Graphics don't matter, why can't games just have PS2 graphics...

>Graphics don't matter, why can't games just have PS2 graphics? Remeber when games used to be focused on GAMEplay and not hyperrealism?

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I can overlook a game with crappy graphics and good gameplay, but not a game with nice graphics and shitty gameplay.



He's ugly but he's also right.

He's right you know. Would you rather play Sengoku Rance or a pretty 2deep4u walking simulator?

Newsflash, most PS2 games suck now owing to having aged like ass. Everyone else will just be over here enjoying both good graphics and further refined gameplay. Enjoy being stuck in the nu-metal age.

because large devs are incentivized to make graphics better with each new game, the speed of making games goes down.
PS2 had three grand theft autos (not counting 'stories' spinoffs), three devil may crys, three Ace Combats, three onimushas and so on and so on
If I could have three mediocre 'I can count the polygons' good games or one 'that face looks almost like a real face' good game, I'd definitely take three

Not in the opposite boat per say since I love psone graphics, but I find myself enjoying games like FFXIII and Metroid: Other M because of their atmosphere which is very dependent on their graphical fidelity.

>Newsflash, most PS2 games suck now owing to having aged like ass.
I used to think this until I got a component cable and realize just how fucking garbage composite is. That by itself got a lot of PS2/XBox/GameCube games to hold up today.

Imagine PS2 graphics in modern games, how much more you could fit in an open world game. It would be far better than modern shit where you have to load every door


I wish games would have simpler, stylized graphics but go for things that a pretty game like GTAV can't have due to how good it looks. I don't know, maybe something like more scenery destruction, more things onscreen, more interiors and so on.

Greentexting an argument with a shitty reaction image is the perfect way to counter it

You could argue that the accepted minimum graphic fidelity for non-indie games has been largely responsible for the slow death of the JRPG, and was absolutely the nail in the coffin for AAA JRPGs. SNES and PSOne JRPGs regularly gave you access to the entire world, with sometimes dozens of towns and dozens of dungeons. Modern Tales games feel like a small collection of maps rather than, you know, the entire world to explore. Final Fantasy started that with X, and I think the disappointment of the airship in X being a menu is one of the biggest letdowns in FF's history. It's ended up shrinking the worlds of these types of games immensely, and I don't feel that any indie "JRPG-style" game has come close to capturing the scope and quality of them. There are exceptions, and the DS remains a bastion of the classic JRPG, but I think the expectations of modern Crysis-level graphics for everything (both from consumer and publisher) has made that style of game nonviable in the market place today.

Yeah, honestly. I love the simple cell shaded graphics wind waker had on the GC, nothing matches it in my book. I can't wait for BOTW. From the demo presentations, I think it's graphics seem well enough balanced with the gameplay to make it visually stunning and very engaging...and we haven't even tasted it on the NX console yet. Hopefully butter.

Other M was fucking ugly.

Id rather have stylized textures/graphics thanks hyper realistic

>Greentexting an argument with a shitty reaction image is the perfect way to counter it

>I think the expectations of modern Crysis-level graphics for everything (both from consumer and publisher) has made that style of game nonviable in the market place today
That's a load of bullshit. People expect great graphics but games with shit graphics sell a lot.

Minecraft is a huge sales phenomenon and it looks like ass. Terraria is a simplistic 2D game and also sold a fuckload. Torchlight games look okay and they sold well.

People can purchase smaller budget/stylized/not so amazing graphics just fine. Sounds like an excuse for the people who can't into making JRPGs anymore.

Aesthetic/artstyle is more important than graphical fidelity. Mega Man Legends looks much better in terms of art and design to me than, say, Street Fighter V, since the models generally look "cleaner," and despite Volnutt having retarded spiky anime hair, it still looks more "clean" than whatever the fuck they did to Ken. And this is all despite it being a PS1 game.

look at house of the dying sun.
low poly, small amount of textures, good lighting.
literally all that's needed to make a game's graphics great.

and obviously good colors.


I can't wait until indie games are all copying ps1 style graphics.

So what you're saying is that games that you have to play are too video gamey and you prefer The Last of Us to Half Life? On that note, how do you feel about Monkey Island?

>per say

GameCube/PS2 level graphics with gameplay stuff we've got better at now, muh fuckin dick

>Weebshit or walking simulator

Neither preferably.

this, my dude

He's right, the sixth gen was by far the best gen, where developers were no longer as impeded by technical limitation but DLC fuckery had yet to be introduced

we've let him down, Sup Forums

Looks like you have no idea what weeaboo means. Sengoku Rance is all about a white man going to Japan to rape people and show how superior his sword is by beating all of the Japs in battle.

Also, SJWs had yet to invade gaming, consoles were still plug and play with no installations or updates, and AA games still existed. It's all been downhill since the seventh generation.

Yeah, I remember when games were good.