Why is he so fucking worthless?

Why is he so fucking worthless?

>drop shield, but it explodes too fast
>shitty ult
>shit flanker
>can't kill snipers for shit

what the fuck is the stupid monkey even good for

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he's a bodyguard hero. keeps all your squishies alive if they go heavy on DPS offensive heros.

Also he can jump all the snipers and shock them down quick. Unless you're jumping over their five teammates and wondering why you get focus fired so quickly.

Don't talk shit about harambe



He lost his effectiveness with the retarded McCree buff



He's most effective against hard to characters like Genji, Tracer and Mercy. Other than that he's a good distraction who can take some of the damage away from your main tank.

>Purpose is to jump behind enemy lines to get squishes
>Explodes instantly if you do that against a remotely decent team
>Takes FOREVER to kill a Mercy because she has a long range jump on a 2 second cooldown and will get away with 3% hp 9/10 of the time

Just bananaslama my shit up senpai

His numbers are too low.

- Only has 100 armor, needs more
- Barrier only has 600 hp, needs at least 1000
- Primal Rage's melee swings only deal 40 damage per hit, IIRC. Make it 75 like Reinhardt's hammer so he's actually dangerous
- Tesla cannon has pathetic DPS, which makes ambushing for quick kills kinda meh


they should rename him to loseston

Why is he so worthless?

>5 hp/s heal or pathetic movespeed boost that doesnt even work without line of sight
>wall climb passive that is so situational and easy to read that it's only used for fucking around pregame
>shittiest weapon in the game, bar none, nothing more than a spam machine
>random push ability that wont stop anyone for more than two seconds and fucks with your teammates shots
>ability to make your aura mediocre for three seconds
>zarya shield as ult, lasts for literally five seconds, and even before then tapers off at 100 hp/s

Has anyone found a use for this shitter?

I think you're going to far

-Make him do triple damage against buildings while in ult form
>Telsa damage scales depending on enemy hero HP (The less health they have total, the more damage it does, promoting his squishy focus without it just being a general damage buff)
>Shield gets 750 hp

You know who's worthless? Ana.
Other supports can do way better than her.

The issue is Ana requires SO much more work/skill to do well with compared to the rest of the supports.


Dafuq are you on? I'm swimming on gold eliminations with this guy. Snipers/healers get down on their knees and beg for monkey dick instead of death.

hes about putting pressure on the enemy and hes decisive on over time

>one of the most popular heroes in competitive

I do not think you lot know what you're talking about.

I know you're taking the piss, but i'd still like to add something
>Randomly changes the movespeed of his teammates so they strafe and back off ledges and fall to their death

This shit has been happening to me recently, and it's at least once per game when there's a lucio around. I'm mad as hell.

Yes, and that's why I always lose with Ana on my team.
New Zenyatta is way better if you want a second support/damage dealer.

>drop shield, enemy ignores your team now and tries to deal with bubble or they move into it, either way you've directed how they act
>leap anywhere you want to escape or engage
>no aim gun for dealing with annoying flankers
>ult to keep enemies off the objective
he's pretty great

Yeah I'm fucking loving Zenyetta.

>Lucio can out-damage him in close range even with all his health

Even with the 1 hero limit?

If you aren't keeping him alive, he's going to boost himself away from Reaper.
>Literally blaming Lucio for you falling off a ledge
You're stupid.

I know people say Winston is a counter for Tracer. But has anyone here kited a Winston or been kited to death by a good Tracer? At worst, she just fucks off to grab a health pack and is back the next ten seconds to harass you again.

Winston is not a counter for Tracer at all. The best you can have against Tracer is a good McCree.

He was only popular because he was the only good flank tank, and could be stacked to make up for his shortcomings.

The latest patch has removed hero stacking and buffed D.Va to the moon, which destroyed his niche, basically.

at medium lvl good tracers shit on winston hard. at most all he can do is annoy her.

She's easy as fuck and her healing is absurd. 2 shots takes your damage dealers from near dead to full, and you can heal up a tank about as quick with the grenade buff. If you have 2 beefy fuckers on your team you'll charge ult in one engagement, and it's a pretty sweet ult to have. And she can also help take down those floaty fucking pharas, not that anyone plays her anymore with the state McCree is in nowadays.

The only thing she's got that requires any skill is the sleep dart.

That's retarded, then he becomes the ultimate mop up machine.


>turn corner as Winston
>eat two shots from Reaper

He's so weak.

Also fuck Roadhog. Bitch has no counter. Is a Tank, DPS, and Healer all in one.

lucio and mercy are at least 100x easier to play than ana.

