Why is Steam full of weeb trash now?
This is not the PC gaming future I expected.
Why is Steam full of weeb trash now?
This is not the PC gaming future I expected.
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There's mostly Vita ports out of desperation of Japanese devs due to the Vitas poor sales outside of Japan.
Because no one uses DLsite outside of Japan.
If you don't like it, don't buy it.
>weeb trash
>COCKADOOWTY: modern space robots #27
I'd rather see a cute anime girl on the frontpage than rehashedcontent 2: alien warfare
They're both cancer though.
i think they like money
You don't get to become the shit without having people dump their shit, it just doesn't work that way.
When something is popular, expect people to try to cash in.
So Japanese games will stop coming out on Steam once the Vita's life is finally snuffed out?
Thank fucking lord.
yeah way too many shitty VNs these days
At least cockofdoody has gameplay unlike waifuVN#1243 crapping up the front page of what used to be the savior of PC gaming.
Nope they're slowly seeing the light of PC gaymen
Consoles are pretty much dead in Japan. Devs have nowhere to go besides PC. Unless they want to resign themselves to making shitty mobile phone games.
weeaboos have money to spend
who needs content moderation anyway
>coming to a website filled with anime banners and ads when you claim to hate "weeb trash"
You normalfags make no fucking sense
>banners and ads
u wot m8
>Consoles are pretty much dead in Japan
You say this, while the majority of Jap shit being released on Steam came out on the Vita first. Which is popular in Nipland
Hey, remember when Valve made video games?
No bro you don't get it, everyone on r/Sup Forums says anime is gay
YOU'RE the one who's wrong :^)
Then why are they getting ported to PC and not PS4?
Just because you have ad block on doesn't mean they're not there
Cockofdoody is as bad as anime visual novels.
Who even buys the VNs to begin with? Nobody I know would want to show friends that they jerk off to some "SFW" hentai novel.
They're both trash and don't belong on steam. Cockadoody could move onto their own shitty platform like ubisoft for example.
I don't though, I come to Sup Forums - western gaming and video game culture
Most of those are either console ports, or not games at all (visual novels), so I don't see how that's related to PC gaming
>le fals dick-otomy mem
>le all or nothing thinking mem
>le you either have to be a filthy normie or you have to completely obsessed with everything anime
fakku yu-
Wow. I didn't notice until now. I have Ad-block turned off on Sup Forums and don't see any banners.
Poor Hiroshima how will he ever pay for the site without J-List selling nerds Japanese fleshlights?
I am curious as to what has changed to cause the (quite sudden in the grand scheme of things) rise of moonland games suddenly being on PC. It is one thing for obscure VN's to be PC only but it is entirely another to move games that have a long history of being console or gtfo to PC (especially in the west) when said games are going to remain fairly obscure to the greater PC gaming crowd.
Especially considering the technical hurdles of porting a game (as lets be real here, that is mostly what is happening) there has to be some decent monetary return for all the effort.
We've got to have
no, weebs are buying shit games like crazy, its a positive reinforcement to webshit devs keep pushing their crap games.
i dont really mind, weebs are fucking stupid, and buy cards at high prices, i sold a foil from some stupid weeb game i got for free in $300
only retarded people make this kind of shit.
>not supporting the site
Holy shit. Fags like you shouldn't even be allowed to post
There's literally an Evangelion banner at the top of the page as I write this post. Most of the banners on my other open threads are also anime-related. You can still see the banners even with ad block
Why normalfags willingly subject themselves to seeing these things all day while browsing here is beyond me
Just ignore it. :^)
Porting games is actually quite easier than you'd lead to think mate.
In fact deving for PC is much easier than devving for console since it has much more code-related resources
J-list has been advertising on Sup Forums for years. They're perfectly aware of the target audience they're going for and they're clearly getting more than enough clicks to justify keeping the ad up.
This site is inspired by and built upon weebshit, to deny that is folly
then why aren't square, atlus, platinum and team ninja making PC games first?
or are you only talking about small irrelevant studios
They're not. They're just bored channers who like stirring shit since they're dead inside and find no enjoyment in video games anymore.
