Nerf this meme at levels under 50 please

Nerf this meme at levels under 50 please.

Nobody under level 50 knows how to kill him so every game just becomes a bastion camping the point the whole game killing everyone.

At least everyone can kill torb and his turret, but this guy can just wipe a whole team all day long.

And thats saying it as a guy who wins half his games because of bastion doing exactly this. Its just becoming boring and makes every game the same.

In before /v trying to pretend they all play above level 50.

>Hit him three times as Pharah
Wow that was hard

>Use deflect as Genji
Wow that was hard.

>range him out with Torbjorn

so difficult.

>literally any sniper

fucking shit my brain

pharrah needs line of sight, under 50 she will miss like 2 times before starting to hit him, by that time bastion has smoked her.

just sleep him nigga

Range him out with torbjorn?

he takes like 3 shots as a sniper, by that time bastion just kills teh sniper.

>being level suddenly makes you good
Nigga, I've seen people over 100 that seems like they just pick up a shooter.

did you not catch the part where you outrange him? i swear to god you deserve to be under level 50.

What maps are you playing on?
Ive never seen not be able to hit someone because they are too far away.
nice troll attempt.

Have a with defence matrix on and stand in it as Pharah. There, now no one can hurt you and you have ample time to mow him down.

>needing two people to kill one person
why not go all bastion

>people are still crying about Bastion

Bastion is LITERALLY only good once per game, when someone switches to it to completely throw off an enemy push. Once the enemy team realizes Bastion might be something they'll face it's all over for you and you're better off throwing your Ult and switching right away.

>waah I lost and of course it's because of game mechanics, not because I suck, please Blizzard fix this
I blame LoL for spawning a playerbase of entitled babies. Literally git gud.

>People don't know how to kill him
>Make it so they won't have to

Literal autism in our presence

I'm crying about Bastion being in my team, the hero is so bad it's laughable
Same with Hanzo, whenever either of them is against you it's a huge motivation boost

Bastion master race.

Bastion doesn't need a nerf, the system in ranked needs changing so your not stuck at a low rank anymore for eternity (or atleast the next season).

I'm only rank 54 but git fucking gud

lol at all the bastion shitters in this thread trying to claim everyone else is bad and they shouldnt be nerfed.

Most talentless class in the game, even less skill required than mcree

>Can't push pass a Bastion
>Calling others shitters


but muh mains

that gif, exactly what i was talking about.

At least i can rest easy knowing blizzard is 100% going to nerf him because the casual complaints will easily outnumber the edgy teens on /v who say hes fine since hes there main.

>being under lvl 50

You know that's a .gif of Blizzard telling shitters like you to stop dying to one of the lowest tier characters?

>under 50

some CS pros can come and will put the 40 bullets of tracer in your head
on the same level there can be people who play with youtube while awtching things on the other screen at level 230

if that's an issue, pick genji or pharah and do it yourself

I have never seen a Hanzo take down a Bastion.
Not a single time.

Scatter arrow.

Stop playing with shit Hanzos then because any semi-competent Hanzo utterly wrecks Bastion

>retard picks bastion on KOTH
>free win

bastion is shit at 95% of the game, he needs to be in a retarded corner where he can be obnoxious to kill for him to be good

Otherwise just play genji you shitter

>Stop playing with shit Hanzos
>Implying that's possible



Did you add an extra zero at the end of those numbers? I'm pretty sure anyone who isn't brain dead can figure out how to counter Bastion after their 5th game.

>stop playing with shit players
the reading comprehension of the people here is staggering

>you can make a group with people and play with them
outstanding right?

Then it's a problem with shitters being shitters, I'm sorry to say that since you posted a thread whining about one of the worst heroes in the game that you too may be a shitter.

>Shitters are shit at the game

woooooooooooow nerf plsssss

Being high level just mean playing the game a lot, not being good at it you retard. I played with level 200 idiots who had to stop moving to shoot, and at the same time played with insane level 20 dudes. Stop blaming other people when you're terrible at the game.

Bastion's damage at long range is laughable, he can be killed by Mercy's pistol by just standing and shooting continuously. At short range Bastion can be avoided and killed with a variety of means.
Being good at Bastion is actually hard and most people don't even know that he's very good at attacking.

As a solo-queuing Bastion in comp with a 5-0 win record so far, I can easily say that you really just need to get good.
There are plenty of ways to counter Bastion if you're skilled enough, but it just seems the majority of players would rather remain casuals and let cancer like me take home 4 gold medals, play of the games, and victory.

I really wish they hadn't removed the option to block players because of that one asshole Widow main who was found to be a cheater anyway.

Did you read the thread?????????????????

That is exactly what the whole thread is saying. At a lower level people are shit so putting the most deadly character in the game only being able to be killed by hanzo and genji is retarded since nobody is any good at them at the sub 50 level.

you being a retard aside, what happens if they do what you suggested?
People wouldn't learn how to deal with him at lower levels and lvl 50 matches would become some retarded gateway level filled with nothing but "buffed" bastions.

not like anyone plays him 50+ anyway

Then maybe they should get fucking good instead of complaining about one of the most easily countered heroes.

He means Matchmaking rank 50, not level progression 50.
Pretty sure he's admitting he's awful at the game.

Is this game still a thing?

What happens under rank 50 is irrelevant anyways,

have you played in the last week?
there can only be one bastion per team.

No, other way around, buff him so he might be actually playable in higher levels. He is just shit, too easy to counter, pretty much like spy in tf2, 1st time he can caught you off-guard but after everyone know you are there, just unplayable.

