Just downloaded Facade. What am I in for?
Just downloaded Facade. What am I in for?
You need to leave.
sequel when?
>still no RPG with NPCs that the player can actually type to like in facade
Why has gaming been stagnating for new technologies lately?
An avant-garde experience
Fallout 1 and 2 come to mind off the top of my head
remember to humiliate trip as much as humanly possible for maximum enjoyment
jesus, it's been so long since my last Facade thread that i forget the chicks name. Claire?
Ah, fuck. Thanks.
Declining working conditions caused all the talent in the industry to leave for better jobs.
A genuinely good idea with a genuinely good execution made disappointing by a lack of content.
The game has a fantastic atmosphere, and the characters are fun to listen too, but there's very few ways for them to react, and anything besides a "yes" or a "no" or a "I think you need to talk about X" will simply get a "HUH WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT GONZALES YOU NEED TO LEAVE".
Fantastic experience though. I wish it was remade to be exactly the same, but with 20 times more dialogue options.
is it even possible to get those two fuckers to reconcile with one another? I can never do it. it seems impossible.
can I seduce grace or something
Because making something new and interesting is a risk and risks potentially lose money, and nobody wants to lose money. To the point where we're paying indie devs in advance on kickstarter and even some actual fucking big name devs as well
I don't know who to blame. The problems are everywhere. People feel entitled to thousand dollar smartphones now.
I'm so full of hate for everything it's eating me up
You can do that in a lot of text adventures
Yeah but it was typically limited to 8 or so actions you follow with the object/creature you want to do the action on. No different than clicking the button and clicking the subject in a point + click, really
Fucking this
Companies that do at least try to take risks cough cough Nintendo get completely shat on for it too
> No RPG where you just get to piss about in a small rural town and talk to NPCs, doing stupid shit and seeing how people react
> If you play your cards right you can romance literally anyone
> Small but incredibly detailed world
It would be comfy as shit and market itself. Fuck action, Grand Theft Autist is where it's at
>Download Facade.
>Music audio is fine.
>No voices for Trip or Grace.
>Game is so abandoned/meme bait that there's no helpful info on actually playing it seriously.
Why won't their audio work?
Nintendo's problem is that they try to play right in the middle of "risk" and "safe" and wind up fucking up both sides. I like the tablet but because they wanted the console to be affordable it has a shit screen (2 dead pixels 6 months after i got it) and an awful battery. But it's so comfortable. And the pro controller is FANTASTIC but AFAIK not bundled with any Wii U package, at least, not for a long while after the console launched.
And in other areas they are painfully behind, sony has had 2 consoles with decent online services, microsoft has 3 now, and nintendo fucked around with friend codes and other such nonsense for the wii..
I love listening to their ideas but i fucking hate actually trying to use the final result
When the fuck has Nintendo taken a single risk in their entire existence?
Oh man those new Mario and Zelda games sure are sparking up a lot of controversy over whether they're gonna succeed or not.
I miss Fitz
>still no good grace r34
Disappointing desu
There's nothing even remotely unique or new about Facade. Typing in things to be said has been a thing in games since forever, Facade just does it in first person with very, very, very few actual viable commands. It's a fucking meme game and you know it. If you want to play actually "innovative" games there IS shit to go around with. But playing concepts is goddamn boring because concepts are just that, concepts. Go play VR if you long for an "adventure" in "innovation".
Great. prance around on a high horse and mention VR. There goes whatever was left of this thread
Do anyone have any idea how its work. Im kind of interesting in this
I wanna cuck Trip lmao what kind of fucking name is Trip no wonder his bitch didn't hesitate when I kissed her she secretly craved my cock and that faggtron Trip did nothing NOTHING at all about it.
You're a fucking disgrace Trip. This is why ISIS is right.
The point is, they did it in a way that it actually convinced people that they were innovating. There were always chatbots, but never in an actual "World" like this before. It might be heavily scripted, but expectations are low. Part of the fun comes from breaking shit. I would legit pay money for a sequel with more content, responses and shit to do. Maybe like .
>Animal Crossing with Facade's conversation system
Yes, please.
>AFAIK not bundled with any Wii U package
Zombi U bundle in EU did
BotW, SM3DW, SF0 (obviously backfired), Splatoon, funding Bayo 2, their various control innovations (sticks, motion, dual-screen, touchscreens)
I think VR is a gimmick. I'm making fun of people who constantly want innovation instead of just new fun games. I don't care for gimmicks, which I learned after the Wii.
But it doesn't work well, it'd take so much time just to make a bigger game where they'd respond to shit. Play through it again. It's not entertaining.
In real gameplay, you'll be spamming your keyboard trying to figure out which commands actually DID something.
There is literally nothing wrong with motion controls, it's how developers use it that counts, and most were lazy about it that gen hence the negative reaction. Motion aim is miles better than sticks, sticks are have extremely limited precision.
Well. I beg to differ. At the end of the day they added nothing to any game and none that had it be a big part interested me. Playing Super Mario Galaxy with it, it was such a tacked on thing and so unnecessary.
It was 99% useless in them because it was barely developed.
