Necromancer isn't in modern games? What's so bad about having a legion of skeletons.
Necromancer isn't in modern games? What's so bad about having a legion of skeletons
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Idk OP, it's total bullshit. The magic system in general is usually to generalized, I just want to become a Lich for once.
I don't know much about that but i tend to agree, The only magic system that seem to stood out was magkica and that's a bad opinion but the combination system was interesting.
>game has Necromancer/Summoner class
>summons die after a short time automatically
I totally hate that shit
>tfw thought I could become a real skeletal overlord in morrowind
>you can only summon one minion per spell
Used to love being a Necromancer in Guild Wars
>Like being a Paladin
>Necromancy is usually the way of having a large group of followers
Why is this allowed
>game has Necromancer/Summoner class
>Can only have 3 minions tops
>modded skyrim
>become necromancer
>have to maintain sanity while harvesting bodies(Preferbly intact ones)
>get strong enough and skilled, learn recipe to become lich
>do a song and dance, and fuck tons of other shit to attempt it
>fuck up and instant ded(I play hardcore mode)
>Do it right and become immortal
its a very slow progression, and a spoopy one but damn is it fun watching towns evacuate when I arrive with my bonezone army
Most people prefer to actually play the game and kill shit themselves instead of letting shitty AI do it for you.
>game considers necromancy to be dark magic and evil
>cults and shit all over the place
>you can't even consider the practicality of studying it since you are the hero
>bonus points for only summon skeletons and zombie spells
>don't even need corpses
You're right, I didn't know I wanted a Necromancer RTS game so much.
>maintain sanity
>What's so bad about having a legion of skeletons.
Performance for you and others.
>be a summoner
>walking through town with a fire golem, 12 skeletons, 8 skeleton mages all spazzing as they follow me
>no one even says anything
because a class about abusing brainless hordes to do your will would be offensive to republicans
FUCK THAT SHIT, That's not even good game design.
What's the risk? What's the reward? And how do you how do you keep it balance with other class's.
Diablo had some good risk and reward because you've got the reward of a minion once summon and you run the risk of not being able to summon because there's no bodies around.
I know I've had that before.
If you saw a summoner with his laugh just walk into town, would you say something or just keep walking or chasing that chicken..
It's not Halal
Well realistic needs I need to buy food while down in my understudy
dropping my speghetti at the first waitress I see is going to get some guards suspicous(I have a mod that makes guards follow you when you do something strange) and on top of sanity issues, I also get a higher chance at gaining diseases(which with RND it can kill, fast) meaning frequent doctor trips or double the ingredient trips
Come on. People should at least avoid the gang of skeletons or run for their lives.
Chinese market
Sounds cool, links?
>what is path of exile
>Chinese market
This is the correct answer.
>tfw you'll never go back to the prime days of Diablo II and play as your top tier necro.
Has any other game ever even come close to having a good necromancer like D2 has?
came here to post this
most american publishers/developers are owned by tencent or other chink firms
fucking around with nature > fucking around with death
Well I made it one faucient of the game
but for the necromancer stuff you need
and a few necromancer mods(there is only like 4 on the nexus, should be fine)
Realistic needs and diseases to balance the power creep to prevent you from being shit to god in a week, alongside stuff like more bandits, suspicous guards,etc to keep you on your toes outside and inside towns
also I'm being vauge because its almost 4 am here and I need to go to bed, just look up brodual's shit on youtube, he probably has a video on it
Danke anan
But isn't life and death the most natural thing in the world?
because autoplay?
>filthy lazyfucks who rely on agitating spoopytons to do the dirty work
>not smashing/perforating/zapping enemies with your own might and wit
Path of Exile has better Necromancy than Diablo 2. You even get to play as a qt witch girl!
There's this shitty Unity MMORPG called Project Gorgon that had a kind of okay necromancy system. Had a lot of the shitty caps and everything, but I love how if you wanted a permanent skeleton follower you needed to ressurect them from a graveyard. Either head over before going on an adventure or desperately hope that enough low level or unprepared players died in the dungeon so their tombstones filled enough space to be classified as a graveyard. Otherwise your only unit was a horrible fresh corpse monster that needed constant babysitting so it didn't decay into nothing, but it was still a pretty good tank if you could multi-task.
>Dominions Ermor
>tfw minion bomb build in Hall of Heroes
>summon X for 1 second on self
>soultrap for 1 second on TARGET
>cast at ground or at very close wall
>bug causes pet to last indefinitely
>spell costs
>A lot of WoW's lore is revolving around the undead.
>WoW have playable Death Knights
>Forsaken are known for using necromancy
>Still no playable necromancer class
Why live?
>What's so bad about having a legion of skeletons.
Consoles would shit themselves.
So did PCs when online D2 was hot shit. Ever heard of "lagomancers"?
>What are Musou games
>WoW gets necromancers
>Powerful and awesome at first
>Nerfed to nothing within 3 months
>More powerful without their summons
they will put chinese botters out of work.
>Age of Conan releases
>Roll a necromancer
>Allocated 8 points typically, with the run of the mill zombie costing like 1 point, summoners costing 3-4, etc
>Have a talent that lets you sacrifice 33% of your hp for 1 more summoning point
>Use it 3 times to end up with 11 summoning points while at HP so low I can be one shotted
>In the first pvp compatible town with guards that will slap your shit if you start anything, hide in a lighthouse on the dock and send my 11 zombies on some poor sap and watch him react in horror
About the only memorable experience from that shit game
Marvel Heroes; Doom, Ultron, Squirrel Girl, Magick
This makes me so mad.