No I don't
Why? It's either that or indieshit. Which do you prefer?
On the other hand as well documented as DX is I doubt many of these developers are in a position to get microsoft on the phone to find out how do I shot web? Whereas (admittedly i'm guessing) its easier to get tech support from the likes of sony and nintendo should everything burst into flames.
Besides Atlus, all those companies have put recent games on PC. But you'll probably say it doesn't count because they weren't on PC first. And any company named from here on will be passed off as irrelevant.
The point was the ad is not there currently.
It's easier to port over. With PC they can just upscale the game and change the controls.
but you just said consoles are dead?
then why do they make the games for them first and they even end up selling more on them
I don't go to websites that are filled with pictures of things that I hate or don't enjoy
Getting microshaft on the phone is REALLY easy. I'm doing a c# ASP.NET backend and I have less trouble asking shit about c# ASP.NET than I have trying to get the dipshits whose api we've contracted to answer shit.
Understanding shit specially when you're japanese and you're talking in broken english to an even more broken english hindian that's hard.
Because you don't fucking buy games, the weebs do. So they put games up that sell.
Why is having more options bad? What would having less games bring?
>Supporting Hiroyuki "I'll pretend to not understand and seem cute so they dont bring up what I did to 2ch" Nishimura
Dare I fucking say it but moot was better
user, if steam only sells games that *I* like, then that means all the people who like things that I don't like (retards) are getting shafted!
Don't you understand?
Mootle cuckles the baggage laddie?
he was a faggot cucknewfag underage b& but he was our guy.
>steam only sells games that *I* like
But that is not the case, and you saying so is base hyperbole.
That is a pretty longs sentence for only wanting to say "OP is a fag"
>Japanese VNs
okay fine
>Shitty Western VN tumblr shit
No, this is not okay
>Furry shit
What the fuck valve
Justify this
Why do you even care?
It's not like it makes the shitty games you play any worse.
For a retarded mantis-like weeab gril.
>digital only
>no quality checks whatsoever
It's the one you chose though.
Do you collect all games released on Steam or something?
My PC backlog is dangerously close to hitting three digits. Why exactly are bad games and games that don't cater to my tastes a problem when it's impossible to run out of games I actually want to play?
this is literally an anime and manga website, you pieces of shit.
While browsing the banners I found more Sup Forums banners than Sup Forums ones
fuck off
>shitty Japanese VNs
okay fine
>shitty western VN tumblr shit
this is the average weeb way of thinking.
>"Why is STEAM full of weeb trash?"
But what does that have to do with the question?
did you even look at that shit? The tumblrness?
>japs get their awful visual novels on steam
>visual novels are probably the most easy game any person can make
>fucktards saw they can get a visual novel sold on steam.
>fucktards make awful visual novels too.
fucking weeb cancer, its contagious as fuck.
Don't these weebshit games only get about 10-20k sales on steam? How are they profitable?
its the same shit, just a different color.
>Shitty Western VN tumblr shit
Holy shit the art style, it has to be the noses.
be honest, it it had the same story and the same characters, but with proper anime style, you will be drooling and buying it, making threads here about how awesome and well written the story is.
story its shit, like most Japan VN
it isn't as bad as the furshit, at least
>everyone on Sup Forums shares the same opinions, tastes and views of the world
If you are this new you should leave asap my man.
Most of the people outside of the weeb boards hate anime and what anime stands for.
I myself don't hate it per se, but I don't consider it to be the pinnacle of what this website is.
>how is selling a thing profitable?
this is what you are saying
PC ports can be made with minimal effort, and according to my calculator, 10-20k is greater than 0.
Steam finally got gud.
that's not the point.
The point is as soon as someone post anything anime-related which is also vidya-related, a bunch of autists go berserk and can't stop shitposting about hating weebshit.
So how those posts or threads don't get deleted for being offtopic? It's literaly shitposting without any contribution to the conversation just like the posts I've made so far
visual novels are cheap to do.
devs probably spend $100-500 doing it.
the story is garbage
the characters almost a rip-off of other characters.
devs know they only need cute girls on it to recover their investment, and weebs are know for having really shit taste and weakness for anime drawn girls.
