Alright fellas and she-fellas.
Lay it out and let's see how shit your tastes are.
Alright fellas and she-fellas.
Lay it out and let's see how shit your tastes are.
Quality taste m8
Sakura is near Angel tier, much better than the heretic Mercy of Ovetwatch
Forgot pic
Kiri is a fucking terribly written character.
How so?
>Undermine the tension of a life-or-death situation by having a character who knows all the answers nearby.
>Have the majority of her contributions as female lead be "acts smug", "presents asspull" or "drip feeds you hints in lieu of an actual rival debate partner (Togami never does shit)".
>Serves as a poorly implemented way to make you feel smart/important when you occasionally surprise her.
>Character writing is shaky and inconsistent when not in comfort zone.
>No growth or development.
Kiri's reaction to her father's bones is the thing that finally made me accept just how bad DR's writing is. It didn't even feel remotely genuine. These characters are about as deep as their cardboard "models".
Case 1 and 2 were at least moderately fun despite this.
She was snobby cause she wanted to appear strong to avoid getting murdered. Unlike Ryoko, Kirigiri and loss memory upsets and got her anxious
DR logic has an Ultimate Detective, sure made most of the cast pretty bad at investigating to compensate this
I never felt smart when Naegi surprised UD, lucky student can get good at times (lel hope I know)
Shaky when not in comfort Zone cause her guard up is at risk of tumbling down. Seems pretty standard for her archtype
She showed some development, her constant guard has come down and was won over by Naegi's hope. Found one to trust in again. Admit I still need to read DR Kirigiri to get a better picture of her
Doesn't really change the fact that having a murder mystery and then making the master detective the SIDEKICK was a fucking stupid idea.
There were like a dozen points during the game where you figure something out ahead of Naegi and are excited waiting for you chance to drop the bomb, only for Naegi to suddenly become stop taking player input, prompting Kirigiri to step in and explain everything or feed you the answer, completely ruining the feeling of accomplishment these games are supposed to give you.
r8 and h8
Is Chiaki T H I C C?
if yes, i hate her now
>Monokuma in 3rd
watch your step, damn bear!
This thing really needs to be updated with the DR3 characters.
>I don't like her
>She must be badly written
>ibuki on top
Good taste.
What is with the Nagito faggotry? He sucks.
His dedication to HOPE and what he comes up with for hope, that pure wildcard that will come up with something to rock the boat. HOPE is the best Dangan ideal to follow in the end. Superb voice acting in Jap voice and his laugh, final dead room. It's iconic
>He doesn't love HOPE