What are some crimes against gaming?

What are some crimes against gaming?

I'll start.

>Blizzard killing WoW

Other urls found in this thread:


I don't really see how spores that bad, it's more of an example of a game that didn't come.close to meeting the hype

Pokemon ORAS

I think you meant

>WoW killing Blizzard


>What are some crimes against gaming?
Post-2009 Bioware

Spore that was released has very little to do with the Spore that should have been released.

Western developers 2006-Present

Blizzard killing Diablo was worse.
Only teenagers and social failures play wow so that does not count.

pirates torrenting games

WoW has always been shit, faggot.

the whole existence of 'the last of us'

People act like Dante wasn't an edgy faggot before DmC.

He was just an unfunny/cheesy edgy faggot in 1-4, and a dickhead in DmC.

DmC still had the best gameplay, and that's what I play the genre for so w/e

Bayonetta is better than any Devil May Cry game

>EA destroying Mass Effect halfway through its trilogy
>Guild Wars 2 existing
>Federation force
>Naughtydog becoming hollywood cinematic dogshit
>MML3 gettung cancelled when everyone got a 3ds because of it.


I'm just waiting for some apologist to tell us all how the Reboot was the best in the series and no DMC fan likes it only because of Dante's hair.

Chrono Cross and Dragon Dogma being half of what they should have been were the biggest crimes in my eyes


>idea was having fun with people like in any other GTA mp

>in reality it just promoted shark cards and MMOfying GTA

There's no way to make ruby/saphir good considering how shit the original games were, cut them some slack

At least DD still turned out to be a good game.
CC is a complete abomination.

>DmC still had the best gameplay

I'm right here nerd get at me.

>Best gameplay
>Could literally spend ages doing piss easy combos and stay infinitely in the air with little to no effort
>Enemies that could only be damaged with blue/red attacks garbage system
>Easy as fuck to get SSS
>Involved no skill or challenge whatsoever even in higher difficulties
Maybe you are retarded, maybe you were dropped too much on your head as a baby

Steam getting a monopoly status and heavily censoring games from having adult content.


A DMC Game without gravity is bad, mkey.


I will never not be mad at this game.

Disagree, I loved CC for its setting, story and characters. Won't dispute the fact that a lot of it was underdeveloped and that's what I'm lamenting, but the writing on the walls are pretty clear, that game should have been amazing if it wasn't butchered by development hell

This pissed me off. Online is literally 'no fun allowed'.

Nuts and Bolts
Sticker Star and Color Splash
Nintendo censoring the shit out of everything
Red Dead Redemption not on PC
Season Passes
Micro transactions

>Best gameplay

Someone post the gif of someone spamming one move and getting SSS

It sure as hell wasn't 2.

I'll take arguments for 3 and 4, and a lot of the character criticisms for DmC can just as easily apply to 4, and 4 didn't have DmC's stage design and bosses. 3 is your best bet.

But the bosses in 4 are much better than the bosses in DmC, are you high ?

It honestly killed me a little inside. Some hope was lost.

Feels good to get so many of them eh?

Video game journalists LOVED it though.

>4 didn't have DmC's stage design and bosses
Yeah, the bosses were actually worse. Most of them are sationary and don't test your skill on the game. They don't require you to learn the mechanics of the game.
I literally beat the game just spamming Trinity Smash while using Demon Evade and DT to boost my Damage Output.

City of Heroes not just getting axed despite it still turning a profit, but fucking NCsoft literally refusing to give out the assets needed for private servers even when offered actual money for them.

I will never not be mad about what happened to CoH.

To name some others though
>Dead Space dying for not meeting arbitrary sales numbers
>Dungeon Keeper as a mobile game

It was a great work of art. I don't blame them.

4 had The Savior and Belial, but also the monstrosity that was Echidna. Everything about that boss, from encounter mechanics to music to stage design made me want to just turn off the game. Most of the other fights were dull compared to 3.

DmC had Barbas, Vergil, Mundus, Lilith/Spawn, and basically every boss that wasn't Succubus.

>DmC had Barbas, Vergil, Mundus, Lilith/Spawn, and basically every boss that wasn't Succubus
and they all suck

and here are my reasons why they suck:
>I do not like Dante in DmC.

>EA killing Ultima and the use of the Origin name for a launcher.

I enjoyed it. Less than I thought I would, but I enjoyed it. Lisia is wife.
Now Go is some dogshit. I'd say Pokken too, but that's more a bad & misfired game than a crime.

Walled garden API's.
You could have all OS use 1 api but you cant because itd would be too easy for consumers and developers.

I gotta agree with the "NoA censoring everything" bit. I don't even have any interest in most of the games they censor, and in any other case I will defend Nintendo like my name is Andrew Dobson, but censoring things just really rubs me the wrong way, and seeing it happen with my favorite of the big three pisses me off.



This guy

>Jagex killing Runescape
>343 killing Halo

inb4 underage

>that webm

It's just a cinematic and means nothing idk why people freaked out some much over it, at the end of the game it gives you a slideshow of what you accomplished and what not , its the same with Fallout New Vegas the ending plays out the same with minor variantions

is that the dude from linkin park

Stop posting

they cut heaps of content for spore

>blizzard killing WoW
you mean paying 15/mo just be able to login is the crime

No really look

>at the end of the game it gives you a slideshow of what you accomplished and what not
Only in the extended cut asshole. In the original release that cinematic was the ending, that was it.


