Infinite Warfare just dropped its garbage MP
Time to dislike again
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For some reason this video was fucking hilarious to me. Something about the zooming in at nothing in particular while that weird slowed down music plays.
you mean literally 2 images from the single player campaign
Infinite Warfare looks pretty fun to be honestly desu.
thank you
Who the fuck plays CoD for the multiplayer besides edgy teenagers?
honestly the video is pretty damn good in it's awfulness
it's like the pure manifestation of modern cod
also this
>That baller as fuck shotgun auto-sight.
It'll probably be an OP power weapon, but I fucking love the way it works. Slick as hell.
>Those deep crackly rocket booster sound effects during the space launch
>The creaks and groans of the ship as it decelerates into open space.
My dick is diamond right now.
Did they ditch the "advanced movement" of the other 2 devs?
>It's a globalist future game set in the future
Well they certainly don't play it for the single player
We don't know yet, but a tweet suggested BOIII vets will feel right at home in IW, so they probably kept something similar.
I hope not. Those were the only CoD games that were actually fun.
I know the edgy teens don't because they don't have the attention span. I'm saying normal, functional humans don't go anywhere near CoD's multiplayer.
And what multiplayer do they go towards?
This looks alright for what it is.
>time to dislike
It looks fun
Which is, obscure shit....
I'd say it's more like eating something edible that you really dislike, but not exactly shit. I'd still say that it tastes like shit.
I'm actually pretty excited for IW and the 4 remaster, which I didn't expect at all
>food analogy
It's like playing something playable that you really dislike, but not exactly similar to playing with shit on your toiler with your toothbrush. I'd still say that I don't like it.