Ragnarok Online left a void in my soul.
No game since was this engaging. No other game had me meet this many interesting and cool people. No game matches the rush that you get during WoE.
Why did it have to die?
Ragnarok Online left a void in my soul.
No game since was this engaging. No other game had me meet this many interesting and cool people. No game matches the rush that you get during WoE.
Why did it have to die?
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>Ragnarok Online left a void in my soul.
Welcome to the club
>Why did it have to die?
Because the people who want to make money from the video game industry have no idea what it works and what doesn't.
Yes, Do you play Ragnarok 2 though?
>tfw you feel for the "Tree of Savior is the spiritual successor to RO" meme
RO2 is isn't RO2. It's Shit WoW: RO Edition.
Fuck this shit game and fuck IMC.
Is it really that bad?
Literally skill spamfest. But I agree with other points. Also I made quite a few zeny at the time opening a potion shop at the enterance to WoE.
it´s mediocre at best. you have this retarded questlines instead of a good grind.
>set up locally hosted server
>play by myself
>Literally skill spamfest.
Spotted the shitter.
The difference between a competent WoE team and people who just spam skills are like night and day.
>Solo server
Jesus christ, is that what purgatory is like?
I couldn't think of a worse hell.
They don't understand a true grinder at all.
>Implying defence isn't about precast with a few nukers to kill anyone who manages to get through
Better than the alternative of witnessing what might be left of a server community and realizing I'm too old to do it. It'll never be like playing 10+ years ago as a teenager.
I know that feel.
It's been 14 years now for me.
A childhood well wasted
Any private servers you enjoyed and stayed on until they closed?
I remember underground-ro and forgotten legends-ro.
>thai ^_^
Fun story.
Do you guys remember euphRO? Was one of the biggest, if not the biggest, private servers some years ago.
Well, I was GM there for a while. Got in because I've been GM on a couple of other servers and knew some of the staff.
Most of the staff, me included, had access to the sever via team viewer, so we could edit shit in case it was needed. Some of the times we used to play remotely from the server with the game window in window mode and the datebases next to it. Bit retarded, but it worked.
Well, one day I was really bored and started editing gear for my GM character. Just stupid overpowered shit for shits and giggles.
Well, and then I made a small mistake. I spawned myself a bow with completely insane stats and equipped it and that's where the party started.
The GM model does not have a sprite for bow weapons, which instantly sent my client into error message limbo. I couldn't do anything anymore. Problem was that my GM character was sitting in the middle of Prontera and every single character who got into my sight also got stuck in error limbo. Would it have been on my PC I should have just restarted it, but that wasn't possible. We had to call the service hotline of our hoster to manually restart the server, which took about 8 hours, in which I crashed roughly 1000 people's PCs and prevented them from playing for the entire time.
Needless to say that I wasn't a GM after that anymore.
I had like 7 different servers in my game folder at one point, all of which I played for atleast 6 months
Wow, good job, user.
aeRO was my go-to until it got flooded by Brazilians.
>until it got flooded by Brazilians
I wasn't aware there was a state before this
getting a new hat in RO > getting a new hat in TF2
Post your head-fu.
The first few years were nice.
I took a hiatus for a bit. Come back to "BRBRBRBRBR GIB MONEY FUK U I REPORT" we purged as best we could but there were just too many. My haven was lost.
At that moment I knew why Hitler did what he did.
I've read this before.
>Magician Hat
Being a wizard was great
Not the first time I told this story.
>tfw i'm one of the few people to have met her because I wanted to collect and sell some berets and feather berets
We went from this...
...to this.
Every private server restored morroc to normal after that episode.
what the shit
But then how would you fight satan morroc? ? ? ?
Chibi Pope a cute.
I guess this one has been added with the latest content updates?
Ragnarok 2 it's absolute shite mate, the only thing going for it is the soundtrack.
Disregarding renewal, how are the later episodes? I haven't tried any content released after nameless island.
PvP was absolutely horrendous in RO.
Global pk was great. You did play on a PvP server right?