Death of bullfrog, westwood and new world computing. I still hope some billionaire nostalgia faggot will buy off theme hospital, dungeon keeper and might and magic licences so we get decent sequels... You cant blame me for having dreams.
I know theres at least one faggot in this thread who grew up with zeus or ceasar3.
I know your feels, bro...

agreed, and this one's personnel, they killed my favorite franchise, and did it in a disgusting, unforgivable way
never take Molyneux at face value
it'd be still okay, if you'd have your old friends

but anyway
>exclusive titles

fucking this. I've yet to see a company so blatantly shit on their fanbase as much as bioware and EA has

>new genre of gaming that brought millions of dollars into the scene
>crime against gaming


Bioshock Infinite

did you see ME2's ending? granted ME2 was a pretty shit game but that entire ending scenario was great. people were expecting something like that and what they got instead is a passive-aggressive garbled heap of nonsense and a message telling them to buy more DLC

Diablo 3's RMAH is still the worst thing to ever be introduced to any game. Absolutely disgusting in all aspects.

>I'm just waiting for some apologist to tell us all how the Reboot was the best in the series
I think those fags jumped ship a long time ago, the game has no fans, no even gave a shit about the improved re-release. A lot of people who defended DmC didn't really give a shit about DMC in the first place.

are you retarded ?

>DmC sucks meme
faggot we know you're just assravaged fanboi

care to actually put up an argument?


EA in general is the worst thing to happen to gaming

Actually there was one in this thread

Bethesda's Fallout

Every single mmo ever

Microsoft buying RARE and forcing them to produce Kinect shovelware. Microsoft will forever burn in hell for this

I agree; Pokemon AS had way too much water in particular

>The World Ends With You countdown ending
>Mass Effect 3
>Mass Effect 2
>Spore's final state
>Brink being awful
>Advance Wars dying
>Tribes: Ascend turning to shit
>MGSV's story being unfinished shit
>The slow death of LucasArts
>DmC existing
>The closure of Studio Liverpool
>The death of the Motorstorm series
>Half Life 3 will literally never get released
>The cancellation of Mega Man Legends 3
>KOTOR 2 will never be truly finished
>Prey 2's cancellation
>SSX and Tony Hawk's Pro Skater will never have a new modern entry as good as the early sixth gen games
>P.T's cancellation
>The fact Castlevania is now gone for good
>Sony not buying Crash and Spyro when it had the chance
>Metroid Prime Federation Force existing
>Other M existing
>SMTxFE turning into Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE
>Rare's slow death
>What's happened to the story of every established Blizzard IP thanks to Metzen
>Duke Nukem Forever's final state
>Metal Slug will never come back
>The death of AA games in general
>You didn't kiss her when you had the chance


They still haven't released Mother 3 to NA
No Mother 3 release in NA



Cheat codes, or extra shit on new playthroughs (like extra costumes and Mercenaries mode in RE) have been replaced by DLC

>The World Ends With You countdown ending
>Tribes: Ascend turning to shit
>The fact Castlevania is now gone for good
>Other M existing
>SMTxFE turning into Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE
I am so hurt by these things.

>Battlefield going from new free maps and game modes every month to 60 dollars season pass

>You didn't kiss her when you had the chance

No, user.

It was everything after the kiss.

GTA V was a mistake.


The modern indie scene, it's all about how easily can you get money through retards now.

Let me guess. You only played ME3.

Making another Metal Gear after 4.
Now that was a dumb move. Could have ended in a high note. But no, he had to fuck up and taint that franchise name didn't he?

is it really cutting if they never invented to do all of it in the first place?

this, DMC has always been pretty damn shitty, people just love the gameplay

>Blizzard killing Blizzard North and the diablo franchise
>Everything EA has touched

they just fucking suck and people are wasting time on such shit games

Star wars battlefront III



Watch the '07 presentations; there were entire stages removed from the game.

>Spyro is dead
>Crash is dead
>No Medievil-Dark Souls Crossover
>Star Wars Battlefront III NEVER EVER
>No Ape Scape titles
>Digimon World 1 not being remastered
>Overwatch exists
>Pokemon GO exists
>No Darkest Dungeon multiplayer
>Tree of Savior Exists
>Ragnarok Online is dead
>Conker is dead
>No Demon's Crest remake
>No Soul Calibur vs Tekken
>No Soul Calibur vs Mortal Kombat
>League of Legends past season 3
>WoW still running
>Golden Sun 3
>Bloodborne NEVER EVER for PC
>No Torchlight III
>The game similar to The Force Unleashed but more brutal featuring Darth Maul cancelled
>Lucas Arts in general

It was still fun though.

I pray to Jesus every night that he kills people like you

I even went to a midnight opening for that shit.

>Golden Sun 3

>Medievil-Dark Souls Crossover

>tfw you will never shoot a demon made out of stained glass in the heart
>you will never explore a graveyard followed by two massive wolf guardians ala Sif X Ornstein and Smough

Had so much potential.
The second game was fucking great too.