What the fuck did I just play.
What the fuck did I just play
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some heart of darkness rip off trying to pass off as something deep in order to get away with mediocre gameplay
I liked it for what it was. Reading up on the easter eggs and things I might have missed was cool. If only MGSV had a story like this.
The absolute best part of The Line was the progressive tone change in the dialogue with the main character and his squad. Hearing them slowly break was a small neat trick.
The gameplay is pretty middling, the story way overhyped and the multiplayer was non-existent on release. The most forehead slapping moment was the achievement pop for "The horror, the horror!!!" when you pass a row on hung corpses.
The most average third person shooter imagineable, with a pretentious and painfully cliched story. I don't know if it's marketing or what, but surely there aren't people dumb enough to think this shit has even a mediocre story? The """twist""" was literally "No John, you are the demons", but even more predictable.
An okay game that tried too hard with muh deepness.
I wish that everyone who went into this game expecting the second coming of christ played the game like I did.
I played the demo of the game, thought it was a mediocre shooter, then when I had nothing else to play, I pirated the game expecting more of the same.
When the tone of the game shifted and it became all psychological and fucked up, it took me completely by surprise, and it even changed the gameplay for me personally, as I started trying to get as many melee kills as possible, making Walker as psychopathic as possible with the brutal executions he starts doing later.
The end of the game hit me like a nuclear fucking bomb. I ended up buying the game both for myself and for one of my buddies' birthdays.
You sound like I did before I played the game.
You are probably retarded if you hadn't seen the twist coming halfway into the game.
Which ending do you get?
Nice try. Note that 6 hours is enough time to beat this atrocious piece of shit. I got the game for $5 and if Steam refunds existed then, I absolutely would've gotten one.
A good game with a good story that isn't deep yet some people dislike because they think other people think it's deep when it isn't and in reality no one thinks it deep.
Some people also think you are meant to turn the game off halfway through, and some people also think the game is criticizing you as the player. These are all wrong.
Walker going home in the humvee.
I became pretty attached to the guy through the story, and since I'm apparently retarded because I didn't see the twist coming (i hadn't watched heart of darkness or even apocalypse now before this) the ending really jarred me and I felt like Walker just made a huge mistake and was a victim of his own fucked up psyche.
Too bad it turns out he's actually dead and just reliving the game over and over 'till I play through it again and put a bullet in his head.
>Note that 6 hours is enough time to beat this
It actually isn't. The game draws out the second half a lot. It really makes you appreciate the shit you've gotten into.
This isn't the sort of game you play for the lel-so-mind-blowing "twist" you pleb
Not him but everyone who says shit like this is retarded.
Trying to guess a twist is only going to ruin it for yourself, and you'd only be doing that if you were bored anyways.
I could tell things were going to go downhill when I played it but I just enjoyed it as it came.
A game whose script was rewritten at the last minute so as not to make sense in order to spite the writer's boss.
I'm not making this up. Even the protagonist's VA was said to pause recording and request fixes to some scenes because of how nonsensical they were.
I literally just played and beat it right now, and really enjoyed it, and it only took me 6 hours.
Not him, I beat the game in 4 hours, and if it took longer I'd had dropped it.
One of the worst TPS I've fallen for due to massive shilling here, good thing I pirated.
Fuck off retard.
>When the tone of the game shifted and it became all psychological and fucked up, it took me completely by surprise
Sure, it's not like all the game's early reviews, previews and press packs shilled the fuck out of its "subversive" story. Nope.
>b-b-b-but I don't read reviews!
You don't research games before buying/pirating them?
>Pick up game because it's supposedly special
>Military burgers in a desert environment
>A game whose script was rewritten at the last minute so as not to make sense in order to spite the writer's boss.
Well they failed pretty hard then because it makes perfect sense and was almost unanimously praised as one of the best-written games of that year outside of Sup Forums.
If you played this in 6 hours you rushed yourself. I went at a comfortable pace and enjoyed myself. This is 1 playthrough time only.
I think the game's length is good enough and I enjoyed it.
Wasn't that just the effect of its marketing? Even TB bought into the whole "hurr durr u the real bad guy" thing (without finishing the game).
Alright, at this point it's so fucking transparent there are literal shills in this thread.
>Wahh I didn't fall for meme game.
>Wahh my superior taste.
>protagonist's VA
The fact that you don't know who Nolan North is and also have a negative option of the game suggests to me you know little about everything else you mention.
Whatever you make of it.
Its a fun and creative deconstruction of the modern HOO-AHH! macho military man trope.
God forbid anyone like a game
A lackluster fps with some dramatic scenes that get praise.
I thought the game was being shilled when it came out 5 years ago as well. I realized I was wrong after playing it. Maybe you'll realize you're a retard for thinking anyone would be getting paid to promote a 5 year old game on Sup Forums.
There is a difference between defending a shitty game and flat out denying literal truths. I showed objective proof that I played the game to appease a retarded marketer and then he started to move to goalpost and imply that I didn't beat the game or that I zerged through the game. I once again showed proof to the contrary.
