Honestly can't tell if it's gonna be good or bad with an extended playthrough. Hope it ends up good
Honestly can't tell if it's gonna be good or bad with an extended playthrough. Hope it ends up good
Other urls found in this thread:
>devs boast that the game is humongous and that it only takes 6gb of space at the same time
If that does not sound fishy then you idiots need to go see a doctor
bump for ships
Just gonna throw in my 2 cents here.
I've been following this game for about a year now, and up until very recently (like 2 weeks ago) I was really excited for this game.
But these recent trailers look like fucking shit.
I'm sorry they do, boring and repetitive.
>Doesn't understand how procedural generation works
I don't know what you guys are complaining about. I can't wait to explore planets with my friends.
Pro see duh rul gen uh ray shun.
Fucking beat me to it
Please don't start the shitposting this early
this is basically EVE online without
good combat
base building
the list goes on
You can only fit so many assets (even just mesh/tex/sound) into so little space. Doesn't matter if they generated a trillion things, if they don't have the assets it will all be the same.
Waiting what? Is there no multiplayer anymore? If so sauce please.
So basically subtle fetch quests?
.kkrieger is the game in pic related and it's fucking lighter than the pic.
Day 1: Establish colonies on all the planets I land
Day 7: My empire has over 50 planets
Day 14: My empire now spans 1000 planets, my fleet consists of over 5000 ships
Day 31: My fleet of 1 million ships and control of over 50000 planets lets me easially conquer entire galaxies at a whim
Day 60: Center of the galaxy reached, I uninstall the game because i have seen all 50 billion years worth of content
looks like no content's sky.
There is multiplayer, but it's so difficult to meet up with people you really shouldn't consider playing with your friends as the main reason to play.
It's the reason they list the game as single-player on Steam, to avoid people thinking that
Serious question
Why dont we just make human capable of living anywhere instead of terraforming planets?
If humans could live anywhere then we could literally go on any planet or moon and set up shop immediately. Seriously terraforming limits our living ability to normalfaggot earth environments.
And its rammed full of modern standard meshes, textures, animation, sound etc
>the goal of the game is to get to the center of the universe
sooo thats when coop starts right?
Most half decent sci fi universes use a combination of the two with reasonable limits on both
As meme worthy the procedural generation thing is the quintillions of planets means there is some content impossible for us to imagine, even the developers have no idea whats actually in their game.
No there is n multiplayer, check the steam store page for confirmation
Until there is a gameplay video confirming multiplayer or the steam page is updated it is very safe to assume it doesn't exist and if you are buying the game for any sort of interaction with other people you will be disappointed (even if there is any, which there isn't)
Besides robot>humans in space exploration all we need to do is advance the A.I of our probes to learn about the other planets much better, human exploration is a waste of time until we finally decide to upgrade these meatbags of ours.
>even the developers have no idea whats actually in their game
I hope we at the very least get to see planet with cities on them since the NPCs and YOU need to come from somewhere and saying everyone is born on spaceships when there are so many livable planets would just be a horrible game design choice.
>make the same thread everyday
>why is there so much shitposting???!!
gee dunno
Yeh but what do you do? I've seen all of their youtube videos but i'm too fucking brain dead to understand what the game is about. Can someone please explain this very simple concept to me because i can't understand anything that is beyond generic action hollywood shoot shoot, bang bang, good guy wins, bad guy loses, fate of the world depends upon you and you only, the universe will explode unless you destroy the enemy gunship, reload that shotgun marine we've got some killing to do, heh you call that a punch?
I think all the planets in this game were made by humans along with all the life on them that explains why the life is so limited since humans dont know everything about life in the universe. Your job is to catalogue every single fucking species on the planets humans made to see if they fucked up.
Cities are out, devs confirmed they kept the amount of building to only a few of them on the planet.
I want a Freelancer remake goddamnit.
This one doesn't seem like it could cut the cake.
Lets be honest Sup Forums
The game is going to be FUCKING AWESOME
I'm going to assume all the aliens are just different robot heads. I doubt they wanted to animate their faces.
Lazy devs, can't even hand craft a planet or two with some lights to pretend its a city
Capture DNA from the animals you encounter, blend and cross match it with your technology to make new animals to seed other planets.
Terraforming planets to be more suitable for your ark.
Taking animals from your Ark to populate other planets and spread your geneseeds to the center of the universe
But tahts only if you want to take that route, theres literally 5 billion years worth of content here, you can do anything in the un-ending universe .
Yeah they're probably all going to be wearing helmet.
You forgot "being p2w despite being a subscription-based game"
>Lying about the game
Holy hell, you're salty. Where did the devs touch you?
All the procedural generation is in the wrong spots, could have been a good game. Just looks boring.
Literally part of the latest trailer you fuckin moron
Got me there.
>Good combat
I've seen basically nothing in regards to actual meaningful combat. That worries me also.
>base building
I think this was mentioned to be a thing? No idea for what purpose though.
Is the only way to get ANYTHING in this game other than trading. The game is apparently almost entirely dependent on you crafting shit for upgrades.
>Lets be honest Sup Forums
The game is going to be FUCKING SHILLED TO HELL AND BACK
Fixed that for you
I'll repost some of the screenshots from the trailers
Where did I lie?
I'm going to destroy the fuck out of the AI in this game, the universe will be conquered and mine. Are you just going to play it like a space sim and upgrade your little "default" ship and putter along to the center ?
How boring, I'm going to design and build my own gigantic ship that can destroy planets.
