Female character designs in the west

>female character designs in the west

why are they so shit?

why are developers here suddenly incapable of making attractive looking women anymore?

>Netherrealm Studios
>Entire west

attractive women are sexist

>people will defend this

You got your answers and btfo the last 500+ reply thread.

At least she looks better than the first game.

SJWs will complain if they're good looking

Why does this game look worse than the first one?

What did you expect? DC + WW = Shit tier woman. DC and Marvel suck hard if it comes to creating good looking women in the last couple of years.

Tsubasa sure is meaty.

Are you implying chinks make hot women in their vidya?

Beauty is a white supremacist kind of thing.

Or god knows what the actual kind of reasoning is.

Every kind of delusioned justification for this kind of shit seem possible in these times.

I don't really care what face Wonder Woman has but not using this god-tier outfit is a crime.

They have been defending it since it was revealed.

what if it was more realistic?

This is supposed to be one of the most beautiful women in the DCverse, hot damn, I can't even imagine what NRS would do with the ones that are supposed to look average.

mental degradation

fuck off with that jew skeleton

They would fail harder, that abomination on OP's pic is supposed to be "realistic". NRS couldn't model a decent Gal Gadot WW to save their lives.

Wew lads

I genuinely kekked

>Expecting good design from Netherealms

>mfw Kitana takes her mask off in MK9 story mode


>character is supposed to be still extremely beautiful
>they still modeled her after a man
NetherRealms what the fuck

NRS trying to make Capcom look good out here.


Their women weren't so bad when they were still Midway.



It's Unreal Engine fault, the only that managed to make a woman look like an actual woman is Arkham Asylum and yet they failed in city with the manface

>Okay this has be a shoop.
>It isn't

Whoa, just fucking whoa.

choose now burgers of Sup Forums , a future with Clinton or a future with Trump

>female design in the west

Why are they so good?

because you hold NRS' shitty designs as "the west"

and Sup Forums likes to circlejerk.

Because the west is all about realistic looking women, while Japs value beauty.

The problem with making realistic faces is that unless you're really talented, they come off as hilariously ugly. The unique characteristics of the human face is really hard.


First post best post

But thought Paul would be the one to make Anime real?

I can just imagine this being posted in the dev forums and then the poster immediately getting banned.

>justice league war outfit
Patrician taste user. That is easily the best Wondy redesign.

>femnazi lesbian femlet instead of confident sexy educated noble tall badass


The point of having a cleavage window to show cleavage. There is no fucking cleavage here. Nu Lara has had a breast reduction.

NRS is its own breed of fucked up, last time I checked Blizzard and Square Enix Montreal (Eidos) could still make hot looking women.


i mean they are both western designs and they are both attractive.

On the other hand, The Blue Beetle design looked great
Can't wait to main my boy Jaime

nice try but the japanese side of Square enix was in charge of Lara's looks in cutscenes and promotional material

Progressivism is about turning women into men, and men into women.

>Because the west is all about realistic looking women

That's like you're saying there's no such thing as a good looking realistic women and that's pure bullshit. There ARE really good looking realistic women out there.

Reality is... the west is all about not offending sjws by purposely pandering to them with butt ugly manface women instead of pandering to actual buyers of these games.


Lets be honest here. None of use actually read those feminazi Wonder Woman comics, anyway. The most we see of WW is when she gets loaned to a Superman or Justice League story.

Seriously Sup Forums?


at least it's not this ugly

>tfw no muscular Amazonian princess gf who could crush your head like sparrows egg between her thighs...

>None of use actually read those feminazi Wonder Woman comics, anyway.

These days... I've stopped reading DC and Marvel comics altogether. They've both gone full retard and hiring sjw writers while pandering to sjw. They're trying their damn hardest to get rid of all the old heroes and rewriting their roles into women instead of creating their own unique women heroes with no regards to the old iconic heroes and their lore. Thor is now some women, iron man is now replaced by some black afro girl who is suppose to be way smarter than Tony. They're all bad stories that just rides on the success of the iconic heroes before them.

DC and Marvel comics are no longer worth reading.

netherrealm have problem modeler quality.

I prefer this western character design.

>That contrast between both

Please tell me there is a patch coming to fix this nightmare.

Lie to me if you have to, user.

Fucking kek.

>preferering weeb shit
fucking autists and their 2d obsessions

Not only Kasumi looks better, the graphics are also better in DOA. Why Netherrealm studios so shit at their job?.

Every fucking DOA character has the same face. That's just shitty design.

Came here to post this. I can see I'm not needed.

>not using this god-tier outfit
Not sure you get the idea behind the new Injustice.

not true and even if it was still every single character even the old chinese guy has several detailed and awesome outfits

why does she look like a shitskin
pic related is the best

don't deny it, faggot

Fuck off fat-""""""THICC""""""-fag.

what israeli garbage is this? holy shit

I want Xena to relieve herself all over my face!

I shall now dub thee female characters name.

Wonder Whyman

I thought this was a Mystery of the Druids edit judging by the thumbnail.

this cant be real family

Some user try fixed this.

>thats not how real life females look like!!
>put literally a real life person into the game
>thats not how real life females look like!!

>mods deleting Wonder Woman threads
It looks literally fucking photoshopped. I don't care if she's also ugly, but holy shit how can devs be so incompetent they can't even blend the face properly with the body?

Now she looks korean. Sasuga, Sup Forums.

No. I have my animu grills for that.

Doesn't help too much, it's how shitty the hard looks. if they were going for black then stick with black. Why does this game look so much more ass than MKX?

>Hey,baby. Handjob?.jpg

looks jewish now, but almost in the right direction, make it more aryan

>we want the mentally unstable hambeast audience

>tfw Boon is paying the mods to delete wonder woman threads

We can't even have some fun on the expense of shitty western devs anymore.

please post this on netherrealm so those fagets learn how to model women

That is genuinely disgusting.


Because west hates women.

>scroll down to see if anyone posted wonder loli
get a grip Sup Forums

(not)Wonder Woman



Because western developers are capable of making realistic females.

Compared to DOA dolls?


>realistic= ugly and with PS2 tier blending

Because people think digital characters can be objectified

>this is what shitposters believe