>You don't research games before buying/pirating them?
Not him, but no I don't. Why the fuck would you when gayman journalists and half of every trailer spoil the majority of the game anyways.
Last time I researched a game before I bought it was in 2008 when RE5 was near release, trailers literally had every cutscene and plot point aside from the end boss in it for fucks sake. Never again.
I see E3 trailers/reveal trailers only. And aside from that, see screenshots and webm's on Sup Forums, sometimes I might ask "Is X good". Then I will buy it and go into it blind. Always never disappoints I've gone into so many good games like this and been really surprised. I love being surprised by a game and I make a point to purposefully not look into a game now before playing, fuck I wont even read the blurb on the back of the box or the steam page anymore. I don't want to know a fucking thing about it aside from the genre before I play it.
>The fact that you don't know who Nolan North
Nolan North is Walker's (i.e. the protagonist's, in case you hadn't connected the facts) VA (Voice Actor). Are you actually daft?
Also, that wasn't a negative opinion. Those are things that Walt Williams (the game's lead writer, Google it) said himself in an interview with Cracked.
By the way, Cracked is a web site, and an interview is a conversation conducted by a reporter. The more you know.
I've never liked a game so much that I took twice as long to beat its linear story.
>Its a fun
Covershooting is not fun.
Also I don't play games for pretentions shit like "deconstruction", who the fuck cares about this artsy gay trash?
Go play some good TPS like Stranglehold.
>not researching a product before buying it
You're everything that's wrong with today's industry. Don't you have Steam sales to blindly spend money on?
>If you played this in 6 hours you rushed yourself. I went at a comfortable pace and enjoyed myself.
>Main Story
>Average: 6h 12m
>Leisure: 9h 03m
>Main + Extras
>Average: 7h 37m
>Leisure: 11h 56m
My brother.
I fucking swear howlongtobeat is full of speed runners. I look that site up all the time, and consistently my playtimes are 5-10 hours fucking longer than full completionist runs when all I did was get to end of main campaign.
I'm not bad at games, I am good and find most easy. I just don't speed through an area. I check every corner for secrets, and sometimes stop to admire parts of the game. Does everyone else just Sanic their way through every game to get it over and done with ASAP?
Big surprise that you'd go there. In paraphrasing, the writer also said that he was happy with how fucked up the script was.
He said he played a demo and then pirated the game. Who's throwing money away?
>i don't like it
>therefore its not good
Oh go fuck yourself with your dragon-dildo, you tight ass cocksucker.
If you didn't like my opinion, why should i take yours?
That was another person. He even says so himself.
>Not him, but no I don't.
Follow the convo, man.
What was the point of your post? I clearly linked to the site so I know what it says. It says that the average (read: not rushing) person finishes the game in 6 hours and I clearly finished it in 6 hours.
Did I miss something if I stopped playing after 10 minutes? I went along a deserty corridor with rubble and arabs trying to shoot me and my friends. Boring as fuck.
One of the best games ever, OP. Idiots like hate games with good stories and just want to mash buttons.
>the writer also said that he was happy with how fucked up the script was
Which part of "to spite his boss" did you not catch? The script was fucked up and Williams was happy with it because it did its job. It even annoyed Walker's VA.
That the game's shooting sucked ass is not an option, it's flat out fact.
Go play more games you arts degree cuck, your "opinion" is worth less than wet dogshit.
garbage shooter with a twist*
>You don't research games before buying/pirating them?
It's a brown cover shooter with delta force. How much research do you do? I just need to know, is it good enough for me to get at the price or time to download that it's at now.
That's certainly my approach with mediocre meme games like this where the only draw is its bizarre storyline.
>if you don't autistically research a game beforehand, you must be an impulse buyer
No. I don't impulse buy. I said I do a bare minimum. If it's a new game, I look at one fucking trailer, which I always try to get the reveal or E3 trailer. If it's an old game I look up one gameplay video and watch maybe 2-5 minutes of the first level before making my mind up. I also ask Sup Forums for their opinion either way.
I rarely end up playing a game I don't like. But I always go into a game with no expectations, and no hype.
Gameplay stays the same shit, but some people think how the story develops justifies it being bad.
As a veteran this game really pissed me off and luckily I wasn't anywhere near the developers after playing it. I would have beaten their asses...
>Walker's VA
He's called Nolan North, idiot. How can you not know that? Also cracked is a fictional news sight.
What the fuck were you doing? This game is 7 hours if you're bad.
It also says that a leisurely pace is easily longer than that, especially if you take the time to experience the whole game.
Alright, I like great stories though... not sure if I'm missing anything. I hate hate hate corridor shooters though. Also the whackamole thing they had in reinvention of the Tombraider games. Close in the player in an area and wait until all enemies have popped their head up so you can shoot them and the fucking door opens.
You sound insecure. I know because I used to be like this too. You don't want to look up more of the game because it would diminish its monetary value in your head, potentially leading to buyer's remorse.
It's not a healthy mindset.
Have you even played the game?
Yeah dude, I'm a delta force soldier myself and it's sickening that so few civilians were killed.
