>Sup Forums says a game is terrible.
>It's actually pretty good.
What's her name Sup Forums?
>Sup Forums says a game is terrible.
>It's actually pretty good.
What's her name Sup Forums?
>anything but shit
Not Lords of The Fallen.
I hate my life
Its medicore. Its mostly too short and doesent have enough enemy variety.
>Sup Forums said Doom would be terrible.
Lollipop Chainsaw
I'd really like to play that but I don't own any consoles atm. Can I play it if I get a ps4?
Idk I don't own a ps4, but I think it is backwards compatible.
Denuvo killed this game as is killing others. Without piracy, almost half the people interested on it couldn't play it and thus couldn't talk about it. Developers must know by now the best way to fight piracy is just offering a nice multiplayer with tons of content instead of DRM.
I'm not advocating for Denuvo but Lotf is shit regardless of it. Once it got cracked nobody cared either.
Hell the best thing about it getting cracked is that you could call it shit without console retards falseflagging and other niggers calling for soar grapes.
And no 3rd chapter either. Great.
it is
that's an odd image to start your thread with
isn't it supposed to be related to the topic in atleast SOME way
denuvo didn't kill it, it being absolute trash killed it
the game was so absolutely dull I literally couldn't force myself to play it any longer than a few hours
I enjoyed the brainwashing in Shadow of Mordor
Of course stealth becomes silly when you control every orc in the world
It's not as great a game as the rest of the internet thinks, it's not as bad of a game as Sup Forums seems to think. I wanted a continuation of the first, same kind of maps and shit and for the most part it gave that.
Basically every game that is popular and received well by critics
After a certain point every boss fight in lords of the fallen is a big slow boss constantly summoning two minions with no cap on how many mooks he can summon. They turn into gigantic fucking chores to beat and you don't feel a sense of accomplishment because your character can never really get very powerful.
man I actually really liked this game
the asthetics and atmosphere were great and the story, while minimal, was actually present and coherent unlike (((DaS)))
>the asthetics
>discount Blizzard xboxhueg pauldrons
not even kidding
The Phantom Pain
The Last of Us( Uncharted is still trash tho)
>shitposting with best girl image
Fuck off Soulscuck
its gameplay is still better than what most of the AAA industry shits out these days
Shut up you idiot.
You shut up.
You first slut.
It's better than 3 and NV but worse than 1 and 2.
Shut the fuck up, robot.
I see you, Todd. Your game was worse than 3.
God this game seems fun, but to get it some people I'm living with would probably see it when it got delivered.
Better than 3 but not NV
Definitely agree
Fuck no. Worst Fallout I've played by a huge margin
New Vegas was as shit as 3.
Better writing doesn't make the gameplay/shitty openworld better.
>inb4 mods
It at least gives an incentive to keep enduring the garbage gameplay
>he says while posting cringe inducing weeaboo shit
The only thing 3D Fallout is good for is roleplaying. That's why 3 and 4 are unredeemable garbage.
Ironically, people on both Sup Forums and other gaming sites like Persona 3 more than LotF. So kill yourself.
You mean weebs, not people.
Not really.
I play both jap and western games.
Great soundtrack. Overall I found it sort of mediocre but it's definitely not a bad game.
I liked Undertale, played it way before any of the major shitstorms started and did enjoy it. I can see why most of Sup Forums hates it though seeing as tumblr has now swarmed all over it and got it "popular".
To be fair, everyone thought it would be terrible.
Ah yes, the most shilled game of 2014.
If you have poor taste, maybe. It's litteraly the best FPS that have been released in YEARS
Wolfenstein TNO made me stick to it.
Really mediocre campaign and level design.
The ending and moon part you gotta agree were really awesone
Yes, I do know shit eating retards like Persona 3. They are the only ones who do. Thanks for telling me something I already knew.
>So kill yourself.
You sure are upset someone doesn't like a horrible game for basement virgins and reject shonen manga visuals.
Fallout 4
It was literally heavily sword
You sound even more upset, buddy.
Says the mad weeb telling people to kill themselves.
95% of the games I play are western.
I genuinely like only two jap series (metal gear and megami tensei(which persona is part of).
Final Fantasy X
Sure, that's real believable with how upset being called a weeb is making you. Not to mention your shit taste.
Darksiders 2 had the potential to be great, but the whole "Go get three of these things so you can get these three other things then bring them back to me so I can explain how you can go get this other thing you need to get the big thing that opens a whole new area of things to get" was pretty fucking annoying. Needed some better design that way.
Combat was fun, bosses were good and I liked the visuals and music though. Level design was really good in particular.
>I only like one weeaboo series with cringe inducing art for basement virgins so I'm not one
I'm sure that made sense in your head when you typed this.
Star Citizen™ Alpha 2.4
why their opinions matter if they don't want you to have FUN?
>Dark Souls 2 pretty good
Played as heavy melee tank, could only kill the boss with my shitty magic spell. This game needed heavy work and should not have been released.
Bioshock Infinite
It is. You parroting piece of shit.
>ten trillion times better than Dead Island
>dat DLC ending
Fuck off.
>24 threads about a game over the course of 2 months
You dipshits wouldn't know an actual shill if they started their post with "Hi, I'm a shill."
>ready for the dark souls killer?
>hurr dark souls killer
>the dark souls killer.....
Also see
Yeah, because repetitive threads are definitely not a thing that occur naturally around here, right?
Also, that's the same fucking screen cap.
My point stands. You retards need to stop screaming "shill" at literally every game discussion.
And copypastas trying to explain why the game isn't shit, word by word?
LOTF is one of the games that had an actual shilling campaign, along with Borderlands 1.
You're right. I've never heard of copypasta before, and apparently neither have you.
I remembeer those threads.
Everyone was saying that it was much better than Dark Souls, they were denying all the performance issues despite the fact that at launch only a few specific hardware combinations could launch the game, and they were calling everyone who didn't praise it a piratefag because it used Denuvo.
CI Games is pure cancer, they have done nothing but shovelware.