Metroid Federation Force

>Recently, Kensuke Tanabe, producer of Metroid Prime: Federation Force, discussed the reasons for the graphical variation in a “Mission Briefing” video. According to him, there were many challenging hurdles to overcome making a multiplayer team game on the 3DS, or any handheld, for that matter. He went on to clarify that the objects you would need to shoot would be naturally much smaller on a handheld screen, which is why they went with the rounded, chibi art style.

>Kensuke further clarified that the “rounding” technique resulted in compression of the terrain vertically, which allowed for more information to be displayed on screen. According to the producer, “This resulted in a different aesthetic but we wanted to prioritize providing the very best gameplay experience”. While the success of this approach is yet to be measured, it’s nice to know there might be some reasons to explain the drastic departure from the previous Metroid games.

Why were the Luminoth so fucking based?

I'm playing through Echos right now but U-Mos seems a bit bland. I just got the Light Beam, will the Luminoth get more interesting?

when you start to read the lore

>player characters look like walking refrigerators

maybe he was talking about the ball

Well that was a letdown

Keep an eye out for those join-the-dots holograms. Scan all of the Luminoth corpses too; some of them contain useful lore entries.

The lore in Echoes is really damn good, just like Prime 1. Corruption kinda dropped the ball, it was all so forgettable.

it's going to get a price drop almost instantly when it doesn't sell, even if they offered it for free, I wouldn't get it.

I want to support the Metroid IP since I've enjoyed every title to at least some extent but I also don't want to support Nintendo's shitty development practices.

Wat do?

Buy Super Metroid on the eshop

3DS is an underpowered piece of shit. News at 11.

Don't buy Federation Force.

These Also, get the Prime Trilogy. Amazing value for that price.

Pirate it, if you find any enjoyment, buy it on sale a few years later

>He went on to clarify that the objects you would need to shoot would be naturally much smaller on a handheld screen, which is why they went with the rounded, chibi art style.

My bullshit senses are tingling.

Already done, plus RoS and NEStroid although I actually prefer the GCN versions of Prime and Echoes

I mean, how bad will it be if I do pick it up Day One? I have a brother to play it with so that will be at least a handful of hours and enjoyment.

pirate it

then buy eshop Metroid

Honestly Federation Force wouldn't get as much hate as it does if it didn't have the Metroid name in the title.

you would be promoting the destruction of the Metroid franchise. Your few hours of fun is not worth it day one purchase. Buy it either used if you can find it or wait until is drops to like $20 or less.

Only buy good games
Shouldn't, I don't know wait to see if the game is good or bad before making that decision. We don't know if FF is a good game or not yet.

My 3DS is in reparation because of a disfunctional pixel and shoulder button, so can anyone tell me if blast is fun already?

Also, is BLast meant to be a freebe or will it comes with more stuff on FF?

I miss Weavel, such a cool character concept

It's not though. The rare shooter on the 3DS suffer from a lack of visibility. Why do you think there are so few in the first place?

then no one would give a fuck about it

see Code Name S.T.E.A.M

who else played blast ball? not gona lie was pretty shit

This make no sense, IMO.

True Metroid fans know that the MEtroid franchise has a slow output, there should be zero complain about getting a filler in the mean time.

It would have been like people complaining about Smash64 because there was no Metroid on the N64, yet she was in smash. What moron would do that?


>Already done
Then there's not much you can do other than buying the rest of the games in the series. You can only support a dormant franchise in a small number of ways.

About your other reply, please consider downloading Blast Ball and playing it for a while before buying it. It includes the tutorial for Federation Force.

If you're still interested in it after that, by all means, buy it. But try it first. Don't rush your wallet and support this game if you're not going to enjoy it.

Except the N64 era followed one of the best Metroid titles of all time

I have a theory about why they apparently shot themselves in the foot with Metroid Federation Force.

They secretly hate Metroid franchise and want it to die so they make something they know will piss off the fans and have it not sell at all and they justify in never making another Metroid game again.

On the other hand, if they're wrong and it does sell, they can rehash it left and right and the retarded kids will eat it up and we'll never get another proper Metroid game again or see Samus ever again.

How can you fuck up a concept like metroid prime meets monster hunter?

Nintendo really outdid themselves in making their games as shit and unappealing as possible this time

>meets monster hunter
Literally no similarities other than 4 co-op gameplay and some larger than average monsters. Not every co-op game is a MH clone.


>we went from Prime trilogy to Other M
>now this shit

Im wearing real thin nigga

Nintendo game quality had been dropping since the Wii

And how do you know this will not be the case again?

I got the BB demo as soon as I found out about it. I actually like it, to be honest; the controls aren't awful and the animations aren't bad. I just hope the level design in the full game is on point.

okay, that's tinfoil hat level of speculation, there
>How can you fuck up a concept like metroid prime meets monster hunter?
What, you have played the game?

