I didn't know that the least entertaining people on RLM had their own channel

I didn't know that the least entertaining people on RLM had their own channel.

Other urls found in this thread:


Every time Rich Evans opens his fat crack baby mouth and maybe crack baby noises I want to die.

They are all like manchildren but Rich Evans is like a manchild among normal people, comparatively

That would be Josh.

YouTube celeb threads aren't vidya. Also Previously Recorded is cancer, a mark on RLM. Saged.

>the girl doesn't appear in Best of the Worst videos anymore
You scared her away, you fucking assholes.

lol vidyagames are dumb !!!!!!!!!

That was Max Landis

Very funny. But you scared him away too, so we'll never see Macaulay Culkin in a Best of the Worst video because of that. I hope you retards are proud of yourselves.

This still won't stop being relevant

Thank god, I'm waching ecelebs, not actual celebs

>muh momentum is too hard
>level designs are bad because it gives you choices
these idiots should apply this same nitpicking faggotry to their precious mario games

They are completely missing the point, though. The first time in Sonic games is always shit, but these games came out in a time, where you didn't have a 500 game steam backlog to wade through, but if you had 10 titles for a console you already were a god. It was the replay value and being able to clear levels faster and faster that made Sonic a thing.

I liked his opinion on Uncharted 4 more. At least Sonic has gameplay.

So is this just the future of clickbait youtube video game "experts"?

Just shitting on old classics?

Who's next? Mario? Crash bandicoot?

This is from 2014. OP is just a faggot who didn't get enough (You)s when he linked this inside another thread.

why is Rich Evans always referred to by his full name.

Because he's the complete opposite of Chris Evans.

Sonic 1 is pretty awful in that regard, the game decides to ruin the one thing it's good at (speed) when the later levels start making you slowly move left with those slippery ass controls and push blocks.

>the point of sonic games is speed
Go away plebs

the whole point is the momentum and how you control it, not hurr gotta go fast and get hit by every single enemy
sonic 1 only sucks because you have to build momentum manually, every game after had the spin dash move

I don't know. My friends do the same thing a lot of the time and said calling me by my full name is almost like a nickname. My Uncle was almost exclusively called by his full name by everyone besides his immediate family. It's just seemed to flow well as one phrase

>later levels
>literally just talking about the second zone

Even classic sonic games have been getting flak for about a decade, underage

>omg I keep getting hit
>isn't rolling in a ball

They are fucking retarded. Opinions discarded



Rich Evans always was a very wise man

Oh no (((I))) have been found out

Jesus, young Jay looks nerdy as fuck.

I love RLM and video games, but goddamn I hate Pre Rec. Jack is sometimes okay on BotW, but I hate hearing his shitty opinions on vidya. Same with Rich, except Rich is actually funny outside of PreRec.

>viously orded

those lips man, instant bf material right here

I think it's always interesting to see a completely different point of view like the ones they have.

I prefer to live in an echo chamber. That's why I spend all my time here instead of other video game sites and why I watch Half in the Bag, in hopes they make fun of shitty movies like Ghostbusters

This. I like RLM, but goddamn pre-rec has some really bad and just shit opinions overall that I feel do not really give a good insight, accurate criticism, or opinions on games. I feel like it was "hey, we both play video games every now and then, why not make a channel based around that?

>this vidya game you like is overrated
>your opinion is wrong

Pre-Rectum is absolute garbage (mainly thanks to Jack) outside of the Order 1886 review and occasional streams with Jay which are essentially RLM podcasts

Jack is a pretentious turbocasual who had never even touched PC games until TF2 became available for Mac and cannot make up his mind on anything, e.g.
>Dislikes XCOM mainly because it's turnbased, loves Pokemon despite it having one of the most simplistic forms of turnbased combat ever
>Consistently claims to despise cutscenes and games that focus on story, loves Firewatch of all things and claims that it's a video game

If any of you want to suffer and see why you should not take their shitty videos seriously, go look up their stream of Jack playing Fallout New Vegas