Diva is so fucking good right now. Always having defense matrix ready is insane, you can counter damn near everything, ultimates or not.

zen is definitely hogs counter.

Reaper says hi

Winston doesn't counter tracer in the slightest, if anything it's the opposite. To reliably kill tracer you need burst damage or CC. Winston has neither.

Someone did the math and Ana's healing is like 12% stronger assuming you land every single hit, which is a lot harder than Mercy's stream. A lot harder.

I've always found him useful.
If the enemy team is spread out he can't be stopped from wiping out all the DPS and is incredibly effective against Hanzo/Widow/Genji which are in every game out there.
I think most people don't use his shield as an ability counter.

Gibraltar attack is his strongest environment for sure.

Still ignores 90% of defensive abilities, still doesnt need to aim and can still drop steaming loads on snipers better than anyone else in the game.

Ana with Lucio can heal stupid fast.
Grenade has a deceptively small hitbox though and it's annoying having your fatass teammate walk in front of the target you're sniping.

Mercy isn't in a great state right now, and she's even more defenseless than ana. Lucio needs a mercy/ana/zen to be any good. And Zen actually does require some skill. While with ana, as long as you have 2 beefcakes you only have to press q on a teammate every now and again and you win.

The only thing I agree with is that he needs more armor.

As it stands, he can jump on Widow and Hanzo all he wants, but he STILL LOSES in dps even at his optimal range.

No he can't.

Going against a half decent hanzo is a nightmare as winston. Dead in three hits

AoE, rather

if you can get in when scatter arrow is down you can almost always win.

Lucio's only good skins are the mascot ones

>did the math
Mercy is 50 hp/s, ana 75 per hit with 1.1 shots per second. The grenade does 100 and doubles the efficiency of any further healing. That's a little over 50% more than mercy normally, and thrice when in a pinch with an additional burst of 100. In an aoe. Grenade and two shots ends up healing for 400, in the same time mercy can only do 100. Ana is really phenomenal for keeping beefy fucks on the frontline, and as a result charges her ultimate extremely fast.

You can also heal from a safe distance, heal anyone in your LOS without having to put yourself at risk, and don't have a "please rape my face" marker extending from your target. And she's not hard to hit with, the hitbox for teammates is even more lenient than what Hanzo used to have, and if they're far away you can scope to get hitscan. I can see her being meh on consoles, but she's not at all hard to play on PC. Her ult is a great deal easier to use than Mercy/Lucio's as well.

Even so, he's calmly maneuvering with me and fully charging his arrow at my colossal head. He doesn't even bother trying to run from my bubble and stays in it so that his arrows don't get blocked.

Why does crouching not change your hitbox?

It doesn't?


I've been regularly headshot while crouching behind the point, watching the killcam they shot my healthbar (my entire body hidden behind the point) and I drop like a rock

Oh wow, I didn't know that, I try to crouch when I'm the only one escorting the payload and something is shooting at me from far away. If this is true, then the only point of crouching is to be more quiet when sneaking.

hes meant to take down squishes r-tard like tracer zenyatta mercy

dont try to one v one any other heroes or you will get wrecked.

Source MLG wintson

>meant to kill squishies
>they just group up together to fuck up your auto-aim lightning gun
>explode like the worthless fuck you are

if they group up together it just means you hit all of them at once. It doesn't change the damage output per-target

Winston is top tier.






Thread tagged as misleading. Blizzcucks in full damage control mode.

>can't kill snipers for shit
looks like somebody doesn't know how to play winson

>Can't kill snipers for shit.
Maybe because he was designed so snipers were his counter?

>can't kill snipers for shit
Bullshit. I got gold in eliminations last game doing just that.

>can't kill snipers for shit
are we playing the same character?

You kidding me bro? Winston wrecks snipers, especially Ana who cannot get away.


>Sleep dart tracer
>Teammates are all dead so I decide to just pop her with a shot and leg it
>Recall removes the DoT instantly
I know I should've expected it but I'm still a little butthurt


>Shit flanker
Now thats just wrong and what makes him good, his main job is disrupting the enemy team.

Problem with Winston at the moment is he got hit hard by the D.va buff and the 1 hero limit. Winston was fucking insane when you stacked two of them. His weapon does 60DPS but when you combined two for a 120DPS frontal AoE that requires no aim it was deadly.

He's still good its just that there's hardly any reason to pick him over D.va now, she can flank just as well and hero re-worked defense matrix makes her a way better tank then him. Winston still shits on Genji and Tracer more than most tanks because of his weapon auto aiming.