Fuck off with your fag talk, the problem is a string of games no one wants, much less Metroid fans.

It's been almost a decade since Prime 3 came out. Well over a decade for fans hoping Nintendo throws them a fucking bone for a new 2D entry.

Metroid fans have plenty to be salty about. Get out of here with your "true fan!" bullshit.

>>now this shit
>Im wearing real thin nigga
How do you know this is shit?

Because Other M was not Super Metroid


And? what is your point?

Stop being a whiny bitch and taking this overblown drama seriously. You know people wouldn't be upset about this AT ALL if they had just gave you a vague teaser for a real Metroid game with no release date alongside announcing FF.

They just didn't do that because they want to focus all attention on FF for now. They didn't figure that Metroid fans would be such big idiots that they would see this as "we're abandoning normal Metroid forever"

I'm pretty sure people would have cared about it, especially since 3DS has fuck all games coming out this year. Only thing to look forward to was Monster Hunter and that Zero Escape sequel.

>>Recently, Kensuke Tanabe, producer of Metroid Prime: Federation Force, discussed

When's he gonna discuss making a real Metroid game?????

Then I'd say go for it. As the other guy said, though, you can always get it used if you're not in a rush.

>Well over a decade for fans hoping Nintendo throws them a fucking bone for a new 2D entry.
Don't remind me. I love the Prime series (even Hunters, for what it was), but the 2D games are a completely different beast. Zero Mission is still my favorite game of all time, probably.

I really hope you're being paid to defend this game and aren't doing it for free

The point is, you dense motherfucker, that it is the latest entry and left a bad taste for pretty much everyone. There's been no chance for redemption in sight, and the metroid anniversary null.

Oh, right

>the problem is a string of games no one wants, much less Metroid fans.
One game is not a string.

>It's been almost a decade since Prime 3 came out. Well over a decade for fans hoping Nintendo throws them a fucking bone for a new 2D entry.
Like I said, ture MEtroid fans know this frnachise has slow input. actualkly having a bit of filler is a good thing. Complaining about a game we don't even know is good or not is beyond retardation.

>Metroid fans have plenty to be salty about
No, they have 1 (ONE) game to complain again and that's it. yet they behave as if the Metroid Franchise was handled worst than Sonic.

At least this title is seemingly moving away from the "lol bird magic" crutch that was used all through out ZM, Prime, and Echos with its NOT-Chozo Luminoth

Metroid needs a new inspiration a la the X and Phazon.

Why does Nintendo hate Metroid so much? Is it because it doesn't sell as well as Mario or Zelda?

>r, that it is the latest entry and left a bad taste for pretty much everyone.
Yeah, I know.

And how does that justify hating on a spinn off no one know yet if it is good or not? One doesn't justify the other.

Also, I'd muchprefer them to take their time to make a GOOD metroid games and have a filler in the meantime, rather than them rushing and ruining a new Metroid game.


I am not defending it, I am saying to wait to have something substantial before hating on it.

This hate make zero fucking sense.

>Why does Nintendo still make Metroid games? I guess they really hate that franchise!

>Very visibly pissed off Japanese man gets a segment on Nintendo Direct about clearing up some misconceptions with Federation Force
>Entire argument is "we worked on this for 7 years please understand"

>it's a "metroidfags think their above average niche series somewhat matters" episode
You'll never stop be retarded in the eyes of an F-zero and Mother fan, you know, the actually good series that don't get an actual game in ages.

Thanks for reminding me you and Paper Mario fags are the worst fanbases in the bigger Nintendo fanbase.
>mfw I read stupid metroidfags unironically writing they buy Nintendo consoles just for Metroid games and nothing else

>people getting this mad over a spin off

If anyone needs to stop being a whiny bitch it's you, famalam

Resident Evil Revelations had a working multiplayer and graphics we've never seen on the 3ds since then.
There is.

The hate for it make no sense, I mean, what shoud he do, apologise for Other M sucking whereas he has nothing to do with the development of this game?

>no one know yet if it is good or not?
We have a demo and plenty of coverage to judge the game. It doesn't look good at all. Everything, from the artstyle to the music and even the text font is bland as hell, including level design and bosses. Blast Ball only has proved people right about it being way too slow.

Not saying the hate is not overblown, but it's not exactly baseless either.


>doing things differently is not allowed.

Also, it's a different kind of gameplay.

Go back to your r/metroid circlejerk you underage faggot, jesus christ.

