I'm starting to get legitimately scared, Sup Forums. I don't even care if it's good or bad...

I'm starting to get legitimately scared, Sup Forums. I don't even care if it's good or bad, I just want proper closure to Gordon's story once and for all, but what with Valve being a bunch of shady fucks and the world outside of gaming is stirring up WWIII, I'm starting to doubt we'll ever get to play Half-Life 3 before Valve just stops making games or we all eat shit and die when the nukes drop.

Other urls found in this thread:


>Millions of people have died without playing HL3
>You could get hit by a car tomorrow and never play episode 3

>kitty0706 never got to play hl3

If Valve wasn't planning on HL3, Gabe wouldnt have done that bit in that Clang kickstarter video


The worst part is that he wasn't even fucking close.

"Valve Time" has always been a meme, though. The fact that a kickstarter could get Gaben to come in and do a gag for their video doesn't mean anything

>There are people on Sup Forums that care about the story of Half Life
Fucking kek, they were great games sure but the story was shit.

Didn't the writer for the half life games quit valve a few months back?

Yeah, so if it does ever end up coming out, expect Valve to innovate in the final act by giving the player the choice of what color they want the ending to be.

Shut up nerd.

It won't ever come out.
Valve has stopped working on anything that can't have gambling in it.

oh fuck me that actually hurt

wouldn't really call it shit, but the story just worked for what it was, a shooter.

The story literally is, Aliens invade and conquer earth, then protagnoist who started the invasion comes back and shoots them again while following the directions of smarter people.

Video Game First, Story Second

Valve very recently filed a C&D to most big csgo skin sites that used their API

Only because otherwise THEY were going to get sued.
They've got built in gambling with case opening, if you think they were going to do anything against those sites if it wasn't for the massive e-drama you're delusional.

objectively wrong

Subjectively AND objectively false reply.

don't reply to me ever again

>we will never see Mass Defect 2
I hope he's still making videos up there :{

oh fuck man what are you doing

make me faggot

>I am going to post one of these every week

God, when will people stop asking for HL3?
Do people even know why they want HL3 anyway?
Yes, HL2 was an amazing game back in the day
Yes, episode 2 ended on a cliffhanger
And yes, we were promised episode 3
But oh my god it's been 9 years already give it a rest
Half Life 2 was an amazing FPS for ITS TIME and ever since then we have had countless of new games, new FPS some of them are top tier and better than HL2 was
Why not, for example, ask for The Last of Us 2 instead of HL3? it's more realistic and TLOU was a better game than HL2
Just stop with this shitty meme of asking for HL3 EVERY DAMN WEEK it's fucking tiring

Why do you ask questions then answer them yourself.

Because people trust Valve to make good games and sequels. Ala Portal 2.

L4D3 has the most concrete evidence for the next Valve release, but i'm still mad.

Only great HL game was HL1. HL2 was a bad sequel and Valve instead of making proper HL3 with different storyline and timeskip continued fucking up HL universe with retarded episodes. They understood that story went to shit and couldn't fix it, so they just gave up on it.

If Duke Nukem Forever eventually came out, and Last Guardian's coming out, I don't see why it's impossible for HL3 to.

I understand your ire with the episodes, they were super dumb, but saying HL2 was a bad sequel is just wrong. It improved on the original game in almost every way.

I wish Valve would at least just come out with a statement on HL3 instead of just being dead silent on it. Just anything. "Hey, we have this insanely popular IP that you all want another game out of so we want to at least acknowledge that these games exist for a few seconds."

Stop this meme already. Valve is the most profitable video game company that doesn't have ierarchy and is independent from Jewish stockmasters. Their work scheme always results in great games, so when they'll be interested in project themselves they'll make it. It's not that important anyway, and you aren't the ones to judge them.

I can name things that it did worse:
- Worse AI
- Smaller selection of guns that they tried to compensate with gimmicky gravygun
- Guns are shit (only crossbow was fun)
- Annoying sidekick girl
- No new cool enemies, only people in gas masks, redesigned helis and tanks on long legs
- Game felt like it was built around player being some kind of superhero instead of a lucky survivor that had a HEV suit

Only great thing about HL2 is music. Everything else HL1 did better.

