Its time for an apology thread
Its time for an apology thread
Im so glad I didn't listen to these faggots because this game is excellent. The new weapons and combat are amazing and the new crafting system is godlike.
I'm sorry to sony for wasting bandwith when I downloaded this piece of shit fallout 4
Apologize to him, user. Not to yourself. This thread is not for you to make jokes.
I'm sorry Todd that you have not had your name attached to a decent game in over a decade
Nothing to apologize for. I knew Bethshit had raped the lore and storytelling and never got into Fallout 1 or 2 anyway, so I was expecting a good post-apocalyptic shoot'n looter and got exactly what I wanted. I even sunk half of my playtime into base building because I'm slightly autistic and have a great imagination.
7/10, still enjoy it
After playing Witcher 3 Fallout 4 seems really boring and shitty.
That makes sense. Witcher 3 has a good story and quests but absolute atrocious batmanshit-tier combat, while Fallout 4 has satisfying combat but a shitty story and boring quests. These games are polar opposites, and it just comes down to personal taste
I know fallout 4 is shit but Im playing fallout 3 right now with a few mods to make guns more like new vegas and it doesnt seem too bad, like new vegas but a bit more linear and not JINGL JANGL JINGLIN
I dint believe anyone actually has the opinion that Fallout 4 has good combat. The game is a complete 0/10.
>satisfying combat
>has auto aim
It's about its only redeeming feature senpai
Okay, go right ahead.
>Fallout 4 has satisfying combat
>Witcher 3 has absolute atrocious batmanshit-tier combat
They are really mostly on par.
It is not really a redemption if it is the one part you canĀ“t say that they completely cocked up.
It is not good in any way, it is just not as bad as previously.
i like to roleplay as quiet, sucks that she talks/her mouth doesn't move.
>See my dad playing Fallout 4 on his Xbox One
>It's running surprisingly smooth
>Decide to pirate Fallout 4 and latest patch
>Play on all ultra
>Can't see shit with Godrays on
>Tfw Todd tells himself this is good graphics
>Tfw I remember in the earlier games I don't remember npc shadows popping in when you got close to them
>Tfw game can't be played on PC without config tool and mods
>Tfw game is still un-optimized lagfest
Fucking hell, man. Fucking hell.
Am I handsome, Sup Forums? Would you suck me off?
Bethesda and Zenimax should apologize for ruining series for the sake of even more money.
It's not like their game would sell poorly, but they dumbed it down anyway
>Be Todd Howard
>Decide to start making video games so I can afford limb lengthening surgery
>Both my video game series' blow up
>New idea arises
>Decide to sell out and make as much money as possible
>Tfw going to afford to knock entire population out with sleeping gas and pay for their limb shortening surgery
>Pick hard mode because pro gaymer and anything other than the hardest difficulty gave CoD style health regen
>Decide on a melee-only run from level 4 onwards
>No interest in doing errands for uninteresting side-characters
>Teleporting around the map in every combat scenario
>Have to save-scum because proper melee perks are available too late in the game
>If I don't execute the teleporting through-walls string of stealth kills perfectly I get killed
Yeah, I could've tried shooting but I didn't. I chose to use a weapon-type that was specifically implemented in the game with enough variety to seem like it wasn't supposed to be used only as a last resort and felt punished.
If I ever play FO4 again I'm going to just go gun-build and mod myself a super OP gun that just blasts everything. No Vats too
I like Fallout 4 myself, but I would really enjoy a mod that removes all those stupid pipe rifles from the game.
>Doesn't post his specs
Sounds like low-clocked DDR3 VRAM
>Normal difficulty is bullet sponge central
>Perks needed to make the game normal are levels beyond me in requirement
Survival mode (the new version) is kinda okay gameplay wise, especially if you mod it further to make headshots instakill. ALMOST gives this Stalker feel to it.
FO4 is trash though
Forgot pic
>12gb ram
Without Enboost and the unofficial patch anything deep in the Goodneighbor area is a lag fest.
Buddy, even with an overclocked GTX 960 4GB, you're still getting only 40-50 FPS.
You're doing it wrong. Vanilla Fallout 4 difficulties have always been shit. Try out the new Survival mode (and install combat/damage mods if it still isn't enough). I'm killing things in two or three hits, but I'm also being one-or-two shotted. Game's tense as fuck now
quicksaving before every encounter sure makes the game more fun.
And even less of an RPG, which is the opposite of what I want.
Survival completely disables saving except for sleeping for longer than three hours.
sounds fun to die in 2 shots and then having to replay the last 30 minutes of this awesome videogame.
>Quicksaving and no risk makes the game shit
>Checkpoints that make you think twice about risking your life makes the game shit
Wew lad. Fallout 4 critique on this board truly is just shitposting
it should be
>die in dungeon
>start at the beginning of dungeon
no quicksaving, and no having to sleep in a bed.
you'd prolly call out Shaun's name you faggot
my name is Shaun
Just limit the saving to autosaving. That way you get exactly what you're asking for without being able to savescum everything. For fucks sake, this has been an option in every Bethesda game since Oblivion. Have some self-control
I thought fo4 didn't have survival mode?
Quicksaves can be abused also. People would be willing to spend 10 minutes to leave a dungeon and re-enter to trigger a save, then travel 10 minutes back to the terminal/boss/lock just to savescum.
It didn't. It does now.
Fallout 4 is the best
Apology? For what? this shit wasted 130 hours of my life, I'm glad it's gone from my hdd.
why would spend 130 hours playing a game you don't like
Just an obsidiot in denial that fallout 4 is a great game that provided him more than enough hours of entertainment
Mods and shit. Gotta be honest, the gunplay and guns mods are a good improvement. I just keep playing because I have nothing else to play on my pc, I finished every quest and side quest, got the rarest weapons. The game turned every enemy into a bullet sponge around level 70 and that's when I keep running out of bullets, and I'm also autistic for not spending those 80k caps on bullets. Guess that's just gulty pleasure playing it.
Because playing games isn't about enjoying the game retard. I bought it because I wanted to see how shitty it was, so when bethesdrones tried talking about it I could point out how shitty it is.