It's always a pleasure to see genjis dying so fast

>Winston's tesla cannon does 54 damage per second
>Mercy heals 50 damage per second
>Zenyatta heals 30 damage per second
>Ana heals 75 damage per second, or 100 with grenade
>Soldier 76 heals 35 damage per second
>All melee attacks do 30 damage per second

I like how all these basic abilities can essentially make Winston's damage absolutely minimal.

Hell, winston doesn't even have an purpose anymore other than Widow/Hanzo counter now that Ana hard counters him and mccree can shit on him, not to mention reaper always being able to tear through him.

Then you step out.
The bubble stops enemy projectiles from going in and from coming out. so if Hanzo or any enemy goes in, you step out, and if they are out, you step back in.


>not killing the healer first
that's your fucking problem, Winston is just fine.
He doesn't need any buffs, his Tesla Cannon can't be reflected and it can affect up to 3 people at once.

His ultimate isn't meant to do damage you tards, its meant to bring his health back up and become the ultimate distraction while breaking the enemy team formation, and knocking anyone you can off the map.

The jump ability does damage itself as well.
Literally just for monkey business.

Winston can 1v1 any squishy character comfortably if you aren't ass.

I love his leaping ability so much. It's like how you leap as hunter in L4D2, and it recharges so fucking fast.

His ult is kind of useless compared to most other character's ults, but it is good for when you want to be a persistent distraction. Just go in there and fight them like normal for as long as you can, then activate your ult when you are about to die and boom, you have full 1000 health and your leap has a cooldown of like one second

He's meant to provide initiations and distractions. You dive the enemy team backline as or just after your team starts to push, and with a well-placed bubble around the enemies, around yourself, or between the enemy and your team, you can have your team in a great position to take the point, especially if you follow all this with ult.

Outside of coordinated pushes, he's only really good as a flanker who can also support with the bubble shield.

the shield should be buffed back to it's original 1k health, the point of nerfing it was because people stacked winstons and you cant do that shit in competitive anymore.

>be lucio
>see winston
and that's it, you die

Roadhog's downside is he builds charge for the enemy team insanely easy, thats 600 health of ulti charge, hitting Reinhardt's Barrier or DVA's matrix does fuck all for your charge, but you best be sure Hog's HP does.

and now he has a larger incentive to take damage because self healing gives him ult charge which means he's going to take more risks and now Ana can completely shut down his self healing because that grenade can fucking fly if you throw it right.

I am not the guy you are replying to and I mostely agree. But I just want to point out how weird that jump damage is... it has damage fall off and even though wiki says it can deal 50 damage I couldn't get that much while testing it ever. Under normal circumstances you will be lucky to deal around 20 dmg and when you land right at them or even on them you deal like some random damage between 35-45. That jump damage is more or less an unreliable joke like a fart into their face or something. Honestly, It would be cooler if Winston could just fart into their face while jumping away and deal like a poison damage over time up to 50 than that unreliable blast after landing.

>Can enable pushes on his own forcing the enemy to disband their defences
>If left alone fries all your Squishies
The only reason people think Winston is worthless because you are using him as a maintank instead of having a second one enabling the push past the defense while you wreck havoc in the backline of the enemy.

Total shot in the dark, but it looks like the artist MIGHT be Saberfish.

Don't know the sauce though.

the jump damage is just a little bonus. I've more successfully used it to knock people off the map a number of times

>tfw building 3 ults in under a minute because of our roadhog
ana and roadhog are a match made in heaven

No, the reason winston is worthless is because he barely does more damage than spamming melee(fucking nothing) while he dies in two hits from reaper.

Now that you can't stack him anymore he's pretty fucking shit.

thats whats sort of shit about him though. he's not good in his own role. he should be placed in Defense or something.

That change doesn't really matter now does it?

Winston's ult is literally an ult building tool for the enemy more than it is anything. Any time a Winston pops ult with his massive hitbox, I gain 35-60% ult on average as any class.

And because he can't deal more than 400 damage per ult (40 per swing over 2 seconds) he is unlikely to kill anyone, and everyone can just put their sights on him for free ult.

Also new Zenyatta with 200HP can out DPS Winston, Lucio requires your entire clip plus a melee if he is at full health in healing mode, and if you go after mercy, he pocket will kill you because her healing makes you deal a pathetic 4 damage per second.

And now ana is Winston's kryptonite as she is a sniper who can literally lock him down from every angle while both sniping and supporting her team.

Winston's only utility is double Winston KOTH and being a widow/hanzo hard counter.

So once every 20 games?