There is no indication yet alone confirmation that hl3 is or even ever was in development.

All leaked concept art was from early prototype stage, all leaked models were early placeholders years and years old, all leaked code was at most references to a hl3 project not any game in production.
On top, nobody who ever visited valve studio and more than main office saw any proof of hl3 existing, nowhere in valve there is hl themed concept pinned on walls art how they do for every game in development and top it off with all leads,main writer, main concept artists and main coder responsible for hl2 series left valve with concept artist literally saying hes leaving since valve will not make single player games again.

How the fuck does anybody even expect hl3 to ever come out.

Ah, the old "only good for its time" meme.

yeah, but he left a while after the base script was done, apparently.

>for it's time
but that's wrong you fucking retard, half life 1 is goat and hl2 is literally a long comfy roadtrip journey. both are great games and no one can argue that, yes maybe not #1 pee cee game of all time deus ex already took that title, but pretty damn great.

Half Life 3 is very unlikely to come out due to the response to Mass Effect 3.

Essentially, Valve saw the immense negative reaction of the finale from the ending, and decided not to risk it.

Why bother making a game that would risk everything you've worked for? We only have ourselves to blame for this.

>There is no indication yet alone confirmation that hl3 is or even ever was in development.
>All leaked concept art was from early prototype stage

You literally just contradicted yourself not a sentence later, not even going to bother reading the rest of your post.

Nah that was some bullshit website spinning for clicks. Valve even responded to it that they would never stop because of fear of anything.

They have/had the talent and money to do anything they want and even if HL3 came out and was just a fine conclusion and not some amazing game that could stand up to the hype even then Steam would be still spinning its gears to bring enough revenue to counter any loss.

>TLOU was a better game than HL2

Man, I don't think they's actually hold off on at the very least announcing it just because of ME3, they already know that, in the eyes of the general consumer, they've never made a game that could even be objectively or even subjectively bad (again, to most normies that is), a literal perfect game company. Bioware is fucking garbage at writing and almost everyone who isn't a fanboy of Mass Effect could tell you that, so why would Valve not be self aware enough to know that they're held in very very high regard, possibly put on a pedestal higher than any company to date and they know it. So, it seems very bullshitty that they'd flake out on an entire game just because people were pissed at Bioware for being shit at writing. Again.

>epic youtube reaction

This better be b8, user...

Because those are not good enough answers
Just being amazing game back then and having a cliff hanger are not good reasons to make this the world most anticipated sequel

The difference is, they were already announced. HL3 was never announced at all

No, I didn't say only good for it's time - I said "amazing" as in "a masterpiece"
Can you honestly say that in the last 12 years the bar wasn't raised? do you think that if Half Life 2 was released today (with current gen graphics) it would be considered a masterpiece like before?

literally who?

Games are planned out before they go into production you retard
Most ideas never go out of prototype and planning stage

And i see no no reason to believe hl3 ever was anything more than the team throwing some ideas to each other

I used to feel the same way. The thought that Episode Two could be the end of the entire series is maddening, because a good story doesn't just abruptly end during the climax just because the main character sees a supporting character die. But eventually I stopped caring when I realized that the story was never that good in the first place and probably would have had a shitty ending even if they had finished all of the games they had planned to make.

You think they were going to explain the G-Man? Not a chance. He's a mystery for the sake of being a mystery. The writers planned no real explanation of his origins or his motivations. Like the writers of Lost, they were just going to string us along until they got bored and pulled the plug with a "fuck you" ending.

whatever faggot OP, Doom 2016 and Wolfenstein TNO, Metro LL were good, Half-Life can stay dead for all I care

Ok, you're a console gamer. Some of us dont like pressing f to be immersed though.

I played recent FPS on PC though, they were pretty good, Shadow Warrior was a nice game, and the sequel is looking good.

Also HL2 had shit AI and too many quasi cutscenes, and since Valve already declared they're done making single player games, and only care about community oriented games, you should just move on and quit bitching.

We're getting drafted into WW3 before that happens. And most likely will get killed there.

>I'm starting

a furfaggot

>Valve will never make video games again

>before Valve just stops making games


>hl2 and episodes
>good story
woah there buddy
you can call hl2 a good game, but nobody even pretends its well written