since SV came out on PC?

No it just helps you stop obsessing about sex. Sexual frustration is a thing.

Why are all weebs also pedophiles?


Nothing looks more ridiculous veiling a flat chest than teeny tiny bikini top that's basically just a couple strings.


Stop being 17~20



This looks like shit. DFC fags don't have any taste at all.

Just play what you want to. Whether or not something is good doesn't guarantee your enjoyment of it. If you're a career game developer or cultural theorist or something then playing all the best ons (and all the most significant culturally - the same thing really) is important, but otherwise it literally isn't necessary. If you're some lardtard who never leaves their house then what difference does it make what you play?
As long as you don't make it the central point of your life it doesn't matter anyway. I've noticed a lot of people nowadays have just one interest and they refuse to speak about anything else - in some cases they're so not into anything else that they speak over people, avoiding eye contact obviously, and keep yammering about nothing because of how zealous they are. It's awful... So make sure to enjoy non-video games media as well. It's especially notable that you won't understand references, tropes and entire plots of most games if you only ever play games anyway. Like, who plays MGS and hasn't read any Kobo Abe? You know?

who cares, as long as you are having fun

Mein negro

I just want to squeeze her boobs really hard and hear her mewl.

Average SK player

Post more Haruka

Just a question about Senran girls in general.

Do they make their butts flabby on purpose? Like, is it a thing?

If it says Compile Heart on the cover ignore it. Not too sure about the Senran games made by Marvelous or whoever though but yeah, Compile Crap games are pretty bottom of the barrel.

the autistic flabposter strikes again

This. It is kind of telling that you might need something if you can't even play vidya without your dick being the one who decides what to play.

No one plays Neptunia for the gameplay.

Who cares? The point of video games is to have fun, no matter how.

I want Haruka to sit on my face and smother me with her thick body and pee in my mouth.

They why don't they just look up the girls on boorus?

Are there any good games with good gameplay that doesn't get stale halfway through the game, and some good fan service?

Because their voices are pure sex

I've seen plenty of people defend the gameplay on Sup Forums alone claiming they are actually very good games, not just games for your penis.

>having sex with 3DPD would stop you from appreciating 2D beauty

Purest girl.

Dunno about you but after shooting my seed I lost all interest in women of any kind for a while.

Masturbate before making the decision.

Don't Neptunia games sell like crazy good? Why do they need to skimp on the content so much? I'd understand if they had no budget to speak of.

Not really, they just always make a decent profit because they skimp out on content.

This doesn't change anything. You'd know that if you weren't a virgin. I get laid regularly and still fap to 2D

They sell good for a niche series, hell, the guys who made demon gaze were weeping with joy because they managed to sell in one month what a triple a tittle sells in one hour in the west.

People those days all expect DMC tier gameplay even from small budget devs.

I want cake to dom me

Yeah, I'm a virgin. Was getting laid the best moment of your life?

This is good advice in any context to be honest.
>gonna buy a game because tits? Fap first
>gonna go out with a girl? Fap first
>gonna buy a car? Fap first
>gonna fap? Fap first

Fapping has negative effects on motivational drive. You are less inclined to fell like doing anything after a fap. It's terrible advice.

I fucking love cow tits.

Post more Senran Pics pls, my folder needs filling

Take a wild guess.

actually, 10m after fapping I want to fap again



But eventually you lose the motivation to fap & it all balances out. Karma.

Honestly, l bet you felt like a million bucks the next day.

Why contain it? I's cool!

On a serious note, why not just take the chance. Heck, I bought Burst (though it was on sale for 20 bucks at the time) and don't regret my purchase one bit. Granted I haven't been able to go back to it since I've played 2 and EV which are leaps and bounds better, but I still don't regret it since it lead me to becoming an SK fan.

Sure, even 2 (which is considered the best in the series) isn't all that compared to other Beat-em-ups like the early Final Fight and Streets of Rage games, but it's still fun and EV, although very flawed, is still pretty damn fun.

They're good for what they are: junk food vidya games.

I would imagine not since Steam is blocked off in Japan or something. Unless you're talking about Western doujins and I don't think anyone wants those.

Yeah, plus Minori just doesn't look the same without them.

For all their faults i still find the games highly enjoyable, the T&A is just icing on the cake.

All all the senrans, which one do you want to be yours the most?



>no nipples

Why even bother?

I have bigger man boobs than her

Disregard senrans, acquire Kagura.

I don't mind if her breath smells like sprouts or her farts have the power to kill (it actually is scientifically proven that people who eat a lot of vegetables have the smelliest farts due to methane, I saw it on It's Effin Science), I simply love me some Yomi.

They have nipples, they are just always well hidden.
I wish I still had that one pic of Naraku concept art where she was drawn with nipples

delete this

Please more Kagura, preferably smug Kagura.

Whoa. She's nice.

Unless we're talking about loli Kagura, that's probably her only facial expression and I suppose when you are the slayer of all Yoma and share the same name of the highest title a shinobi can achieve, you have every right to be smug.



I donĀ“t care, more smug



Sure thing, pal


I narrowed it down to 4 and I can't break it down any further

Smugest edgelord


Quite, for about 2-3 hrs... Dinky dee is back up after that though...



Resident Evil, lol.

I bet you think that the cake is a lie too.

I like imagining situations that would explain why these ninja girls get work as track cheerleaders and so on. Like, maybe that girl is looking out for some evil driver by posing an an umbrella holder at a racing event.

Thanks for all the Kagura, have a Yomi in return

Easy for the Crimson Squad: They need the money

Bean sprouts sure make you soft~