Isn't there already said to be a Metriod title for the NX? FF is supposed to set up the lore for something

one game in 6(six) years

6 years after Another M. literally zero home console Metroid this gen unless you count that dogshit demo in Nintendo land

Sonic has tons of shit but they at least have decent titles (generation) as well

>We have a demo and plenty of coverage to judge the game.
And it has comes out overal positive.
>. It doesn't look good at all.
people who have played it have got funs.

>Blast Ball only has proved people right about it being way too slow.
Isn't the overall reaction on Blast Ball positive? Even people in this thread have said they were having fun with it.

Instead it's moving towards an even more generic Star Wars direction.

Metroid is one the few Nintendo IPs that's unique. F-Zero was great but you're reaching on Mother. It's fanbase is literally Undertale-tier mins the furries

Yep, I remember this clearly. And how Capcom execs said it wouldn't be ported to the PSVita because it needed a big screen and surroundsound to enjoy the horror of the game. Let that stupidity sink in for a second.

There was supposed to be a Metroid for Wii U but it got cancelled because Wii U flopped

Tanabe, Sakamoto, which old and crusty out of touch videogame dev will get the grubby hands on the metroid IP next?

>And it has comes out overal positive.
Any proof of that besides anectodal evidence? I'm not seeing that anywhere.
>people who have played it have got funs.
That doesn't prove anything.
>Isn't the overall reaction on Blast Ball positive?
Again, haven't seen that. At most, I'd say it's 50/50. For me, it's way too luck based, slow and dull.

Open your own thread to be a little bitch in dude.

>Isn't there already said to be a Metriod title for the NX?

It'll probably end up being Federation Force: HD

rounding bullshit excuse. Look at metroid prime hunter, that very well without these crap. Played the demo today, guess what it sucks. Hopefully you can change des controls to touchscreen like mph did.

Silly user. This is a real Metroid game.

There is enough bitching that floods this board from Metroidfags, no need for more.

I understand why people are upset at there not being another Metroid Prime, but I don't get why people are upset enough about that to rail on this one.

Its not even made by the same people, its not like retro dripped this out over months then said "We felt the metroid prime series was a little too serious and dull for some of our younger and elder audience alike, and so we decided to reimagine the metroid series into a co op dungeon crawler shooter!"

I don't care enough about this side project enough to muster the energy to hate it.
I'm more bothered that its not an eShop exclusive title.

Too long without a decent Metroid game already is the point. We haven't had a good Metroid game in two generations, which was not the case with N64.

You stupid fuck.

That doesn't even make sense and would actually be the opposite since Metroid is moving away from its Fantasy themes

Not true in the slightest.

Nobody knows. All we know is there's no Prime game in development, since Tanabe oversees that series and has confirmed that he isn't working on one. Sakamoto isn't involved with the series either, since he's interested in making smaller games like WarioWare, Rhythm Heaven or Mii stuff nowadays. Retro might be working on a non-Prime Metroid for all we know, but it's all speculation at this point.

It is completely fucked that a minigame in Nintendo Land is the best Metroid game in the past 9 years.

It's because they took a really interesting idea for a spin-off and did the most boring thing imaginable with it.

Eshop exclusive is a sure fire way to kill your game senpai

It may not be Retro but is the same product/director

Because it's made by NLG. They're only good for recycling games and sometimes even with less stuff

You literally just came to this thread to bitch you're not getting your favorite franchise instead. You're no better my man.

Yeah, tell that to AA5.

That was the moment I knew Metroid, as I knew it, was dead. Fucking nintendo injecting their chibi garbage into everything.

It's not fair bros. Why is Nintendo betraying their loyal Metroid fanbase with this piece of shit shovelware? They are literally spitting in our faces with this crap.

Shit like this makes Nintendo no better than Sony.

>The hate for it make no sense
It does. People don't want a Metroid side game, people want a real new big-scale AAA Metroid game. There was some hope for that these past years, but all we got was Federation Force, which is why nobody feels particularly kind to it. It's not FF's own fault, it's just that it's taking a place of something else and really is not up to par at all.

For example, imagine a person who is starving. They haven't eaten for a week. You tell them you got a real good present for them, and then give them an Xbox 360 with Kinect. As theys cream at you and break down crying, would you really stand there asking what's the problem with a perfectly good console? Kinect is not the best thing in the universe, but it had its reaison d'etre, and 360 was a decen enough console, so why all the hate, right?


Their earlier project was a 2D metroid. Nintendo seems insistent on fucking up Metroid's aesthetic.

So either buy a bad game nobody wants

or let your favorite game series die


It's pretty obvious they made it Chibi in order to put Miis in the fucking game.

Yeah and towards a direction with generic looking technology and big Star Wars space battles and wannabe Star Wars music.

This. They pitched a prototype for a new 2D Metroid before making Dark Moon. It's not NLG's fault in the slightest.

I can't unsee this stupid-ass frog as her chestpiece.