This. Nerfing characters based off sub 50 shitters is like making a race car for old Asian women.

Do you play on american servers or what? Even casuals in euro qp know to pick phara and phuck my bastion up.

classic user, every other game balances its game around casuals, and this one is sure to do the same. We are just trying to make blizzard speed up and do it sooner.

My damage output is faster than her rocket speed. By the time one rocket lands she's dead.

You'd be suprised how many genjis automaticly reflect after just me looking at them, Im talking 55-60 though...

yeah american servers, i realise they are always the lowest skill level, maybe i will move to the euro ones.

Not if she comes at you from a blind spot and pops in and out of cover.

To be fair 90% of Bastions just hold LMB without taking note of the fact that a Genji is reflecting them.

>Play with friend
>He goes Bastion
>He dies to a Genji reflect
>Hey when you see Genji with the red swirls and him saying something in Japanese lay off the fire button for a while
>He says yeah yeah
>He dies to Genji reflect again

It's amazing how simply not holding down LMB is a sign of a decent Bastion and how people still spam at a reflecting Genji

sub 50 the whole team just stands on top of bastion, good luck popping in unnoticed on him.

Except she can just fire rockets popping in and out of cover and will out dps you every time.

Lol m8. My experience was thus: the instant anyone starts firing the minigun a phara on the opposing team jetpacks up and pops 3 rockets in their ass.

Usually people use Bastion with Reinhardt. Pharah can't take both, need teamwork. That's the real problem

That has never happened to me once. Call it bad Pharahs, or good sentry positioning, but I've always had a relatively good field of view when setting up and have never really gotten juked by a Pharah.
If she presses shift she's dead. The time it takes for her to descend is enough to kill her. If she's on the ground, then I get up after the first rocket and move.
Pharahs move incredibly slow in the air, making them a giant fucking target. Being able to prioritize your kills is what keeps people alive, though that's not an exclusive Bastion strat.

>you need teamwork to counter teamwork
Holy shit, what a concept.

only intelligent comment in the whole thread

>lost 3/5 placement matches so far
Should I just quit? It's Vetter than quickplay but what can you do? Reindhart charged a group of 3 when you're on D instead of holding a line.

The placements are more stats based that win based, i think

>dying to bastion
what it like being a shitter?

people still play counter-strike, that game hasn't changed much since 1999, in fact when it did in condition zero people didn't like it so they changed it back in the next iteration.

To be fair, dying to a Bastion on the first time is acceptable since it's an ambush. But once you get ambushed it's unacceptable to keep dying to a Bastion, especially if he's in the same spot.

I'm pretty sure he means dying over and over.

Ahhh fair enough. I'm not OP though so I agree on him on dying continuously to a Bastion is a sign of being a shitter

Why does he have so much effective range though?

I've seen him counter-snipe Widows and Hanzos

oh yeah, you would have to be a MASSIVE RETARD to die to a Bastion over and over.

once in a blue moon however I do see a Bastion that doesn't just shoot themselves to death at me when I'm playing Genji, which throws me off a little.

>I've seen him counter-snipe Widows and Hanzos

You've seen him counter-snipe shit Widows and Hanzos

must have been a pretty bad widow tho.
that, or bastion had a reinhardt babysitting him

>about to lose big time
>switch to bastion
>rein puts up a shield infront of me
>mercy atk buffs me
People will defend him and say he is shit but he is actually good

Gud against complete shitters yes.

>bastion takes 2 heroes babysitting him to make vim viable

you misunderstand, he is shit on his own, but when you have a support system like that in place you wreck anuses

Cheers love

>TEAM based shooter


>mfw people don't play Bastion like the flanker he was born to be
Need a stealth class? Take out your omnicock and rock the enemy by sentrying behind their dumb asses.

I just killed every single one of you under 4 seconds

Bastion can't attack in 2 direcitons at once. Have someone harass him on one side and then you kill him on the other side. Easy.

Ahhh. I see you are in the 2% of Bastions that are actually good

I totally get the Bastion frustration if you're bad at the game.

His only real "hard counters" are Genji and Tracer and if you're in an aforementioned low-level of play, the people attempting Genji and Tracer are going to be too shit to get the job done.

Softer answers to Bastion, that most will have to settle for, are going to be fighting long-range versus long range again him. Long range McCree, Hanzo, Widowmaker shots and the like and then isn't consistent and you absolutely can't kill him this way if he has a Reinhardt blocking for him (newsflash, he will having Reinhardt defending him)

It is one of those low level problems that I don't have.

t. genji main

>team based shooter
>half of your team is forced to sit in a corner instead of being useful so that one shit tier hero can be low tier

People who stay in one place as Bastion are the cancer that gives him a bad name.
Next they're gonna tell me that they can't get kills in Recon mode.

>orb of discord, dumb bastion stays in turret mode

>dead 5 seconds later

We are in harmony.

>playing earlier
>This dude is this level

Fucking crazy

mah nigga

What a fucking no life faggot.

I get what you're trying to say, but CS pros don't have insane tracking. You're thinking more of a tribes/DB player.

I imagine these guys grind AI games. Wouldn't be surprised if there's a bot that automates it.

>probably is in the low 50's comp wise

It's a good life isn't it?

I am so fucking done with these fucking Anas in every ranked match. I get that you want to play her, but 2 other are already playing her, and you're not supposed to solely dps FUCK OFFFFFFFFF

He was actually a total shitter, so wouldn't surprise me