>People are excited for yet another 3D sonic game where you can only play as Sonic
frankly I'm tired of that.
i wanna play as Tails and Knuckles again.
>People are excited for yet another 3D sonic game where you can only play as Sonic
frankly I'm tired of that.
i wanna play as Tails and Knuckles again.
Other urls found in this thread:
half of the game will be in 2d as well
I don't want to play a 2d sanic game with polygons
Knuckles in 3D has never worked tbqh
tell that to sonic adventure 1 and 2
>I don't want to play a 2d sanic game with polygons
I do
sure he can.
its not even 3d
It's 2d (classic sonic) and 2.5d (modern.) It's ostensibly supposed to be the "modern" game to go with the retro one, but barely a quarter of the game will be in 3d. All we're getting is two retro style sonic games.
>i wanna play as Tails and Knuckles again.
too bad. Egoraptor and other ecelebs memed hard enough that every character that isn't sonic is banned from being playable ever again.
>people excited for 3D Sonic
3D Sonic has NEVER been good. It's series that should have stayed 2D.
there is still a chance, the premise appears to be "Eggman's won, take the world back"
it's a perfect setting to reintroduce character's like shadow, silver and blaze.
nice memes you got there m8
Holy fuck, fuck sonic fans
No wonder you guys have a reputation as unbridled autists
we did
because it didn't work
fuck off egoraptor
>1 minute treat trailer with no actual gameplay
>Sup Forums suddenly knows how the game will play and what it did wrong
I was honestly expecting something completely diferent but no, it's just Generations 2.
Kind of disapointed, I think they've milked classic Sonic enough at this point, especially when there's another game featuring him coming out on the same year
Egoraptor doesn't like Sonic, be it 2D or 3D so...
>Egoraptor and other ecelebs memed hard enough that every character that isn't sonic is banned from being playable ever again.
Luigi, Toads, Yoshis, and several other characters are playable in Mario games and no one minds. Why do people throw such a fit when someone besides Sonic is playable?
Because Sonic turned into a scapegoat for shitty video game practices after Shadow the Hedgehog. Everyone takes out their frustrations on Sonic because he's just popular to pick on, like a bully that picks on the nerd everydayvat school.
because sonic is about going fast and i don't want to not go fast
also The franchise has had so many varying iterations that everyone has their image of what the series should be, and everything else is wrong.
This. I'm so fucking sick of Classic Sonic.
Sonic is more about platforming than speed.
Tails was never interesting.
I don't think, 2D or 3D, they've ever executed a Tails game well.
Knuckles could be interesting, though. Give me Werehog combat + Adventure 2 collectathon emerald hunting and I think it could be a fun fucking game.
Luigi got his own spin-off, Knuckles could stand one too.
Sounds like you didn't hear about Sonic Mania.
Knuckles got a spin off, you dweeb.
But it's true. 3D slows Sonic games down to a fucking crawl with the exception of scripted fast areas. 3D just doesn't work for what Sonic is supposed to be.
Chaotix doesn't count, it was still basically a Sonic game.
In the earlier titles, Tails and Knuckles were still GOTTAGOFAST characters.
It wasn't until adventure and adv2 that they slowed Knuckles down, which for gameplay reasons makes sense
But I liked Emerald hunting, I thought it was fun. And I also always thought werehog bullshit would have been better received if Knuckles (the punching guy FFS) had been the one to get the melee sections.
You can't really make an action-adventure game starring Sonic because the levels need to essentially be race tracks, and that's fine, but Knuckles is well-suited to that sort of thing. I'd like to see it.
Getting tired of the classic Sonic pandering myself.
Why not make a game with another art style (as this is a new generation of Sonic) and fix what's wrong with the 3D games (which is level design and physics, and not "shitty friends" or boosting)
>tfw the inevitable assblistering fury coming from both actual autistic sonic fans and from retards reacting to bait-threads
>tfw Sonic still will be, as it always has been, a terrible, flawed, broken franchise
>tfw tails will get trolled again
It's a new age of cringe. I can't fucking wait.
I don't get why they need to use Classic Sonic again. Like, does this franchise not have enough characters to work with?
Actually doing something new will just make screaming memelords on Youtube cry about how Sega sucks and the franchise is dead, so they have to keep recycling Sonic 1 to keep the "fans" happy
>Actual Sonic Fans
Who are these people
Are there ANY who aren't cringeworthy autists
The only people I see playing new Sonic games are jewtubers playing it ironically.
Is there anyone over the age of 10 who actually likes Sonic?
Hate me all you want but I believe that what we need is another Sonic Heroes, except you know, better.
What we need is the franchise to stop having games and just stick to being a TV show.
Nobody plays for the gamplay.
Muh letsplayers play bad Sonic Games for views.
Children play them because they don't know any better.
Most actual Sonic fans play for muh story and to be back in their faggy Sonic universe.
Give the autists what they want: More lore, characters and places to make shitty fanfics of.
The games are terrible, and all have been for a while now.
>ask for momentum meme 2d sonic which looks amazing
>you still complain
>SEGA knows there are still people who are fans of "3d' Sonic, so they make that too
>people still aren't satisfied
What the fuck do you guys want? I'll admit, they shouldn't have shoehorned classic sonic into 3d sonic, but honestly, all you faggots have been whining about for the past few years is how "Gens 2 will be cool" and "I wunt muh 2d sonic back." Why the fuck are you complaining? Sonic is on his way back
Frankly I'm tired of Sonic period; I want the games to stop.
>SEGA knows there are still people who are fans of "3d' Sonic, so they make that too
What have I missed? There was another game apart from mania?
Yes, a new 3D game for PS4, Xbone, NX and PC, starring both Modern and Classic Sonic.
No, its a new 2D game for everything starring Classic Sonic with modern making an appearance
What the hell gave you that idea?
What are you seeing that isn't actually there?
sonic team needs to stop dropping potentially cool mechanics just because they didn't work that well the first time they try to implement them.
Classic sonic = half the game is 2D
Modern sonic = his stages are 60% 2D
Total, game will be 80% 2D again like the last 3 sonic games. Fucking epic dude!
>I'm a autistic fuck who likes to play with deviantart tier characters
Go masturbate to some doujin and stay away from my games, faggot
you LITERALLY have not seen a second of gameplay from the new sonic game, you fucking crybaby faggot. Do you realize what your doing right now?
>colors, generations, lost world are mainly 2D games
>along with 3DS sonic games
>shut the fuck up faggot its totally going to be 3D how can you say that man wtf is wrong with you! classic sonic clearly means is going to be 3D!
Read between the lines retard. Sonic 2017 is going to be liquid shit and yet another 2D game
3D sonic is literally the best sonic there is.
2D has never captured the feeling of FAST as well as Adventure did.
Adventure feels fast for its time and it certainly was one of the fastest games out in 2001, but as a whole in the series it feels medium paced at this point
Unleashed will forever be the fastest game in the series and it perfectly blended both 2D and 3D. Unleashed is by far the most underrated game in the series and it will never get the remaster/pc port/xbone bc it deserves so its high quality and strengths can be noticed. RIP
The Knuckles levels in those games might just be the worst parts of any video game ever. I don't even think Sonic 06 sunk to those depths of shit. Especially the Sonic Adventure 2 levels. wtf were they thinking?