Why are you using Steam for anything other than redeeming keys?
Honestly, mods are incredibly biased and you can see it by taking a look at how many Overwatch threads are everyday.
But leaving that aside, be sensible and think for a second. We are not on Twitter, we are not on Reddit, we are a bunch of anonymous people flinging shit at each other.
The whole base of Sup Forums is "say whatever the fuck you want" and it's what I think everyone here loves.
If you have the right to post a anime pic I have the right to laugh at it or to express my disgust in one way or another, that's how this website works.
it's exactly why I'm on this site as well, but when potentially good threads get ruined and derailed because of some faggot who posts
whenever he gets the chance to, you really get fed up with their shit
here, have a yuno you fucking faggots
Well not going to play devil's advocate but you must admit that the quality of anime in the last 15 years is pathetic and nothing will compare to the late 80's and 90's animation and story wise.
i thanks bronies for making people realize how annoying these cunts are.
why post anime then, especially when it's related to the topic of the thread (so not necessarily applies to this thread)
also it's not just anime, it's the faggotry that comes with it (like avatar-fagging)
Any good recent weeb trash that came out recently?
I need to buy more and then never play it.
but no one is discussing that. Everyone pretty much accepted that but that's not the topic of these shitposts
same thing with politics, check out literally reaction pictures.
Here , have a teen Dexter, it's certainly not related to this thread or vidya but noone's going to call me out on it, will they?
Check how bad anime got recently compared to older stuff like Akira or EVA. It's pandering garbage you wouldn't even watch if you were paid had it a western style and voice acting. People who avatarfag with anime girls are just plain annoying. The entire point of Sup Forums is being anonymous, if you feel like you need some sort of avatar to stand out, then you're in the wrong place.
also avatar-fagging is a bannable offense so feel free to fucking report it then.
Not to mention, avatar-fagging doesn't exclusively mean you're posting some anime girl. Check out some of the shittier /vg/ generals and you'll see what I mean.
Pic related
>tfw GTO ended and it will never be a sequel
Why live.
>Sup Forums - western gaming
>most threads in the catalog are about nip games and Toddposting
>Anime budgets bloat more and more
>Still the same lowest common denominator otaku pandering hot garbage
What went wrong?
>literally reaction pictures.
he is making a face, a reaction face.
this its just an anime girl just for the sake of being an anime girl, no fun, no memorable, NOTHING.
I think that no one over here will bash you for posting a Dragon Ball reaction image or a Digimon reaction image or even a fucking One Punch Man reaction.
There's anime and then there's weeb shit, and people post literally smug anime girls 100% of the time.
They get called on not by the content they posted but by their blatant superiority complex when they are sad grown man that post under the image of a cartoon little girl.
>haha here's a cute anime girl that doesn't convey an emotion or a reaction for that matter, how whimsical!
Probably because Japanese are creative in their storytelling where western storytelling is the same old grimdark shit over and over.
>Check how bad anime got recently compared to older stuff like Akira or EVA.
Nostalgiafags pls go.
The vast majority of western games are fucking terrible. I don't know how you people enjoy them so much.
EDL 4.1 is the first thing produced in asia that i have enjoyed since pokemon 15 fucking years ago
its pretty cool for something i never heard of, but yeah, all the actual indie and weeb trash should go
>cheap to make
>enjoyable to play
>make lots of money
>expands userbase
Gee I wonder why. Couldn't possibly be because they help turn an easy profit. Couldn't possibly be because it'll bring more people to download steam so they won't have to just pirate their VNs. Couldn't possibly be because of how the cancerous youtube stars have "ironically" played multiple VNs and started the cancerous "notice me senpai" or "onii-chan~"
I mean there was terrible older stuff too like Slayers but recently, style over substance triumphed and it's difficult to argue the medium improved.
>there was terrible older stuff too like Slayers
t. Person who never got out of the eating eps