>"Dude calm down its only a game :D"
"Dude calm down its only a game :D"
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It is just game you autist
Nothing tilts me more then a faggot on my own team sucking ass and saying that.
It's just a game you retard.
You need to learn to control your emotions over videogames user.
It's for your own good.
It is. I have no luck in real life and no luck in video games.
Post the comic.
>having anger issues
>Have cousin who has fairly big rage problems
>Someone got him Bloodborne, ended up throwing the controller through a window
>Other games, punched a hole in the wall or TV
>recently got a husky puppy that chewed the end of a ball-thrower thing.
>punched a hole in the wall again, then spent 30 minutes punching his punching bag, walking back in the room to stare at the dog, fume up again and go at the punching bag again
>his dad asks me to set him up with a girl because he's worried about him
How about no.
I thought he was going to punch the fucking dog
Something about fps games does this to me.
A single death is enough to set me off to destroy shit.
>"Haha, yeah you're right. I guess I was being pretty immature wasn't I?"
Said literally no one ever.
He said he was about to.
It's a puppy, it chews on shit occasionally. For reference, she chewed on the end of one of these, which was easily fixed by some duct tape around the end.
Cant beat punching things though damn it feels good
Tell him that he failed as a parents and his son is most likely gonna kill someone later on in life.
What the fuck is that?
How do you beat anger problems Sup Forums? My dad was always irrationally angry and i dont wanna be like him, but its almost my 'default' emotion. I feel the anger rise and I act shitty and childish and feel powerless to stop it ;_; wat do
Because the response the follows that is meant to fucking trigger everyone in the room.
His mom died when he was young, and his step mother, who is my aunt, is fucking wacko. The two are always at each other in the most passive aggressive way.
She gave his brother anxiety issues as well.
And another one of his brothers went to jail for attempted murder, so yeah, they failed.
Ask someone for a hug
It's true though, it's just a game. If you get angry over something like that god forbid you'll ever face actual problems.
Ball catapult thing. It's so you can throw the ball far for dogs and so you don't fuck up your rotator cuff in your shoulder.
>dude it's only quick play :D
He's right though
They're right though.
Seek therapy or smoke weed
Killing yourself works too since you're a liability and the people around you are better off without you.
Sounds like myself.
My mother was a complete bitch and crazy women. She died recently and some people wonder why the fuck I'm so messed up sometimes and have anger issues.
On her death bed she told me she was sorry, That she went out of her way to try and piss me off on purpose to try and ease her pain. Literally said pissing me off made her happy.
This is the same women who told me when I was 8 years old about how her father raped her in detail. And then proceeded to tell me I was just like him...
People always wonder why I don't care about her and would shit on her even after her death.
it is just a game you shithead
Then just fucking off yourself already.
>casual cs:go
>that one guy who blames his shit team on losing every round
>it's just a normal bro
Seek therapy/anger management.
Please, before you get to the point where you just blame others for "making you do it."
so basically for old women and faggots?
If someone goes out of their way to piss you off, I'm pretty sure that is "making you do it".
If someone is sitting behind you in your car, and they keep tail gating you, and then they hit your car. And when you get out they blame you, that person deserves an ass beating.
No, it's so you don't tear your rotator cuff by throwing a ball every single day for hours on end.
ligaments don't heal as easily as muscles and bone does.
>needing a plastic spatula to throw a ball so you dont get a woobsie and damage your collar wollar bone
Or fun for the dog. You can get a ball significantly further with one of those no matter who you are, it's basic physics.
this shit right here
it's a fucking game doesn't make it an excuse to make it a chore for others
>play lol
>gf wont shut up
>bothers me the entire time
>shove her away
>she trips and hits her head
>im somehow the bad guy
>therapy/anger management.
This shits a joke and doesn't work, Anger isn't just a mental thing, its a chemical production in the body.
People with anger issues need medical attention, not the bad kind, just a supliment in their lives.
Therapy does nothing.
The dude blamed the puppy for making him punch a hole in the wall. I really doubt the dog did it to intentionally agitate him.
>This shits a joke and doesn't work
what, you quit in the first week?
