Good idea

>Good idea
Allow players to choose dialogue that they'd actually want to say whether it be good, evil or neutral aka any RPG worth its salt

>Bad idea
Force the player to play someone that at worst, can only be chaotic neutral cause the character is still a good guy that can't do anything bad aka Witcher 3

>Good idea
Having character stats that define your character and allow for non violent approaches aka Fallout and Planescape Torment

>Bad idea
Being forced to play a single set character that does nothing but sword fight aka Geralt in Witcher 3

>Good idea
Being able to roleplay a character of several races, genders, etc aka Dragon Age Origin and Morrowind

>Bad idea
Despite the lore saying otherwise, force the character to play only one character aka Geralt in Witcher 3

>Good idea
Having multiple characters that fulfill multiple roles your main PC can't aka Baldur's Gate 1/2

>Bad idea
Being a multiclassing Mary Sue aka Geralt in Witcher 3

>Good idea
Having Batman vision in a Batman game

>Bad idea
Having Batman vision in a non-Batman game aka Witcher 3

Other urls found in this thread: game aka Witcher 3/type/op/

>Witcher 3

Pick only 1.

>bad witcher face idea

You play the role of a witcher...


>mary sue

Stopped reading right there

Playing a self insert with no personality doesn't work as well as you think and you're more likely than not the chosen one. Learn to appreciate different kinds of story telling.

Lemme show you how it's done OP.

>Good idea
Make a post about pointing out flaws in RPGs

>Bad idea
Use it to shitpost about one game you don't like

TW is a VN

It's not Batman vision. Its highlighting intractable objects in the environment. Why you would attach Batman to it is beyond me, since Arkham isn't the only game to employ it, nor the game to first introduce it.

>Playing a self insert with no personality doesn't work as well as you think

>Good idea
Making valid criticisms of games.

>Bad idea
Shitposting about how a game doesn't fit genre conventions when it doesn't even belong to the genre.


nice exception.

>the courier
When will this meme fucking die. He has as much backstory as Geralt does FFS.

Literally every RPG features a "silent protagonist with no personality"

A really big problem with non-violent approaches is how they limit other playstyles. Try to play PS:T without dumping everything into WIS and you'll see what I mean

>Having multiple characters that fulfill multiple roles your main PC can't aka Baldur's Gate 1/2
You realize that approach doesn't work for every RPG, right? It's also asinine to use BG as an example of characters fulfilling roles you can't when you can literally fucking multiclass into everything you need or just go Kensai/Mage and shit all over the game.

>You realize that approach doesn't work for every RPG, right?

OP mentions games like Fallout or Morrowind

No one cares what you think though ahahaha just dont play the game if you dont like it you sound like youre being forced to play it :)

you realize that geralt is a pre-established character from a book series, right?

he's not intended to be a blank slate for you toplay as your edgelord, kill-everyone self insert you humongous faggot

>Good idea
make an all around good game like Witcher 3

>Bad Idea
make a game with great dialogue but has incredibly shitty combat and gameplay outside of conversations

>you realize that geralt is a pre-established character* from a book series**, right?

*a shitty character
**from a shitty book series

>i cant refute this point so ill attempt to redirect the conversation by shitposting

Is it really so hard to autoban all these threads or the IP of OP?

have they said if they'd make more witcher games? not starring geralt of course since now his story is over but set in the same universe

Great post that adresses absolutely no point the post you responded to made.

I think the point of Witcher is that you're not playing your own character, you're just playing a character that's already been dealt to you
you know, like most games do!
It just happens to have a setting that's more common for RPGs than other games

I'm just baffled he shit on W3 for having you be a 'multiclassing mary sue' right after praising Baldur's fucking Gate for the opposite.

>Literally every RPG features a "silent protagonist with no personality"

This is literally not true. Literally learn to use the literal word literally, you literal moron.

So OP isnt into the witcher 3 then what a pointless thread to make and no originality either

It's been an year and people are still mad. The Golden Age.

Cause BG penalizes you for being a multiclasser

t. literal cuck

any half decent VN has more routes than W3 ending slideshows

>babby's first try at shitposting

apply yourself

yeah, the penalties for kensai/mage sure hurt

>witcher 3
>not an rpg

Is zelda an RPG?

maybe just play a different game op

yeah, sure, i can roleplay (as in role playing game) as geralt who promptly gives
>sarcastic yes
>sarcastic remark

as dialogue options

I got that m8

you cant make decisions in zelda

>not an RPG
>you play the role of Geralt, the Witcher in a branching story where you choose which path you take, while leveling up your character and skills on the way

it is, you can roleplay as link

Bad Idea: Playing the Witcher Series
Good Idea:: Playing The Souls Series

>Good Idea
Make a thread to discuss The Witcher 3, otherwise known as the greatest action RPG of our time.

>Bad Idea
Make a bait thread that only serves to spread blatant misinformation.

>an rpg
>you play the role of Geralt, the cuck, in a linear story (with basically no signfificant decisions, except a few ending slideshows) where you can't choose which path you take, as the devs chose it for you, while leveling up stupid stats on the way

welcome to the reality of rpgs

tldr; tumblrinas are still asshurt they can't create a character in every video game

i never denied wrpg being a shit genre

false flag

k weeb

>Good idea
Play 100% out of Witcher 3 and it's DLC packs and enjoy every second of it as it is gotyay.

>Making a game like that come to an end.


Your opinion on the book series is irrelevant to this conversation.

Oh look at what thread we're having YET AGAIN. game aka Witcher 3/type/op/


He has more backstory that the MC of FO3.

I always took the Witcher as a third person action game with some RPG elements.

*a shitty shitpost
**from a blatant shitposter