With 10 symbols one can express infinite
With a single numeral, and two symbols, you can represent a number greater than all the atoms in the observable universe.
>i don't understand computer: the post
go look at space engine's file size
>shoot rock
>sell rock
oh man the number 2276880505 sure is a lot more exciting than the number 4592938369
even random combinations get boring.
new stuff is interesting, but if you've seen the elements that build these combinations, new combinations are a lot more boring.
If you go by the number of half-assed analogy painting is boring because once you've seen the three primary colors there's nothing that can surpisse you.
>its a space game becomes space trucker 20XX episode
>Its this easy to make money in this game
>Some assholes hasnt started murdering the dudes who make these magic guns that are able to easily gather resources when it shoots them.
This game is crap in an industry this lax there should be mass chaos by companies warring against eachother for territory to sell rocks.
>He doesn't understand what website he's on
Those 'shills' are just shitposters trying to get you mad
And it's working
Anyone know the cheapest place I can preorder this game?
Is that a submarine?
>good combat
Topkek mate.
you're implying that procedually generated worlds are anything as creative as paintings or things made by humans that explicitly consider creating a contrast and drawing new shit so things don't become boring.
minecraft worlds also were procedually generated, did you still have as much of a blast exploring the same world for the 200th time?
I was gonna hope gmg was gonna be selling it on the cheap, but the game ain't even on their site
I don't follow the other key sites, maybe they have it
Nah I'm just fishing for (You)'s
NMS threads are my favourite watering holes at the moment
fuck you nigger
Ask your mom.
It's going to be on GoG which means it will be $Free
Don't worry about multiplayer since it's confirmed there isn't any that you want and you don't need any internet to play the game as confirmed by the steam page too.
Hey at least you're honest. I can appreciate that
I've probably spent more time exploring minecraft worlds than any handmade world like you'd find in games like GTA
I really don't give a fuck if there are 6 gorrillion types of assets. None of that shit matters aside from a basic ascetics perspective. So when you see the lizard from the first planets on planet Zoobiezoob with 3 extra legs and a much bigger head, then who cares? It will be a moment of "Wow what a crazy looking creature!" Then its going to sit there and idle around or attack you, but slightly fast. Just like planets. Don't think for a moment there will be more then a COLD/HOT/TEMPERATE planet from a mechanics perspective.
This game will be just a giant fetch quest. Get X so you can go to next planet with has Y which lets you get to next planet which has Z which is 1 of the 10 materials needed to get to the center of the galaxy. Don't think for a minute its going to be deeper then this. And don't think for a moment you are going to "explore", "trade", and "combat" more than you absolutely have to for materials to get to the center.
>No capital ships
You do if you want to lay claim to planets though and name them so they actually get propogated to other players
you're an honest moron if you think you're breaking news here
like literally every single autistic thing you just said is already widely known, and people have already formed their opinions on the game based on those things
aight, to each their own, in that case you'll probably have a blast with this game too.
sorry, then.
there might be
I agree I hate this game too. We should go buy Fallout 4 instead.
Just play Freelancer with the Discovery mod.
Did you check out the latest DLC on the Playstation Store? Bethesda really made another smash hit!
Minecraft is like 500mb
Minecraft also looks like shit.
>You can control an empire of BILLIONS
>BILLIONS of worlds
>BILLIONS of ships
>No capital ships
>You are the leader of millions of planets and possibly the biggest empire in video games ever
>No capital ships
Something about ethics and eugenics, etc.
All the gameplay videos they are releasing and hype they are building just makes me more confident it will be a shit game.
When you need this much marketing, you already know the game is shit.
space engine is like 1-2gb and has literal galaxies full of planets that look good enough to be the regular subject of screenshot threads
>an ancient evil awakes
You have to destroy the atlas at the center of the universe before it attacks earth and devours the galaxy
>implying the game will let you do even 1 thing on that list
>capital ships
>when you play as one single person
Just get your planets to research and build one for you, geez, not hard.
are you dumb?
Even X3:TC has capital ships.
It's a huge deal.
>Not cloning yourself so you can conquer quicker and more
>I literally have not played any space games.
x3tc didn't let you land on a planet and get out of your ship to go hunting for space lizards on foot
It let you have capital ships.
The first thing I am going to do is create an intergalactic pirate fleet that starve's trade routes in the planet's sector, completely destabilizing their economy. Once I do this and recruit my own army of pirates I will force the galaxy to surrender to me and eventually make them all slaves and genetically modify them with the crafting system into orcs from 40k to be used as fodder for wars. Then I will scour the galaxy with my armada searching for people to fight and once I see their ship I will force them to surrender and drop them off on a remote planet and steal their ship from them. Once that is done I will send a detachment of orks to hunt the player as he cannot escape and do this continually to anyone I find.
I will also use the chemical compounds in the game to disrupt atmospheres on rival planet's causing natural disasters that completely wipe out entire populations.
Who hype here?
If I see any of you faggots on Sup Forums I will destroy your ship completely and take your resources, you will be nothing. And it will be glorious.
>Marketing a game weeks before it releases means it's a shit game
This is some seriously low IQ levels of dumb
You posted this to Sup Forums and not fanfiction.net.
Please don't destroy me, I'll team up with you, I'm sure my planets and research can help you in your quest!
I'll be focusing on DNA modification and cybernetic research/implants to make vicious cyborg animals and teleporters so we can just board and take enemy ships to increase the fleet!