>That the game's shooting sucked ass is not an option, it's flat out fact.
That is not how opinions and facts work.
Sounds like you went into it with your mind made up already.
The fact that you have a policy of speeding though "meme" games tell me you just played it so you could shitpost about it.
Do we really have to use the man's full name each time? It smacks of celebrity worship.
Cracked is a comedy site, but not satire like The Onion.
>especially if you take the time to experience the whole game
The fuck does this mean? I don't remember there being extra content outside the main game (except for the defunct multiplayer), it's almost completely on rails, and it's not like it had a Gwint minigame. Did you spend five hours looking at the skyboxes or something?
I played it until a bit after the WP part ("There is always a choice," etc.), then dropped it out of annoyance with the simplistic gameplay.
Not that the WP bit helped. It was rather silly in itself.
It smacks of knowing who the fuck he is. You also say "Obama" rather than "The President of the United States." Or am I just part of Obama's personality cult?
No, I had positive expectations. I left extremely disappointed.
It smacks of you being a fanboy. Or Walker's VA himself.
I thought you knew what the site said? I even quoted it for you.
>Main + Extras
>Average: 7h 37m
>Leisure: 11h 56m
I use 'Obama' and 'the president' interchangeably, because it goes without saying that I know who the president is.
ACTUALLY, it's Barack Hussein Obama II. You ignorant twat. Don't you know who he is?
I think it was a neat idea but it has objectively bad gameplay. You can have a game be aggressive and metatextual without it being really flawed.
See papers please.
No, using people's names is normal. Going out of your way to avoid using their names is weird. You're the weird one.
Please learn to differentiate facts and opinions.
And your shitty opinion is the farthest thing from a fact.
No again you are completely wrong. I think I am the only person who doesn't care about the doller per hour of gameplay ratio as long as the game is over 4 hours at least.
If a game is $60 and 5 hours long, but I enjoyed those 5 hours, then it's a good game and I am glad I bought it.
The reason I don't want to know about anything before hand is because I don't like spoilers, or specifically I like surprises. I don't want to know what to expect. I don't want any expectations going on. I don't want to be told "oh this is a X type of mystery and the focus is on characters etc, it's really gritty" fuck off, I don't want to know. If someone tells me this I will immediately drop a game and chuck in the backlog till I forget what the game was about again.
I want to go into it, having no fucking clue what I am about to experience. And then just be surprised and amused by whatever the game throws at me. I am not narrow minded in my tastes so I can enjoy pretty much anything so long as it was done with love and artistic care and isn't a shitty cash grab of a product.
But thats the dumb person opinion, its not criticising the player, its just a deconstruction of the one man army narrative you get so often in military rooty tooty shootys
I wouldn't mind if you called Nolan North "North" either.
>referring to people by their profession when the conversation revolves around their work is weird
You what?
Why the fuck wouldn't you use his name? It's no harder to type and that way everyone knows who you mean.
You clearly have no idea who he is.
>a deconstruction of the one man army narrative
I don't think it's a deconstruction if the gameplay follows the cliché to the letter.
>I want my interactive media to have no story
>the gameplay is bad
I dunno, I liked it.
Say "Walker's VA" one more goddamn time, I dare you.
>You clearly have no idea who he is.
Pssst. Hey.
He's Walker's voice actor in Spec Ops.
Spec Ops The Line fags are worse than MLP and Furry community combined.
Yes it is fact that the game's shooting mechanics are vastly inferior to similar games in the genre.
I'd be really hard pressed to find a title with more barebones covershooting with retard AI.
Hell even games from two more than a decade ago like Kill Switch SHIT all over this bland trash.
Taking in the atmosphere, having fun. Looking at the vista's and other artwork, exploring every inch of the levels. What the fuck were you doing?
Pic related were a single playthrough each BTW. Pretty much every game I play is way way longer than the longest times on howlongtobeat.
I get the most out of my games. I don't know how people can just speed through things.
This thread is Sup Forums at its finest
Thick as pig shit soldier boy threatening violence? Fucking typical.
Go step on a landmine.
Nolan North is a well known name in the industry. It'd be like saying "that black guy from
The Shawshank Redemption"
>What, you mean Morgan Freeman?
>Yeah, whatever. So, that black guy from The Shawshank Redemption said...
We're talking about video games. A medium where gameplay is integral to the whole thing. Where in fact the gameplay often dictates the story. In Soul Reaver, Raziel's ability to shift planes of existence is part of the narrative as well as a gameplay mechanic. In Modern Warfare 2, the mechanics of the No Russian mission directly pertain to the narrative (you're just a pawn in the plan to start a world war). And so on and so forth.
Gameplay in video games in bound intrinsically to the narrative. If you remove this connection, you end up with dumb movie games like a certain famous third person shooter series.
I liked it, a bit short of a game maybe.
It only took this long because i was stuck in the stadium/arena and couldn't figure out where to go shortly thereafter, when i had cleared the area.
Don't get mad at us for pointing out your objective mistakes. Blame your own factual inability to distinguish facts from opinions.