Because it wouldn't be "balanced" or "fun" or "interesting"
Blame RPGs being shoved into the realm of Esports by mobas and WOW.
you didn't know? raising the dead is oppressive, racist and misogynist
We are not so different, you and I
Your post literally gave me cancer, killed me, resurrected me as a skellington, purified me, reincarnated me and gave the new me aids.
It's okay, user. Skeletons are white.
Just play PoE, you can have a skeleton army or other summons
There's a necromancer in Gauntlet (2014) also you fight necromancer enemies, as for Diablo? Yeah, they are fags about it
Wall just got 10 feet higher - 10 feet of my skeleton minions.
Gw 1 was the only game that nailed the necromancer.
Ritualist class was also really cool
gw2 Necro is an abortion... why couldn't they just combine ritualist and necromancer ? Make him summon wraiths and shit
I'm developing my xcom/dungeon keeper game where you're a necromancer on unreal engine. I'll get a working prototype soon, then I'll go beg for monies on Kickstarter or Steam Early access to actually hire a proper animator and get actually good assets.
Nigga you can equip any skill to any slot
For what purpose?
Because it's obviously going to perform better than a shitty inhouse engine I could put together in 3 years.
Atleast it's not Unity
You're game has been doomed to fail from the start.
Hey, unity can do intresting stuff.
My next game I was planning on is a game where one of the two classes(at launch) is Necromancer/Lich. If you're interested, tell me what you want to see in it and I'll mark it all down to go through it all. Or just tell me to fuck off
>hehe I have 0 dev experience but let me bash Unity
It's as good as any engine out there.
Unity is a fine engine, it's ridiculously easy to get into which is why there is so much shitty shovelware.
>you can only raise 1 or 2 dead at once
>they are made of paper maché
>they die after 30 seconds
>they can't be raised again
the only thing wrong with Unity is that devs think it's some magical implement that will make their spaghetti code not run like shit
them.Give skeletons personalities. Let me have my personal skeleton guards. Let me talk to them
not that poster
>It's a Sup Forums thinks everyone needs to waste years making their own engine before they even make a game episode.
Probably the stupidest comment I repeatedly see on this board.
Unreal is fine. If he said Game Maker or fucking Source 2007 or some shit then you can question it.
>diablo character
that's not a necromancer
There are still some games with fun necromancy.
Why not have spirit companions you can put into skeletons instead?
>Old mentor who still teaches you things when you can handle it
>Recently deceased veteran who gives advice and complains on how he would've done what you did easily
>Family member who embarrasses you constantly in front of others
>Edgelord who becomes more laidback after death
>Enemy from a organization you killed who realizes his faction is shitty
I want a graveyard management game where you manage your own necromancy crypt, make skellingtons, zombies and other undead, send them on missions and when (if) they return with loot you can use it to build up your base with moar graves and stuff for moar and stronger undead to summon.
Perfectly worded,its why republicans HATE democrats, their mindlessness
Just check out youtube or anywhere basically, its all "hurr Trump".
Name 10 Unity games that don't run like horseshit or have some other technical problems
Pillars of Eternity
Gone Homo
Wasteland 2
Actually fuck it, list 10 games that have no technical problems whatsoever. Also pic related is you in your next reply.
>Pillars of Eternity
Are you serious? This game had ridiculous tech problems when it first released. Check their forums dating the release date.
Some problems I had :
Couldn't leave that fuck's castle near the first town without crashing
Loading times increased tenfold by the end of the game
Adra dragon not present in the dungeon for some reason
This is the only person that get's it. China loves Blizzard games, bones and skeletons are a taboo in China, just look at the Chinese WoW.
Didn't they patch it? Also most games, especially by Obsidian have their fair share of issues, regardless of the engine. Making a game is hard, I know, I'm making one.
Praise Yredelemnul.
They've been patching it plenty. Should be fine now.
Once I opened the game though and the main menu was broken.
Literally one of the worst gods
I really wish they would give him something to make it worth on extended
>Game has a great necromancer
>Make a sequel based on lies with a shit necromancer
>bones and skeletons are a taboo in China
Will they ever get over it?
He's pretty gud on non-extended branches without demons/undead.
Bone Dragons and Profane Servitors provide okay fire support and flayed ghosts are very moe.
Also having an enslaved spectral deep elf high priest that spawns t4 demons and assembles you abominations is pretty fun.
>He's pretty gud on non-extended branches
>on non extended branches
But extended is literally where the fun is at
Orb runs are like 1:30-2 hours run where you can literally tab through 99% of stuff unless you purposedly pick a shit combo
I remember someone in the rogue encampment saying specific lines if you're playing a necromancer, other than that not much
Well pretty much the only reason he's bad for extended is because he doesn't appreciate demon-slaying.
This game has the best necromancers.
Reskin Pikmin for best necro experience
How's the game beyond that? How long does it take to become a necromancer?
Where can I get it?
You mean Kiku, right?
He's one of the best gods in 3 runes and later you can just switch to TSO pretty much painlessly. Or, you know, win.
A kiku is fine too.