Which MMOs are you currently playing?

Which MMOs are you currently playing?

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we have CONQUERED and KILLED the mmo because SHIT GENRE


None of them because MMOs are shit

This was not the question, user.




FFXIV is first on the chopping block though cause I'm tired of the dev team's horseshit.

>"Wait I don't play MMOs anymore"
>tab into RuneScape to keep clicking my agility course
>realize I've begun playing an MMO again

what the fuck is this image op? fuck off retard

This image is older than your pubes, little shit.

Vindictus is marketed as an MMO for some reason but I'm playing that
>jump to 75 package can't be claimed as Delia
o fuk

>inb4 "the best one" guts simulator.webm

the mmo is of BORING GRIND

not play it


The best MMO on the market currently.

this kid looks like my little brother wtf


I played Soul and Blade and Final Fantasy XIV however lost interest really quick. Probably because I don't play with people I know or try to make friends.

Nigga i've been playing mmos solo since MU online. It's normal.

thought i was done with mmos, but my friend brought me to play wildstar again after like 2years of not playing or something

None, I have real life friends

None, and thank god.
Dropped XIV earlier this year.

The only one I'd be willing to play is DQX if it ever released in the West.


not a one

I don't play a single fucking one.



Ffxiv is having that free five days on the 25th so I'll probably take advantage of that.

dead genre. enjoy your empty servers and pay 2 win cash shops mmotards