>In real gameplay, you'll be spamming your keyboard trying to figure out which commands actually DID something.
That's why you make a lot of commands to make it feel realistic, to a better extent than Facade. Holy shit.
Arrow keys move. Letters type. Mouse to look. Left click to interact/pick up/put down. Right click to use held objects. Controls aren't the main issue.
They would have to make something tiny and richly detailed. Like puts it, this sort of format would work best in a really small environment with a lot of detail - a dozen or two characters, each with a little more detail than Trip. Considering the people who made Facade had basically zero budget, a AA or AAA studio would probably be able to handle it really well.
And then there's the memes that would basically market the game for you.
>That's why you make a lot of commands to make it feel realistic, to a better extent than Facade. Holy shit.
You have no idea how much time it'd take to do this. Program commands, have an appropriate response to it ... and then you want it full length?
Thanks for proving my point - the problem is the games, not the control scheme itself which is actually significantly more precise than sticks (especially motion plus/wii u gamepad/dualshock 4)
An example of a game that uses motion controls well would be MK8, Splatoon, and the Metroid Prime Wii collection. Not sure on PSMove/Sixaxis stuff, I think there was a time crisis game that worked really well iirc.
What about programming a proper AI?
Isn't this the "perfect game" idea that Warren Spector has? a RPG based on a small area that is extremely detailed? It would require a good dev team to pull it off really well
The guys who made Facade worked on basically no budget. If they can do something with a roughly acceptable degree of detail, a AA or AAA budget could absolutely do so.
In theory, you just need to write a shitton of lines for responses. Most people will just 'wat' things that are total non-sequiturs, so that's a big chunk.
It just needs a whole load of money, the more cash the better the game.
Doesn't matter. AI can be flowcharts.
People who made Facade didn't even have a budget and it was made by two guys. Topkek. It would take less time to develop than a fucking id Software or Rocksdtar game. You have no idea how game development works and it shows.
The reason why it doesn't exist is because it's too unique and hard to pull off well. Simple.
Pretty much.
Now we just need to convince someone to give us funding towards "Grand Theft Autist" (Working title).
I think you can do that in everquest
The more characters the more lines the more time. A project this size would take a fuckton of time. There are so many different lines of dialogue the player could chew out, resulting in the AI having to react properly and then different characters reacting differently. Do I even need to go on? How about writing all the lines, voice acting, and who'll pay for it all? Money will ALWAYS be an issue. Facade is a tiny shit project with two equally garbage voice actors voicing a poorly made game with a unique concept and that's the bottom line. If someone made a long game with characters that responded, yeah I'd be interested, but who the fuck would bother developing that? Would enough people even pay for it?
Comparing a bigger Facade to current Facade is such a joke. There's a handful of commands they actually respond to.
Have I gone back in time?
Who said it needed to be long? Hell, it might be more interesting if it were limited to 15 minutes, in like a high school setting or something.
Set it in a rural backwater and you have a justification for only around thirty characters.
It doesn't even need to be a narrative, it could just be a sandbox with problemd and shit that already exist that the player has to deal with. And they can only deal with problems by talking, or maybe throwing bricks, so that's interesting.
There's a lot of ways it can be simplified. I genuinely believe that the only reason it hasn't been done before is because it's too odd to invest heavily into, and a lot of voice lines are a must.
Is Trip the vidya Chris Hansen?
>Take a seat, right over there.
The new Shroud of the Avatar mmo is doing this.
>only around thirty characters
This'd take so fucking long to make and never be around 15 minutes long with the amount of stuff you're asking from it. First off, fluid, realistic dialogue would add so much pure playtime.
Realistic fluid dialogue isn't as hard as it seems. Think about a conversation. Really think. At any point there's only a few real things you could possibly say, and most of the open ended crap can be handwaved away; "I don't want to tell you". "None of your business". The player could be someone new to the town, for instance, or to the school.
Part of the fun would be using accumulated knowledge to break shit.
OP here I've already tried playing like ten times
user, there's people that are going to buy No Man's Sky. If there's demand and supply for that, then there can surely be demand and supply for Facade 2: Electric Boogaloo.
You seemed to have forgotten that even a little more funding than what Facade had will go miles. There's a lot better engines for indie shitters to use now as well. Voice acting is the only issue and how fast the dev team can crunch, that's it. But considering how Fallout 4 has 2 playable characters that say Yes, No, Yes or Sarcastic, I'd say it's easily possible.
have it like a murder mystery or any problem of some sort, kinda like facade
Now there's an idea.
Also, czech'd
I'd do more joke shit like full on Sup Forums shit but the game takes forever to start up again
>i don't really care about all your relationship bullshit
I painted this..
I am an artist, Trip. FUCK YOU.
>that looks like shit
I think you need to leave
>A deal's a deal GONZALO. Now uh..maybe you can help me figure out where i went wrong with this decorating?
I remember he hints that Trip isn't his real name, but i'm not sure what is actually is.
Travis, his mother's phone call says his real name.
>Finally got them to get to an agreement
But when can I seduce Grace and / or convince Trip we're cheating on him?