He beat everyone up as he doesnt have a problem sure showed them
Only faggots and casuals who suck at vidya say that. Don't worry OP.
I've gone to multiples and a few spent a month or more in.
You know what it is?
>everyone talk about their feelings
>okay lets try these steps when you get upset
>count to 10 and breath
Have you ever tried counting to 10 and breathing when you are on a full on rage mode? It doesn't work, the only thing that settles that down is burning the pent up energy. Running, punching yelling. Usually so until you hurt yourself.
That brings you right down.
I'll beat your pathetic ass faggot.
>Getting made at video games
I'll never understand getting anymore than slightly frustrated at a video game
>I've gone to multiples
Court ordered, right?
Breathing helps me senpai
It's not a quick fix, you have to keep applying it for more than a month.
I'd love to see you try, buttercup.
Talking about your issues doesn't fix the problem user. It never has and never will.
Or do you enjoy your 4000 usd a month being wasted on your "therapy"
You're not understanding the thread.
When somebody on the enemy team starts whining about his teammates i ALWAYS do this.
Oh boy, the rage that starts seeping after that, i love it.
he's right though
go to an anger management class, you autist
Then maybe stop being so angry because it costs too much.
it literally is only qp you autist
It's only gaeim. Why you heff to be madh?
>therapy meme
give me infinite money and I'll stop being pissed all the fucking time otherwise kill yourself
When I was 8-14ish I had pretty serious anger issues. I went to therapy pretty frequently, and it didn't really help me either. I eventually grew out of it though.
Not him but good thinking user, I'm aleady an alcoholic like him. It's just a matter of when and where.
>I eventually grew out of it though.
No you didn't. You just know what sets you off and avoid it.
>getting mad at video games
Are you 14 or something?
No adult behaves like this.
>Hue hue hue cute wolf meme dogo
>Dog's life becomes sitting in a garden all day like a lawn gnome alone.
>What the fuck why is my dog designed to pull sleds all day in cold temperatures with a whole bunch of dogs acting out in frustration, I walked him that one time?
Everytime I see or hear about someone owning or getting a husky I cringe.
It is very rare they are looked after properly because unless you're the next usain bolt who goes running in snow everyday then you are doing it wrong.
We live in Alaska.
Does he bring it running everyday for miles?
He, his brother and his dad do it every day. I occasionally do it too.
You can relax, this dog is getting exercise.
I can understand it sometimes. If I play a particular grating game on a particularly bad day I can go full rage. This happens maybe 3-4 times a year though.
Fair enough.
Trust me, that's not what happened. I didn't have anything that set me off. I was the kid in elementary who got into fights for no reason other than "the other person annoyed me in general" and "they came near me". Hell I got expelled from elementary school because I got in a particularly nasty fight for no reason.
When I say I grew out of it it wasn't really correct. It's not that I grew out of it, but that my personality did a full 180. I just stopped caring about things.
You were given adderall weren't you. That's exactly what happened, and it killed everything interesting about yourself. You turned into a stale walking corpse.
Nope. Haven't taken prescribed medication in my entire life. I just realized that real life sucks, and that getting angry solves no problems.
It throws the ball twice as far for half the effort, why the fuck wouldn't you use one
Haha, post more like this.
>taking games so seriously that you rage
>language is somehow unimportant
wew lad
>i can talk away your problems
burn the witch
You're just full of assumptions aren't you user? I'm tempted to do some guess work about what kind of person you are myself.
Fuckin kek m8
eurobeat is dangerous
:^) gg
More vids of people raging please.
It is literally only a game tho.
Cool the autism, OP.
spotted the asswipe
do you wipe retardedly? Do you justify your dumbass existence?
it's just a game bro
why u mad?
Why the fuck would you throw the ball for hours every day
they say that to intentionally get you mad, retard, just say something super neutral and calm like ''fuck, you're right dude thx'' and it will counter them into a fit
haha look at this moralfag
high and mighty on this queermo
that's Mcfaggernuts actually
>do you wipe retardedly?
No, I wipe diagonally
>Getting mad at a game that has no competitive element.
I came to post this vid.
>tfw I'm the relaxed one among my group of friends and don't rage over vidya
>I play for fun :3
You compete against yourself.