anybody else wishes for a "true" competitive gamemode without ultimates? How much better would overwatch be as a comptetitive esports game if it didnt resolve around farming Qs and blowing them all off at once?

it would literally ruin the game

ultimates are there to prevent faggots from turtling.

most choke points would be impassible with out ultimates, fuck that

Dont remove them altogether, give them lower charge rates, they need to be something thats actually earned, not just given, especially since they are so damned powerful and can change the course of a game

duh just give mercy an uber or something...

Thats anna you dumb nigger poster.

Its as if you didnt think this one through

My only problem with the game is the luck factor

>oh shit I've almost got this guy killed
>and I'm dead
>look at replay
>he shoots
>miss miss miss miss miss miss
>miss miss miss miss miss miss
>miss miss miss ping headshot and dead

I would prefer friendly fire in competitive.

>someone's ultimate is an uber
>but let's remove ultimates

The game would be heck of a lot better for sure. But there would need to be a bunch of balance changes if you were to take ultimates away.

It won't happen though. It's a fairly casual "competitive" game and people seem to love getting low effort kills with ultimates.

whereas you just constantly miss or don't go for headshots?


welcome to mcmeta of 3 mcclicks

McCree buff literally destroyed the game this patch.

>died to a mccree
Damn, should have countered him better
>died to a mccree
Yeah okay, how does a revolver have the same range as a sniper rifle

id say even pre flashbang nerf mcree was less of a pain to deal with than this abomination


I agree. Take out ultimates to make it fair.
And all those high damage one shot weapons. People should have to earn their kills.
And abilities. Gives advantage over certain characters.

Soldier 76 no heal no rocket Nepal inner only 1v1 me bro.

>literally every Sup Forums ideas guy

>take out ultimates
>hanamura and anubis become impossible to attack

-> >i just like sitting on corporate cock and intake all the semen it pours into me without complaints

Okay wait, no ults

but now the game is 8v8